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Time machine?

If you had a time machine, what point in history would you return to? Why? Is is the experience of the period or to change history?


This question is not meant to address the realistic feasability of time travel much like asking what super powers you covet. It is conjecture. Also at one point flight, space travel, medicine, and fire were all considered impossible or magical. Who is to say that with the evolution of time and science that the riddle of time travel could not be solved. For that matter it may already be a reality for alien technology that we have not yet encountered.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Summer of '64 to change some history. =)

  • 1 decade ago

    Recent years have seen a growing consensus in the philosophical community that the grandfather paradox and similar logical puzzles do not preclude the possibility of time travel scenarios that utilize spacetimes containing closed timelike curves. At the same time, physicists, who for half a century acknowledged that the general theory of relativity is compatible with such spacetimes, have intensely studied the question whether the operation of a time machine would be admissible in the context of general relativity theory or theories that attempt to combine general relativity and quantum mechanics. A time machine is a device which brings about closed timelike curves—and thus enables time travel—where none would have existed otherwise. The physics literature contains various no-go theorems for time machines, i.e., theorems which purport to establish that, under physically plausible assumptions, the operation of a time machine is impossible. We conclude that for the time being there exists no conclusive no-go theorem against time machines. The character of the material covered in this article makes it inevitable that its content is of a rather technical nature. We contend, however, that philosophers should nevertheless be interested in this literature for at least two reasons. First, the topic of time machines leads to a number of interesting foundations issues in classical and quantum theories of gravity; and second, philosophers can contribute to the topic by clarifying what it means for a device to count as a time machine, by relating the debate to other concerns such as Penrose's cosmic censorship conjecture and the fate of determinism in general relativity theory, and by eliminating a number of confusions regarding the status of the paradoxes of time travel. The present article addresses these ambitions in as non-technical a manner as possible, and the reader is referred to the relevant physics literature for details.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like thee 18th century(Europe)style of clothing etc..But, being a black woman probably would not have worked in my favor.LOL

    Yeah, I agree with the guy above me I would have loved to met Jesus.But, dang those where some hard times.

  • go up to all the people i hate and kick their @$$es and then go beck 2 befor i did that

    yes im lame going back ten minutes is pretty stupid

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd like to go back to the moment I decided to leave high school. i was 6 months away from graduating.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To the very first rock concert.

    I'd love to see how it happend.

  • back to high school and jack some bioches up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would go back to the 1920's and assassinate Hitler

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the 60's

    amazing time.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with stormkettle

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