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Im pregnant?
I was on the pill, and I just found out i'm pregnant. I had started the pill in hopes that if something ever happened I would be protected... something did happen and I was apparently not protected.
We have known each other for about a year, but this has nothing to do with the question. He is twenty-five, the age of consent for NJ is 16. Which I am above, I am almost eighteen. I He is offering to fully support the child and let me move in with him as soon as I turn eighteen. I am not "begging" for money and I full realize what has happened.
Before you completely go off topic to the question, realize how immature YOU are by even considering calling him a pedophile when it does not relate to the question.
Can he be charged with anything? He obviously can not pay child support if he is in jail and I obviously cannot live with him in six months when im eighteen if he is in jail.
We talked it over, and though im rather young... almost eighteen. We think its best if we move in togther so we can both be there to raise the baby. Abortion and adoption is NOT even under consideration.
He has a job (gone to college), an apartment, and is able to contribute greatly.
I also want to start college too. But if he is in jail and arrested out plans are ruined. It would totally ruin our lives.
Yes, I know that moving in isnt that good of an idea if we arent sure on marriage. But we really need to be there for the child and we both realize I obviously need to go to college too and he hopes he can be there while I take classes.
We are just extremely afraid of him having any charges placed against him.
I was suprized... I mean I went on the pill thinking here I was taking a step in being responsible and BC and here I ended up pregnant!
6 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
The age of consent in New Jersey, for men and women is 16. This applies both to heterosexual and homosexual relationships. This means that at 16, a person in New Jersey may legally agree to have sex with an adult, in most cases.
A different set of rules applies to situations where there is an imbalance of power. If the older person has authority over the younger, such as an employer, coach, teacher or pastor, then the age of consent is usually 18 or even 21. This is to prevent sexual exploitation of young people by adults.
The New Jersey age of consent laws are complex, as elsewhere. That’s because the state recognizes that adolescents often engage in non-exploitive sexual relationships with people near their own age. Like 27 other U.S. states, New Jersey uses the age differential to distinguish these relationships from more harmful ones. Under New Jersey law, a person aged 13 or older usually can consent to sex with someone who is less than 4 years older. Under New Jersey law, a 15-year-old girl could legally consent to sex with her 17-year-old boyfriend, but not his 35-year-old uncle. Under New Jersey law, no one under 13 may legally consent to sex, regardless of the circumstances.
Age of consent is a moot point in cases where the individual is mentally retarded, mentally ill or otherwise incapable of giving informed consent. Virtually all states have laws severely punishing this type of sexual exploitation.
Violations of the New Jersey age of consent laws carry stiff penalties. The crime of aggravated sexual assault involves penetration with a victim under the age of 13. This crime carries a penalty of 10 to 20 years in prison.
Under the New Jersey age of consent laws, sexual assault is sexual penetration with a victim between the ages of 13 and 16, when the offender is at least four years older. Persons found guilty of this law are sentenced to 5 to 10 years in prison.
i see no reason why he would be in danger of being jailed.
if you have sex you can get pregnant even the law knows that....
unless you are indeed under 16
- Anonymous5 years ago
Well congrats! I think it is great that your mom is going to help out, having a baby is loads of work no matter how old you are. Most new moms worry about being a good parent, it is a big responsibility. All any of us can do is our best. As for what to expect, well some pain to start with lol. You will want to bring something comfy to wear and probably something a bit smaller to wear home, a nursing bra is a good idea and some breast pads, . Clothes for the babe, a carseat, a baby blanket if it is chilly where you live. Bring shampoo and soap, toothbrush and paste and some pads, the hospital ones are like freaking mattresses they are so big and uncomfortable, avoid any with a plastic coating though they are not comfy when you have to wear them for weeks on end. I took hard candy with me, sometimes you aren't allowed to eat while in labour so it is nice to have something to suck on. How long you stay depends on how you deliver. If you have the babe vaginally you can be home in as little as 12 hours. If it is a c-section then you stay a few days at least. My babies roomed in with me, they had a bassinet beside my bed and only went to the nursery to be weighed. Good luck!
- 1 decade ago
If you're above the age of consent, then he did not break any law. I wouldn't call him a pedophile. 7 years is not much of a difference in age, although I think you both made a mistake in not taking birth control more seriously. But that's water under the bridge.
I would only move in with him if you think you may one day marry him. It would be hard on your child to get used to having two parents around and then eventually move out again.
- 1 decade ago
you will be fine. your 17 and a half and you seem to have ur head on ur shoulders. u made a mistake but we all do at one point in time. good luck. as soon as you turn 18 move out and good luck. you will be fine. if he is willing to support you no prob. your baby will be forever greatful to have both of you there for him/her. start taking care of yourself now so that u have no complications. take care. he cant be charged if your above the age of consent.
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- 1 decade ago
He can only be charged if he broke the law, and if someone charges him (like your parents) with that law. If there is no law to break then you're okay.
I say move in with him and support the baby... it's what's best for the baby.
- 1 decade ago
he wont be arrested if you and your parents don't press charges
... good luck having a baby is very rewarding and difficult at times...... i have a sixth month of my own, its hard at times but totally worth it....