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i moved in with my boyfriend but now he's driving me crazy!?

When we met we immediately fell in "love" we both just got out of long termed relationships with someone that broke our hearts and we found a safety net within each other but now he won't let me breathe and gets mad we i leave him in the house by himself should i mov on or tell him how i feel again even though we've been ove this a million times i really do love him but need my space and he refuses to give it to me. WHAT SHOULD I DO? I'm only 19 and he's 21 and he acts like he's my child sometimes i'm so confused and frustrated

24 Answers

  • evlma
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    tell him you are a real life human being, and you need to live a life that's not totally controlled by someone else. If he wants a stuffed doll you'll buy him one and he can control that.

    Tell him you are not going to live like that, and he'd better start giving you some space and respect or you are gone.

    That might snap him into reality. Most guys and girls need a little help getting things into perspective when they start out in love. I mean sure you want him to let you know where he is if he's gone and what's up if he's coming home late, and he wants that too, but to control your movements is out of order.

    Of course if you are always out running around with friends out late without letting him know, and don't feel a need to be accountable at all to a partner, then you are not ready for this thing either. Even roommates who care about each other like to know if something is up so they don't have to worry if the room mate doesn't show for a while. A partner wants to spend time and wants to know when that's going to happen like at dinner, so they can plan and kind of have an idea of your movements so they can look out for you, which is normal and healthy.

    People do need time apart though, but usually there is a sort of honey moon period where they want to be inseparable, but sometimes one feels that way longer than the other.

    There is always some stuff between people, especially lovers when they move in and adjust, but you do have to look out for your space and your place and territory, and fighting for it is pretty normal, it's how things work out. No old couple that's achieved a good balance and made it a life time did so peaceably ... love is war baby lol. Fight for yours but give some within reason (if they will too) if you want it to work.

  • ljwaks
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your boyfriend is possessive and easily hurt because he is insecure.

    You entered a relationship right off the rebound, so I would guess you are also insecure.

    Two insecure people simply cannot form a workable relationship. Period.

    Now that you know you feel trapped and suffocated, you must leave the relationship. There is no need to explain. Young, insecure men can become hostile and even violent, so if I were you I would not explain. I would pack and leave and not give him your address or phone number. You do not owe him an explanation.

    Once you are safe in a new residence send him a note, without a return address. Tell him that you had to leave for yourself. Tell him that this had absolutely nothing to do with him (it didn't). Tell him that you are getting settled in a new situation, and that seeing him or even talking to him for a while will only slow you down in your necessary growth. Thank him for the time you spent together. Tell him that you were insecure when you started the relationship, but do not tell him anything about himself.

    Then take some time to get to know yourself. Spend a lot of time alone for a while. Read books about relationships and about personal growth. You may want to have a few visits with a therapist or counselor.

    After a few months start to date. This may be uncomfortable. You can have sex if you want, but be clear that you are not in search of another immature relationship. Be very clear right up front. Even if you feel hopelessly in love, resist the temptation to create a steady relationship.

    You have plenty of time to learn about yourself, experience yourself with different men, learn what you like, and learn to be your own best friend, loving your own solitary company. Then you will lose your own insecurity and be a much better judge of a man with whom you can establish a great partnership to explore the great adventure of life. Find the rigtht guy for a partnershikp and love will show up too.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is why it is good to live together before marriage. Don't fight any more, just pack your stuff and go. Do get out of it and move along. Feel happy that you had that experience and now you know what you like and don't like about living with another person. Just avoid the drama when you go or you'll be sucked into a long term soap opera and it will hinder you getting your life running again.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    ok you will possibly be able to desire to head out of your boyfriend's abode. and you will possibly be able to desire to head into some stable scientific care to recover from your fears and subjects with relationships. i could try this straight away. You pronounced being afraid he will circulate away you too (indicative of greater advantageous than one undesirable courting/breakup on your existence perchance?) at the same time with your subjects, you're straight away headed down the line to a self-friendly prophesy. No, this does not propose you're a bad guy or woman, unworthy lady pal or that your boyfriend is a crum. It basically skill which you're nevertheless therapeutic from some before stuff - and you like new kit so which you will placed the baggage down and be the recommendations-blowing loving lady you extremely are.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Have a talk with him and tell him if you are going to make the relationship work he will need to give you a little space. If he refuses it's time for you to go.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try talking to him again if snothing changes still than maybe its time to leave him. Have you threatened to leave if you don't get space? maybe if he knows that's what the outcome would be if he doesnt change than he'll be more likely to.

    And if you two don't work out think about it this way at least your only 19 and have plenty of more time to meet somebody

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At 19 you are too young to be living with any man other than your dad. I learned this the hard way.

    Move out and become independent for yourself. He is clearly manipulative and controlling and you are miserable. Either move back in with your parents or find a place of your own. This will only get worse.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he is possesive about u so he dosent want 2 give u ur space but u should talk 2 him one more time and if he still dosent listen dump him.

  • 1 decade ago

    give it 1 more time!! ok now have a talk to him and let him no ur not afraid 2 leave him! if that doesnt work sorry but u will be single again just dump him then!!

  • 1 decade ago have a problem. ...learn from this and do not do it again. Move back with your parent(s)/relative for the time being and act like a 19 year old girl. You're not as "grown up" as you think you are.

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