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What about battered husbands ?

My friends wife hits him, it does`nt hurt him, he`s a big fella but she`s also threatened him saying "if I had a knife in my hand now" I`ve told him to leave but after 40 years of marriage and with her wanting 50% of everything, he`s reluctant. Her daughter and tribe of kids (6) are living with them at present and are never disiplined, if he tries he`s told "It`s nothing to do with you" but it`s his house and garden the kids are wreaking !! What do you lot think ?


I`ve already told him, I`m here i he needs to talk.

Update 2:

Don`t think she ever loved him, just wanted his name on her daughters (not his) birth certificate !

Update 3:

One thing I know is he will NEVER hit back, he`s 6ft and 20st. If he hit back it would REALLY hurt ! He`s a gentle giant.

Update 4:

Many thanks for all the answers, I have forwarded them to him. I will let answers go to voting as it`s too dificult to pick just one !

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He has to stand up for himself and get out of this and yes, it is terrible. If he does not want to do that, then he is doomed, no one can make him do anything he needs to decide for himself and then do it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I sympathise with him completely. My mum's a vicious monster and my dad's still there after 36 years. I've no idea why but it has to be his decision to leave. As hard as it is there's nothing you can do. He has to do it. He could try a solicitor to get her and the kids out or counselling to build his self esteem and fight back but he has to do it himself. Surely it's worth losing 50% of his house for his sanity.

    He's lucky he's got you to talk to. You're probably helping just by listening and valuing him and his feelings.

    He can call the police and report her for assault and abuse. If you witness her assaulting him you can report her to the police.

    He can contact Citizens Advice about the unwanted guests and give them an eviction notice.

  • 1 decade ago

    What a lot of people, especially women, fail to grasp is that, not only is there pretty much NO societal support systems to help battered men (Who are about 50% of all battered spouses, BTW), but that often a battered husband will still be the one that the police arrest and prosecute, if a call to the police is made.

    Yes, he needs to leave to protect his person, but his leaving could easily expose him to arrest, prosecution, denial of any rights with the children, and the imposition of ruinous child support obligations that will leave him almost no money to live on himself. He may be aware of all that, and sees his present situation as the least worst possibility.

    If you all really want to help men like him, lobby your poltical representatives to take the abuse of husbands as seriously as the abuse of wives.

    Source(s): Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence (Hardcover) by Philip W. Cook
  • 1 decade ago

    He needs to get the hell out of there. Don't worry bout the stuff just grab some clothes and go. Call the police on her and have her removed from the home until he can get all of his belongings. Get some balls and leave the crazy woman

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  • 1 decade ago

    he should leave her and start over and let her have everything and leave and leave all of that mess behind but the whole problem is getting him to get to the point where he has a plan in life to start over and be strong enough to go on without missing his family and maybe getting some counseling

  • 1 decade ago

    He need to get a grip. No one should lay a hand on a another person if they love them. If you ever witness it go away and call the cops. He needs go get has self respect back ASAP

  • 1 decade ago

    i'd say he should punch his stupid wife in the face.

    And crack each of his kids on the *** so hard that they won't sit down for a week.

    That said, sometimes a person stays in their current state because they either are too shy, or too afraid of standing up for themselves. Really, there is nothing you can do except be a supportive friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him to write to Harriet Harmon - she'll know where he stands

    In the meantime just be at the end of the phone for him - it's all you can really do without taking sides

  • 1 decade ago

    there are many place in the community for him to recieve counseling and support..yes wives are abusers too

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes,it creates problem if husband does not behave as men. He should not allow her to behave like that. Children are not disciplined also. For what he suffer. She ruins family. He should go with her to psychologist

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