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Do you ever have a feeling of foreboding of an impending event?

I have now for three days had a feeling that something negative is going to happen. It sounds kind of kooky i know. But the last time I felt like this after about a week of this feeling...which makes me sick to my stomach i had a dream that there was going to be a plane crash...and a few days after a Greek plane crashed this was about three yrs ago now. I know I sound like a right fruit loop. But I want to know if i am alone in these weird feelings. I have nothing bad or strange going on in my life I am happy being a mum and going to uni studying science, which makes me a natural sceptic! But, I can’t get rid of this feeling, unfortunately it’s much stronger than before, to be honest it’s kinda freaking me out a bit!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Foreboding Feeling

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Do you ever have a feeling of foreboding of an impending event?

    I have now for three days had a feeling that something negative is going to happen. It sounds kind of kooky i know. But the last time I felt like this after about a week of this feeling...which makes me sick to my stomach i had a dream that there was going to be a plane crash...and a few days after...

    Source(s): feeling foreboding impending event:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay I dont know where some of these people are coming from, always saying such and such isnt possible or fake, well look at them they've never personally felt it so you cant expect them to know. First of all your not alone thats exactly how i am, ive been like this now since March so its a some what new thing for me. Like at first my friends started to think that what ever i wished to happen was occuring cause that was just how it looked but after a few weeks i realized that actually for some reason i just KNEW what was going to happen or felt it. Ive looked through many things trying to find out how i can know these things or why all of this happens and theres many things that explain it but none never seem to hit home with it. Like ive been through the Empath, psychic, Prophet, all of it. Im still confused to this day. All i know is its like that, i just had one Friday or Saturday i think, all day i just felt worried and sick to my stomach, like i was panicing about something bad that hadnt happened yet. Then the next day i realized that there was complete mayhem at this concert for this band i really love. And i mean chaos, people breaking down fences and hurting others, a child was missing thanks to it, a mother that couldnt find her child was flipping out, and through all of it the police were just standing around smoking. That was just the most recent but theres been many instantces some stronger then others. Some are so little like just knowing that your about to get a text, or a call which some people say thats just normal or luck but not when it happens all the time. Im not sure what to say to help, just listen to them cause most likely there right, and dont let anyone elses lack of believing get in your way either.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. I felt that a huge plane crashed in a terrible noise under the Arc of Triumph in Paris, France, and that a high tide of broken pieces was rolling towards me but stopped within 10 meters from me. I was not afraid, I knew the pieces would stop.

    The day after I heard that the Concorde plane had crashed.

    The feeling comes, nothing can stop this feeling.

    Anyhow, it is not panic attacks.

  • 1 decade ago

    7 days before 9/11 i had a dream that 2 planes crashed into two big buildings and at the time i had never seen the twin towers before. it took me a year before i even realized that maybe i had seen a vision of the future. you aren't alone in your feelings.

    now every time i have a bad feeling about something i try to understand if something bad may happen and how i can prevent it.

    try taking a look at your life and the lives of the people around you. is there something bad you could prevent?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    These experiences can come from two places. Either it is from God or from the devil. In terms of it being from God a person might be given the ability by God to know future events because he is called to be a prophet etc. In terms of coming from the devil sometimes a person's ancestors were involved in the occult (such as parents, grandparents etc) and as a result that ability to know the future is passed on to them. Probably you can find out if any member of your family was involved in the occult if so you would need to go to a pastor asking him to pray with you and renouncing verbally your family's involvement in the occult and asking God to remove any demonic knowledge that is inside you. I can't begin to stress how dangerous the occult is.

    I also think that based on what you are feeling you should pray about it asking Jesus Christ to protect you, your family, your friends, neighbours and people from a disaster that could take place. Better safe than sorry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate to throw cold water on on the mystical thing.. There are two other things that could be happening you could be having problems with anxiety or panic attacks. I think you can always find a tragedy somewhere in the world that has happened after you have these feelings, or it could just be the above mentioned. There may be something going on in your life, that just has not surfaced yet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I got that today when I was on the bus to school. I just had a feeling that something bad was going to happen in the near future. When i got to school, my friend told me that when she was on her way to school, there had been a massive car crash that had caused loads of traffic.

  • Deb
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I felt that way before Anna Nicole Smith died. How creepy is that!

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