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2007 hyundai entourage key fob problems?

I have a 2007 Hyundai Entourage with a factory key fob and security system. When i go to unlock the doors for 40 feet away nothing happens. I have to be as close as 5 feet away befor they unlock. The dealer thinks it is the fobs but I think he is wrong. The dealer is NOT a Hyundai Machanic. The shop is a used dealer. Can somone tell me what is going on with this. I have had them reprogrammed.

3 Answers

  • xpdshn
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your key fob should still be under warranty, take it to your local Hyundai makes no difference to them that you didn't buy it there. If it is under warranty Hyundai will pay for a new one if the dealer can't fix that one.

    I'm not sure what the range is on those, maybe the battery is low which seems unlikely and if it has allready been reprogrammed you may just need to bite the cost of a new one if it isn't under warranty. Either way it makes sense to start a rapport with your local Hyundai dealer as mine has always been helpful and the technicians really know the vehicles.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ask Hyundai. Either a Hyundai mechanic where they sell Hyundais or go online and ask Hyundai.

  • 1 decade ago

    its under warranty, take it to the dealer. sounds like the keyless antenna.

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