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An informal poll?

I welcome all input. Do you notice more women than men at church/temple/mosque services? Do you notice more young people or older people? What is your faith?

I will go first - I am Roman Catholic. My wife and I usually attend Mass at the parish where my wife grew up and where my in-laws still live. The neighborhood used to be heavily Irish-Catholic. Today the neighborhood is predominately African American. I fear the parish is dying a not-so-slow death. Most of the people at Mass are older and there are far more women than men. Maybe because women live longer?

The parish where we live is in a family-friendly suburb. Of course this is very non-scientific but I see lots of moms with kids at Mass but few dads. Anyone else notice this?

Any info or thoughts are welcome.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am also Roman Catholic and attend a Latin Mass community parish. I notice more women at church, mostly of child bearing age, so in the 18-40 category.

    My priest says in his experience he has always noticed women attend Mass more frequently. He thinks it is due to the natural sense of piety and morality that women have, and because they are mothers they are more about the business of guarding their children's souls.

    Pax Vobiscum+

  • Debdeb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Also Roman Catholic. The parish where I live is packed at every Mass, even in summer. There are men and women of all ages. However, the parish where I sing has much lower attendance (maybe they don't like my voice?) but also pretty evenly distributed between men and women, older people and families. We have many large families with 4 or more children, and they're all lined up in the pew. I do see more mothers involved in school events and organizations, even though many of them have full time jobs. When I lived in another state, that parish was huge, but a small percentage of the registered members actually attended Mass, and there were many more older women than any other group.

    Many of our urban parishes were closed in the last few years, and a lot of the older people can no longer attend Mass because they can't get there. The parish where I grew up has a lot of widows in their 80s, and many never learned to drive. Taking a cab to the new parish is too expensive, and the walk to the bus stop is too long.

  • 1 decade ago

    I too am Roman Catholic. At the actual mass I see more adult/ older people. Having said that the cry room is always full of younger families with children and then we have the childcare that is full plus at both 9 a.m. mass and 11 a.m. mass the classrooms are full of children in faith formation. And then we have the RCIA classes that have about 15 - 30 people learning about the faith and wanting to become Catholic each year. Dail mass usually has about 30 - 40 people attending and they are usually all older. With regards to ratio of men to women, I would say that daily mass is definately more women. Sunday mass seems to have a pretty even distribution but slighly more women. God Bless...

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason for declining memberships is the awareness of the younger generation.. They could certainly use the wisdom of the elderly in matters of life.. They are staying away because they know the religious teachings they hear are at odds with the truth.. Established religions have brainwashed their followers for so long(many Centuries) that the likelihood of their finding the true God before death is highly unlikely...I was fortunate enough to have the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch pointed out to me soon enough (age 72) to at least let a few learn God's truth before they and I pass on.. If you have the courage to learn the truth about God get a copy at your local library. .It is always a shock when you find that God is not at all as you have been taught..God is everything we could want God to be.. We have certainly had Him/Her all wrong... God bless..

  • To be honest depends what mass service, I go to Saturdays and Sunday mass on Saturdays it's usually the elderly and those who are transported because of disability's and sickness, on Sundays its so jammed packed at the Church you have to get a pew 45 minutes early or your standing at the back or in the separate chapel, and there are many especially families, God Bless!.

    Source(s): Roman Catholic also
  • 1 decade ago

    The church I go to is a very small home town church. AVG ATT 85pp. There are as many single men as single woman and lot's of kids. The oldest are in their 60's and the young are still multiplying.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah.. There are definitely more women than men. Our church has more women too. They live longer for sure and because men are too thick-headed. Even though there are more boys at church, they are not willing to change their views when they grow up. They enjoy earthly entertainments than go to church.

  • 1 decade ago




  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't notice any difference between the ratio of men and women at my church.Age, maybe.Although the youth group is growing.

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