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Lv 4
MaryE asked in TravelUnited StatesNew York City · 1 decade ago

Cosmopolitan - Tribeca Hotel?

I'm looking to stay at the Cosmopolitan -Tribeca Hotel in NYC...has anyone stayed here before? If so, what is your opinion of the hotel? I am looking for something relatively budget friendly and still within downtown or somewhere centrally located to the 5 boroughs/areas, any suggestions???

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    YES- I was just there a month ago. We loved it. It's a great location, right on the RED subway line. It was clean, friendly and affordable. There were 5 of us girls in the room and we were constantly calling for towels, pillows, the fuse we kept blowing, etc.... and they were very accomodating. I highly recommend! There's a starbucks and convenient store right below. CHeck out MaryAnns next door for awesome Mexican food!

    If not there, I also like the St James Hotel.

    Have fun!

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