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We are the bread basket of the world, if the fuel kings want to charge us, why can't we cut off their food?

Where does all the food in the world come from? Why not trade food for oil?

12 Answers

  • Jin K
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You seem to not understand the global economy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pal, unless you are writing this email in Australia, NZ, Ukraine, Costa Rica, Holland, Denmark, Ireland or Thailand (places that really do export a LOT more food than they import), my anwer is:

    You have no idea what a mighty appetite your own country has & how little of it is left to export ! Also, you do not realise how quickly other countries could fill the void if the US stopped trading food with someone.

    But you are right in that Saudi Arabia could easily be bullied into a barter deal if ALL the rest of the world got together to cut off their food supply, but don't try this stunt during the Haj or Ramadan season, pal!

  • 1 decade ago

    We might have been able to do that back in the '70's, if we'd had the will. But now if we embargo them, they'll just buy it cheaper somewhere else, like Argentina, or elsewhere in South America. Sadly, only a few countries have large reserves of oil, while food can be grown almost anywhere nowadays.

  • whimsy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Actually, unlike the US, Saudia Arabia realized that dependence upon foreign imports (in their case, food) was not wise, and they invested huge amounts to achieve ultra-modern irrigation systems and agricultural methods. Thus, not only are they self-sufficient in growing food, but they too, are now "food exporters". Therefore, no effect would be realized.

    Now, if only we had the moxy to follow through with conservation and alternative energies, much like the Saudis, we could achieve economic independence, too.

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  • 1 decade ago

    South America is also a HUGE exporter of foods as well so the amount of our actual exports getting to the Saudi's is very little in fact. It wouldn't hurt them.....the way it would if they broke off all ties in selling us their oil.

  • Eraser
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Have you been out to a modern farm lately?

    The only reason we have such high farm productivity is because of oil.

    Gasoline for the tractors and harvesters, petroleum based fertilizers and pesticides. Diesel trucks for delivery. We need the oil to produce the food.

    goes to the old saying....which comes first? the chicken or the egg?

    What will you tell the starving farmers who have nobody to sell their crops to?

  • 5 years ago

    in case you do no longer concepts dropping your activity (you boss will probable hearth you in case you try this), call the community well-being branch and characteristic them make a ask your self bypass to at a time once you think of they are able to have the means to visual demonstrate unit this. i might in no way elect to consume moldy bread, distinctly at eating place expenditures. this could be risky to 3 people who take place to be allergic to 3 varieties of mould. And who needs to consume bread that has been defend and eaten off of through different consumers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Carter tried that against the Soviets after they invaded Afghanistan. Grain farmers in the US lost market share that never came back. Wonder why he lost to Reagan?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because we are busily converting food to ethanol fuel.

    Check the increase in food prices since this program started.

  • John S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A lot of other nations export food, too.

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