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do you know how to bend elements like air,water,fire,earth please i need help on this.?

well ive been searching alot and i know alot but i still need alot of help on how and if anyof you people who love to answer these things by saying its not possible dont waste your time or at least make something up please i really do think its possible to do this thank you.


for those who think i mean bend like you bend a hot piece of metal with your hand no i mean like control or even manifest....... wow you people

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    HAH HAH HAH i remember when i wanted to know how to bend like they do n avatar and i know the secret art read what it say below to learn to water bend.

    Waterbending is, no doubt one of the most awesome and amazing powers to have. Like most of the skills, you are dealing with a substance that can't be controlled. You aren't actually bending the water persay, but the water field around it. Like fire and air, it can't be physically lifted, but rather the field can be lifted to control the water's physical mass. There is a way to dismiss the water's field, but it is extremely complex, and is frowned upon by many water tribes because it is regarded as taking away the water's spirit. If you do decide to dismiss the field, (which I don't suggest only because I have done it, and it is extremely painful) then when the field is gone, you cannot physically touch the water, it's mass is only an image. Anyway, we're going to start with a very basic skill. You are going to lift the water about two inches, and then drop it. First, lifting the water. Put a small bowl of water in front of you. If you can, sit in the lotus position and visualize yourself sitting on a rock in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by water. It's better if you visualize yourself in the lotus position, but you don't need to. Visualize the water around you lifting up in tall pillars, and then disconnecting from the water's surface until it's suspended in the air. Then, visualize the water dropping back into the ocean. If you hear a drop in the water, congratulaions, you are officially a waterbender! There are a few different weapons that you can use with waterbending: a sword, hand fan, and best of all, your hands. Your hands alone are more powerful than any weapon in the world. Anyway, on to the moves. Here are two, both a little advanced. You may want to try the ice shield after about a month of practicing with the bowl of water. Unless your natural element is water, then you can try them whenever you feel you are ready. Also, if you can, it is extremely useful to have a gourd with a cork or a water bottle with an easy open cap that is easy to carry with you that's filled with water. Otherwise, you would have to find a spring or draw water from the earth if you're stuck in the wilderness without it.

    Ice Shield: This skill actually allows you to create a shield of ice in front of you to capture any attacks thrown at you. So when you are first learning this, take it very slow, and make sure you're not using too much chi. Open your gourd, and bend your water in to a puddle on the ground. Bend the water straight up, about as tall and wide as you are, then visualize the water getting colder an colder until it eventually freezes in front of you. Then visualize it getting hotter and hotter until it melts back into a puddle and bend it back into your gourd. Keep practicing until you get fast enough to do it instantaneously.

    Water Walking: This has got to be one of the greatest and most miraculous skills in existence. With this skill, you can actually walk on the surface of water. This is one of the most difficult skills in all of Waterbending, but it is so worth the effort. I have been taking waterbending for over three years, and I myself have only taken a few steps on water. What you do is, remember, only for advanced waterbenders, you bend the water in a circle on the surface of the water. You have to bend the water down and under into the center of the circle until it has pushed up in the circle and made the water more dense in that area. When you are ready, step on to that circle and feel the water under your feet as you witness a miracle. Practice this until you are comfortable with this skill. Eventually, you should be able to make the whole surface of a pool or a lake stable enough to stand on.

    for more bending move email me at and ill give u some sites to learn how to bend and ill even train you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    How To Bend Water

  • 5 years ago

    It's all in imagination and feeling the energy. Every element is energy, just as we are. Our chakras are balls of energy. We have it in us, but it takes tons of practice and will.

    Basically, you have to meditate a lot, learn to concentrate. Try making a psi ball first. You can find a lot about how making it on the internet so I won't waste my time writing it here. But first try with smaller, then go onto elements.

    When you've trained your will power and ability to concentrate, as well as controlling energy, you can start with the elements. Kinda. First go into nature. Realize all the elements. Feel them. Feel their energy all around you. Connect with them, become one. Just then can you actually control them. Again, it's all in the imagination.

    I hope if this helps. You can ask for more tips. Also, one tip right away; if you're not willing to spend time on this, don't even start. This is not easy. It takes time for this, maybe months or even years. Depends on how much you train. Good luck,

  • 5 years ago

    Everytime I Get Angry I Feel This Surge of Heat, It Starts In my Diaphragm and Works its Way All through my Body until I Get So Mad that My Vision Goes Red and I Feel Like I Could Just Summon Fire at Any Given Moment, But Only When I'm Angry, When I'm Sad I Feel as If The Sky is Crying With Me Every Time I Cry, It Rains, BUT Only When I'm Sad. IDK What It Means Or Anything do You Guys?

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  • 7 years ago

    I can water bend a little bit. I just can make things move that are in/on the water. Just tried it a few times, and i'm not very strong yet. I can like move a leave in the water. It's very hard and you have to practice alot. But finally you'll get there. I dont know if its the air i'm moving or the water, because sometimes airbending works too. Focus on the wind. It's blowing through your hair, your face. Imagine you're flying . Turn your hand and imagine the wind is getting stronger or weaker. The same thing is with fire. But i don't know what to do with earth, sorry.

    I hope this is usefull for you.

    Source(s): Own experience
  • 6 years ago

    Well, something like this is happening to me I have been a bend for a long time and I have not told anyone but now you guys know that I can bend when I was about 9 I was taking a shower I found out I was a bender the shower was on but no water was coming out I looked at my hand and saw that water was floating in my hand I was very happy but now I'm 15 and I have mastered bending. All you need to do is wait for your time to start bending I am part of a group that we all have rare appilites we all are scared of are powers but all you need to do I wait your time will come ok bye

  • 6 years ago

    Right, some people think this is ridiculous. But I believe some of us have special connections to elements. This ability has died out and not many people know how to do this. I was born Earth. I always knew I was different because when I was young I could make piles of dry mud stand up like high pillars. I could also stack pebbles shockingly high. Now I'm 25 and I have mastered my Ability to manipulate earth. I can pick up huge bolders and throw then like they're just a small tennis ball. Or I don't know if this is the same thing, but when I bury my feet in loose soil, I can see all around me. Even with my eyes closed. Almost like my third eye is open. I'm not going to keep on because people just lovvee to deny things.

  • 4 years ago


  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    do you know how to bend elements like air,water,fire,earth please i need help on this.?

    well ive been searching alot and i know alot but i still need alot of help on how and if anyof you people who love to answer these things by saying its not possible dont waste your time or at least make something up please i really do think its possible to do this thank you.

    Source(s): bend elements air water fire earth this:
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have research 2 years for this now at the end i have found the water bending solution i can make you water bender in just 2 is my promise that i can make you the real water bender

  • 6 years ago

    i can bend all four elements at will if i concentrate really hard but i feel like a dumb *** in front of people so i cant really but when im alone i can controll weather completely water a little bit fire no prob but also the earth i can feel it pulsing like a heart beat i feel like i can save it or destroy it i dunno anyone know whats wrong with me i can look at someone and know what there thinking whats wrong with them i can make pple feel good or bad i can do alot but im scared to tell anyone

    Source(s): outcast
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