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Beth P
Lv 7
Beth P asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

I have a pigeon egg and it is vibrating what does this mean? Is there a chick in there?

have a mamma pigeon that was given to me by rehabber. Unable to release due to eye injury. Well, two days after arrriving here she laid 2 eggs. AFter talking to many people I decided to let her keep them. Everyone said they are most likely not fertile. She has had them for about 11 days. Last night I went to clean her nest and picked one up to move it and it vibrated. I almost dropped it because it scared me. It was vibrating today some to. I tried to candle with a flashlight but did not see much. Does this mean it is fertile and there is a squab in there or is the egg getting ready to blow up like some other people have suggested which seems unlikley to me. Any information would be appreciated. I dont want to hurt the eggs by moving them. I am careful. Thanks Beth


I dont hear scratching. It does vibrate then stop and then start again. Im not at all sure what I am seeing when I candle it to tell you the truth. The light Im using is not the best. Also I am so afraid of dropping it.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can you hear scraches inside?

    Does it stop vibrating and then start again?

    Is it black inside when you candle it?

    If so It could be ready to hatch.

    Source(s): Dove breeder.
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