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Long distance relationships?

I have gotten into a Long distance relationship with someone and we care for each other a great deal, but if anyone has any experience or advice please let us know, as we want to know others experiences etc

Thank-you in advance

As Always With Metta

((((((YOU GUYS))))))


23 Answers

  • Atmo D
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that's really beautiful Manapa, distance is of absolutely no importance at all when you care for someone. Just keep enough money aside for an airfare and you'll do great.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I dont think anyone WANTS to have a long distance relationship. Life happens and gets in the way, you just have to work around it. If someone wants to be with their long distance BF or GF enough/or they love them enough, they will move to where the other person is and quit the long distance thing. Those people who have relationships over the internet or out of state "just because" are probably wasting their time. Long distance relationships wont last if there isnt commitment.

  • Marie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well, I found myself in a long distance relationship after my boyfriend couldn't afford college anymore. This was 1.5 years ago. We have been dating in total 2.5 years.

    It's so hard at first, but it will get easier. The most important thing for this is TRUST. If my boyfriend and I didn't have it, it would not be working. I only get to see him about, every other week. That's 4 days every month. It's incredibly hard.

    In the beginning we fought a lot, since we went from seeing each other when we wanted, to only weekends. We eventually got over it. On the plus side, after going through this, we know we can get through most things.

    It becomes sort of comforting after a while. Many couples smother each other and grow sick of not having your own time, we have separate lives (that each know about), but we also have a life together. If that makes sense.

    Also, it's important to think about things in a positive way. I used to count the days between that I didn't see him, now I just simply say, I will see him again soon. Counting days only dragged me down. We love each other, we WILL see each other again.

    Here some advice: put some time aside for each other every day/once a week where you guys can sit and play online games (stupid, but still adds some sort of togetherness even though you aren't) or time when you can both just be alone and talk. Also don't be afraid to be sexual even though you aren't together. Send fun flirty picture messages, or even participate in phone sex, it's a good way to keep things going.

    It's hard. If I ever had the option of doing it over, I wouldn't, but the connection we have with each other right now, is too important to let go. (These are also things you must remember, they will keep you going)

  • 1 decade ago

    For 5 years I have been enjoying a relationship with my husband but then he passed his exams and pursue his career, unfortunately he had to take a job 200 miles away and he can only come back home on his days off. we did have a hard time and our relationship did take a nose drive for a while but with a lot of talking and the love we have for each other we are over coming our problems but its not easy.

    Both I and my husband have a Strong bond and we knew that this would happen and each time we do spend time with each other its a special precious time together. It can be done if you work at it and you are both very fond of each other. At times its hard but there is a old saying absence make the heart grow stronger!! Good luck and all the best.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had a long distance relationship with my 1st husband for 3 years before we got married. It worked quite well really we'd see each other every couple of weeks and write love letters, so much more romantic than msm or texts! However this tale doesnt have a happy ending as we divorced after 3 years of marriage, but are still friendly now. We should have stayed friends really and never have got married. It is hard work having a long distance relationship but for some they are great and makes more fun when you meet up! Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a long distance relationship for 2 years.

    TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST (I don't think I can say it enough)

    That is what it all comes down to. If you have a strong foundation with some trust made of STEEL, then you'll get thru it.

    I don't necessarily agree with the person above me when they said don't get too busy. If you don't stay busy then all you'll do is sit around and wonder what they're off doing without you. And then you'll start doubting what they're telling you, and your trust for them will start to slip away without any just causes.

    It's going to be hard. Hard as Hell. Having all the restraints of a relationship without any of the perks is a tough thing to overcome, but if you love and trust each other, there isn't one good reason why it shouldn't work out.

    Just be honest, open-minded, understanding, etc. Both of you- and everything will be just gravy!

  • 1 decade ago

    Great!! I'm glad that things have progressed for the two of you.

    I was in a long term relationship in college. Once I graduated I moved to a different state while my bf stayed for medical school. We gave it a go for a few months but it ultimately didn't work out. Not so much because it was long distance but because it wasn't going to work out anyway.

    I've seen long distance relationships work out for many people. The key is communication and making the effort to see each other as much as possible. I think that long distance relationships seem to work out better if there is a plan in the future to be in the same city. But the reality is that it's your relationship and it will work out however you want it to. Again - no rules but your own.


  • 1 decade ago

    Long distance relationships can be hard sometimes. You both have to learn to trust each other alot. I have had two long distance relationships with two different men. The first one was with a guy that I have known for a long time. He was my girlfriends brother and he had liked me but we have never met in person. We would call each other long distance and write letters. The relationship did not last because he ended up with another woman and they were married. That relationship was not meant to be for the two of us. I had another long distance relationship years later with another man that I knew. We both were living in two different states. We would call each other long distance and write letters all the time. He drove to where I am now living and we married within a few months. We have now been married for 5 years. It can sometimes be hard when both people are in different states. You have to learn to trust each other not to cheat.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been there. My husband was in germany i was in the US. he was in the military. It was the hardest thing to do. We did break up but remained friends over the 4 yr period. It made us great friends because all we had was a phone to talk through. So it made us better communicators. Just be strong and know that this will be even more challenging than being in a normal relationship.

    Best of luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    well my dad and his partner, have a long distance relationship where they speak on the phone every day. see each other every 2nd weekend and for a few weeks of holiday per year (cant move in as both have teenagers dont want to uproot) they have been going strong for over 4 years but my dad says it isnt good long term and they are at the stage where something has to give, as they arent getting any younger and all the travelling to be together is exhausting and costing them a fortune

    So my answer is, its fine for the short term but if you want to be together you must have a long term plan!

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