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How to Overclock CPU?

My motherboard is a Asus P5N-e SLI, My processor is a Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, My ram is 2x1gb PC2-6400 DDR2. Now I want to overclock my CPU. I would ultimately like it to be at around 3GHz (Ive seen higher with this CPU, But 3 is perfect for Me). How would I go about doing this in a Step by Step fashion?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ok go to ur bios, unlink ur ram from fsb, then raise ur fsb a bit, then see if u boot into windows, if u get a BSOD, then raise the voltages a bit, (probably fsb voltage) then try to load into windows again, then if u have any more BSOD's u can raise ur cpu core voltage a bit, then see if that helps, then run prime95 for at least 12 hrs (reccomeded 24hrs) to see if ur settings are stable. i have a Q6600 also, i got mine to 3.2Ghz stable :) (didnt wanta push it anymore)

  • 5 years ago

    I highly doubt you could do anything with that computer besides throwing it away. If it's a brand name computer like HP, Dell, Sony etc. They usually lock the features in the BIOS making you unable to adjust any frequencies or voltages. You're computer is so out dated. Only 512mb of ddr2 ram, small hdd, old CPU and Motherboard, probably integrated graphics. I'm guessing that this computer is well over 3 years old. Time to upgrade. Even if you COULD overclock it wouldn't do much for you. Any more questions? Glad to help.

  • 1 decade ago

    For one, you want to do all the OCing through the BIOS. Next, it is advised that the you install a fan, if you don't already have one, on the Northbridge as the higher FSB will cause it to emit that much more heat.

    Now, once you're in the BIOS, look for the advance CPU options and change the FSB to either 333MHz or 1333MHz depending on how the BIOS is laid out.

    Leave everything else on default. If the computer is unstable, up the voltage a notch.

  • 1 decade ago

    Would you look at that, i have the same motherboard.

    Ok, turn onyour computer and immediately keep pressing del until you get into a menu.

    Should be called phienox something

    keep scrolling until you find OC performance or something, just click it and you can chosoe to overclock by 5,10,15 or 20 %

    i'll look this up now cuz i havnt overclocked my cpu for ages

    -3.2ghz pentium @ 3.84-

    Source(s): 13 y/o system builder
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  • 1 decade ago

    follow the instructions that the first dude who answerd

    ur question have given u ... and if ur planning to over clock

    ur cpu more than 3 ghz use a better cooling fan not the

    one that comes with the processor ...

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Goto this forum and join it:

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