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txpainthorse asked in SportsHorse Racing · 1 decade ago

Do you think horse racing is cruel? If so why?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People make up their mind on two options:: 1.No 2.Yes...What they don't understand is, not every single race is the same, not every single horse owner is the same, not every event is the same, and not every horse is the same. You have to look at it from mainly the owner of the horses and how well they take care of them. Eight Belles for instance, she wasn't bred properly to me. He legs were extremely weak..Which caused her to brake and fall...It was the owners fault. Jockey's also play a major role in it too. If you're riding your horse in a race, and the horse can't take the running any longer and you know it, you should slow him down and back out. Some jockeys do, but others risk the horses life for a purse of so and so much money. It's not the sport of horse racing that can be cruel, but the people who are in it that can be cruel to animals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At times horse racing has some very bad times but to understand horse racing you need to understand the thoroughbred. Thoroughbreds that race love to race and most would not have it any other way. I'm glad you are concerned because horse racing can be made safer. We need people to educate themselves and a good site to visit is.

    Thank you for your interest in the sport but you should keep an open mind and educate yourself and others.

  • Mysilv
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    So many people ask this question.

    I have copied and pasted my answer from the last person that asked it and hope it helps you to see that NO it really isn't: and if you want to help please go to the International League for the Protection of Horses website that I have listed where you can really help horses that are treated cruelly worldwide, thank you.

    Answer pasted from previous answer:-

    No it isn't, but horses can be subjected to cruelty and abuse by humans in other ways.

    If you really want to make a noise go to:

    and see how horses can be helped worldwide.

    Most thoroughbred racehorses lead pampered lives and racing is what they are bred for.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, i do think horse racing is cruelty...when horses gallop they put pressure on the sesamoid bone, horses are not natural gallopers, they use galloping as a defense not as a natural gait...but its ok to gallop a horse everyday for a little while, but a horse can only take so much...especially a young 2 year old who's legs aren't fully developed, it can only take so when horses gallop hard for lets say a mile and a half with all the pressure on that sesamoid bone something is bound to go wrong, for example Eight Bells broke that bone along with Barbaro and so on...And the other growing problem...Steroids......yeah, that's probably why Big Brown lost cause he figured out running doesn't feel so go after all...yeah that hit the news like a brick to the face...its hard to think the only reason the well rounded out horses break their legs is because some people want to gamble to see who wins the race...yeah I'm against horse racing along with slaughter and rodeos..."so next time you think about turning on your T.V. to watch a horse race, think about those horses who literally run the race of their life.."

    Source(s): my noggin...
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  • 1 decade ago

    No. why on earth would it be.

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