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Why are we on this earth?what is the purpose for each of our lives here on this planet.?

There are billions of human beings and billions of sea, land and air borne animals, why are we here?.. for what reason .is it just to take birth,eat,sleep, reproduce and then die. is there a greater purpose which we are unaware of or is it just a journey which we take in different forms.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most persons do not even suspect the existence of God and naturally they are not very keen about God. There are others who, through the influence of tradition, belong to some faith or another and catch the belief in the existence of God from their surroundings. Their faith is just strong enough to keep them bound to certain rituals, ceremonies or beliefs and rarely possesses that vitality which is necessary to bring about a radical change in one’s entire attitude towards life. There are still others who are philosophically minded and have an inclination to believe in the existence of God either because of their own speculations or because of the assertions of others. For them, God is at best an hypothesis or an intellectual idea. Such lukewarm belief in itself can never be sufficient incentive for launching upon a serious search for God. Such persons do not know of God from personal knowledge, and for them God is not an object of intense desire or endeavor.

    This is a synopsis of a book entitled "God Speaks." The book was written in 1955 by Meher Baba and explains the meaning of life.

    Life is a journey that God is traveling.

    The first phase of God's journey is evolution. It is initiated from a totally unconscious God as if an infinite Ocean of Knowledge, Power and Bliss were in a state likened to deep sleep. This unconscious God speaks the First Word "Who am I?". This question disrupts the limitless, undivided, absolute vacuum, and its reverberations create individualized souls, compared to drops or bubbles within the Ocean. By speaking the First Word, God establishes the process of Creation, in which he assumes evolving forms to gain increasing consciousness.

    Individuality is the vehicle of this quest. Evolution marks a series of temporary answers to "Who am I?" The soul traverses a multitude of forms, beginning with simples gases and proceeding slowly through inanimate stone and mineral forms. These early evolutionary stages obviously have only the most rudimentary consciousness and cannot provide a satisfactory answer to God's original question.

    The original query thus provides a continuing momentum for the drop soul to develop new forms each with greater consciousness, including the many plant and animal beings. Every evolutionary kingdom reveals new dimensions of consciousness and experience. Each also offers opportunities to gain different kinds of awareness. For example, when the soul identifies itself with varied species of fish, it experiences the world as a creature living in water conversely, as a bird, it enriches its consciousness by flying through air.

    When the drop soul finally evolves to human form, consciousness is fully developed, but an individual is still not aware of the potential of his or her consciousness.

    So the original "Who am I?" imperative persists and inaugurates the second phase: reincarnation. Since consciousness is fully developed, there is no longer a need for evolving new forms. The individual's experience, gathered in early stages of evolution, is now humanized and expressed in countless lifetimes. The impulses gained in sub-human forms can play themselves out in the broader context of intelligence, emotions, choices, diverse setting and interactions with people.

    But obviously no single lifetime can bear the burden of "humanizing" the entire evolutionary inheritance randomly or simultaneously. There must be a method for re-experiencing the pre-human legacy in manageable segments. The soul thus experiences alternately a series of opposites, organized according to themes. Accordingly, in different lives, the soul becomes male and female, rich and poor, vigorous and weak, beautiful and ugly. Through exploring the potential of these many opposites, one eventually exhausts all possible human identities and, therefore, has fully learned the entire range of human experience.

    Here begins the third phase: involution, the process by which the soul returns to the full awareness of the Divine Force, which created him. As Meher Baba puts it, "When the consciousness of the soul is ripe for disentanglement from the gross world (the everyday world of matter and forms), it enters the spiritual path and turns inward."

    Like evolution, involution has certain states and stages, consisting of "planes" and "realms." But individuality continues along this spiritual path, and there are as many ways to God as there are souls.

    Each new plane denotes a state of being that differs from the states that proceeded it. The first three planes are within the subtle world or domain of energy, "pran." There follows the fourth plane, the threshold of the mental world, where misuse of great power for personal desire can lead to disintegration of consciousness.

    The fifth and sixth planes represent true sainthood, which is understood to be increasing intimacy with God as the Beloved. On the sixth plane, the mind itself becomes the inner eye that sees God everywhere and in everything. "The loving of God and the longing for His union," says Meher Baba "is fully demonstrated in the sixth plane of consciousness."

    The seventh plane marks true and lasting freedom. Impressions go. Duality goes. The drops burst and again become the Ocean. God answers his question of "Who am I?" with "I am God." The Infinite has returned to the original starting point. He now knows, however, with full consciousness and full awareness that he was, is and always will be infinite with infinite Knowledge, Power and Bliss. And he realizes that the entire journey has been an illusory dream, the purpose of which is the full awakening of his soul.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it is true that we birth, eat, sleep then die. Thats general. Thats what Majority, if not all, are doing throughout the globe.

    Each of us are crucial to every species on Earth. We have the power to control. And literally CONTROL. We MADE Global Warming possible, thus affecting most of our life on Earth.

    We have the technology, to help, make lives better. We mainly live to discover new unknowns. What was not discovered decades ago, now we have. But there are more.

    We live on Earth to search for extraterrestrial life. We might have the universe in our hands for what we know.

    These mentioned, are the briefly touched on purpose of our lives on Earth. And yet, we still ask, why are we here?

    I, sometimes ponder. Are we here for an experiment? Some sort of "animals"? Like hamsters? Where there are larger than life people "looking" after us?

    There are many fews and opinions people can share. But what is the truth? We do not know for sure.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Most often no we don't. I think in some cases some people are aware or have a fairly clear understanding of certain aspects of their main purpose or minor purposes. A life here is not about one specific purpose, it entails millions of them!!! Just as an example: How many people do you think might see/read this? In how many ways would your question and my answer effect the thoughts of all those people? Each aspect of that would be an effect or purpose of your life and mine existing here now. We're not aware of what those results might be.... The same holds true with most all facets of each persons life experience here.

  • 1 decade ago

    “Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless.” –Bertrand Russell

    Reproduction, eating, sleeping, etc. are not purposes. Nature doesn't do purpose. A purpose assumes that there is a larger plan. Nature doesn't do plans.

    So if we reject God, we reject all hope of real purpose and our lives are meaningless and pointless.

    So seek our Creator for to find God is to find both Him and real purpose.

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  • 1 decade ago

    WE are on this earth cause this is the only place to live. Wer need to live and make more humans for the survival of us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mariska Hargitay...

    Mariska Hargitay....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a good qustion & i impressed.

    But my Dear frnd, accurate answer to given is can not be possibal to anyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    hey!could u c ur eyelids?this is impossible.ur ques is like this.

    SPRITUALLY man was born to attain the almighty.he should know that this world is changeable and he must die a day.

    SCIENTIFICALLY man was born to maintain the ecosystem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i believe in the existensial view,we have to find our own reasons for existing,and try not to worry about things we can't understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    You'd do better asking this in the "Philosophy" section.

    Science cannot answer this kind of existential "Why" question, unfortunately.

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