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Lv 4

How can i stop my 9 yr old son tryong to burn things?

My son,seems to have an un healthy intrest in burning thing,I have caught him on 4 seprate times trying to burn things,the last time he had an aresole can and lighter,tring to burn a bowl of potpurri.I have hidden all lighters,matches from him,he just keep searching till he found another one.The last time he lost all privilages for 2 weeks,was given a good talking to.Then this morning i find he,s burned a hole in one of my pillow cases,I havn,t spoken to him about it just yet as he and his dad are on a fishing trip and won,t be home until tomorrow.I terrified he will burn him self badley or kill us all by burning the house down.He is an intelligent kid we have shown him what dammage fire can do to people and houses but he continues to want to burn things,please help any advise would be good

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its easy to say get rid of all aerosol cans and lighters etc but l think that is near on impossible. If he wants to burn things, he will. as you say he's an intelligent boy. So appeal to his intelligence. The important thing is for him to see how a simple 'game' with matches can get out of control. I agree with others, speak to your local fire brigade, not only about arson and classes, l know 9 is a bit young but maybe they could tell him about being a volunteer when he's older and help to stop fires or even helping when they raise money etc.. it might be an interest and a distraction for him.

  • 5 years ago

    The first thing you need to do, is stop worrying about dates, (christmas etc.) Start taking action on what is BEST for your son. You need to get yourself sorted. This kid needs help NOW. but you can't help him if you are unstable yourself. Find a good solid counsellor and sort out your own emotional stuff, so you can be strong for your son. Then, you need to get a legal council to decide what exactly is best for your son, and what you can do to achieve it. I wouldn't be thinking about going abroad with him at any time, until this is sorted out. Even if he ends up living with your husband full time, you can show him how much you love him by accepting it and making the most of it for him. If this is in fact what is decided in the end. Stop fighting it. The fight is what may be tearing your boy down. Love him no matter what. See him regularly have even one day a week (agreed upon with the father) that you two get together and do something just for him. Even if its fishing or sports (this may not be up your alley, but if its up his, you need to give your time). Don't spend it watching TV, or playing video games. Connect. In the end, it doesn't matter where he lives as long as its a safe and solid home. He's 9 years old now. Time flies. You don't have much of it left. Get your self together. Work WITH his dad. It sounds like his dad is an integral part of his life. You can't dismiss that. He probably loves you BOTH very much. Don't make him choose between you.

  • Tonight you need to find the most awfull burn pics that you can find on the internet and print them out, and around his age group would be best, find some with a story, such as I am a 911 dispatcher and got a call 4 nites ago and a 12 year old boy has 2nd and 1st degree burns to his penis and scrotum. He was hungry before his mom got home lite the grill and burned himself. You should be worried with his safety and your families. If that does not work, talk to a Dr about Pyromania!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would lock up anything that he could use to start a fire, first off. Next, I would talk to the local fire dept. and see if they know of a program or seminar for kids who burn things. I have heard of some cities that make kids who are charged with arson, etc. go through a safety program. They might be able to give you some info/resources as a good preventative.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, for starters, your son should have 0 access to lighters, matches, aerosol, etc. And it's up to you to educate him on the seriousness of playing with fires. I would take him to the firehouse for a tour> Maybe let them know before hand what he's been up to, so they can possibly scare some sense into him! If that doesn't work, I would seek professional help before it escalates any further!

  • njnic
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Try to get your local fire department involved. Ask about classes that they might have on fire and arson. When my husband was a pre-teen he and his friends had an interest in fire and he did attend these classes (though mandatory due to a fire that they caused in a wooded area - they were trying to burn a fire ant hill) anyway as his mother says he definitely learned a lesson from it all and has turned out to be a wonderful and upstanding adult.

  • 1 decade ago

    i had that same problem maybe it is something on tv he caught from he relize it is fun to do it and now it is a habbit try to get him to do other activies trough out the week . Make sure he watch tv for 2 hour then make him read . For his age that is normal to be additive to dangerous things. Try not to smoke around him if you do smoke or others try to give a least a hour talk to him about fires and saftey

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to call his physician.

    There is a disorder called Pyromania, which usually appears as part of another disorder. There is a compulsive need to set fires, and logically discussing the matter will not help him to control himself.

    Left untreated, Pyromania is a very serious condition that can cause damage to property and death to innocent individuals.

    Be well.

  • 1 decade ago

    Put all aerosols where he can't get to them. Same with lighters, matches and anything else that he would use. Then take him down to the fire department. This is serious stuff!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would get one lighter. Just one, and keep it on your key chain or somewhere where its always with you. Than every other thing in the house that can light a fire must go. Throw it all out. That way you can light something if you need to but he can't.

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