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Prince of Persia; the month of Action?;_ylt=AtxEs...;_ylt=AiJsO...

Who's in regarding Blocking haters and applauding peace-makers like Prince of Persia?


@ I'm Muslim Not Shia : Does your morlas allow you to steal "Top Contributor badges"? You are thumbed down; thus minimized to your real size; and blocked forever...

Update 2:

I guess this question is a good chance for us all to block some haters. lets start from here !

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Prince of Persia's leaving Yahoo answers!!!

    Lets hope someone else comes to take his place...

    Remember me brother????? I used to be anti unity and I used to dislike Sunnis but I changed my mind and I love unity now, and I think wahabis and extremist Shias try to divide us and give wrong impression of each other....

    I used to think sunnis were Kafir, but I was wrong...they are as muslim as I am

    But I know wahabis are not sunnis

    Let us be open minded and let us love each other unconditionally...

    edit: LOL @ CLOWN above me who thinks I am prince of persia

    FYI!!! I am Behruz from Canada and yes I know Arash (prince of persia) , I am his elder cousin on his mother's side.......

    Punk that blows your balloons of!!!

    Ask brother lawrence he knows me

    Keep your stupid ignorance to yourself, kiddo I have been here for like 2 years punkhole and I am not a regular !!!

    You are the filth of this earth.......

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Before I went to university I travelled around Asia for a year and it was amazing, I started in Hong Kong before catching a boat up in to the main land :) I then made my way up hitching a ride where ever I could find one untill I got into Mongolia where I traded some of my sketches for a dirt bike which i then rode to the east coast where I caught a boat to Japan. From there I caught a plane home. Best time of my life :D

  • 1 decade ago

    I am!

    though i have to admit, sometimes it is rather tempting to answer....but as prince of persia demonstrates- the outcome is priceless.

    just a quick note with reference to contributer "im a muslim not shia":

    I suggest you have a look at the askers previous questions and profile in a little more detail- it will prove a lot of things that you say otherwise !

    and to be honest i couldnt care less who is from what sect, because ultimately we are all united towards one decleration

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good and evil are not alike. Repel evil with that which is best. And lo, he, between whom and thyself was enmity, will become as though he were a warm friend. (41:34)

    So have patience. Surely, the promise of Allah is true. And ask forgiveness for them for the wrongs they have done thee and glorify thy Lord with His praise in the evening and the in morning. (40:55)

    Source(s): Holy Quran
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  • 1 decade ago

    go prince of persia!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only reason haters post their ignorant questions is to try to get a little attention and make a couple of people mad. when people reply angrily, were doing just what they want. you r right, ignore it all, and theyll find no use to keep doing it, cuz thatll prove theyre not getting to us anymore.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Brince of Bersia is a good brother

  • 1 decade ago

    god bless you for recognizing and acknowledging good when you see it! many people in here seem to have a broken moral compass.

    i think prince of persia represents islam better than any other person in this forum. he shows class, he shows morals, he shows excellent judgment. he most certainly is a very intelligent kid! may allah bless him and may he continue to speak more words of wisdom amongst us in the ramadan section.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prince of Persia!

    He's cool, he's hot!

    He totally rocks!!

    Shout out to (Prince of Persia)! Wooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Source(s): Woooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Just today, I thought of leaving this section, but i think I am going to stay. I am going to block "I am muslim not shia" whom I doubt is anything but a liar...

    It is awefully nice of you to ask a question for this

    You know very well I support you from day 1...

    Oh, funny thing I remember, I was going to mail Sina today thanking him for not calling me a pig for 2 weeks, but seeing his answer I am blocking him too...

    @I am muslim not Shia,

    How can you say I attacked Sunnis??? Liar!!! and you say Lying is haram, when you lie like that... Bring one link from my questions in which I insult Sunnis...LIAR!!! I insulted Wahhabis in my answers thats because they are not Sunnis at all, but in my questions I insulted NO ONE!!!!!

    If I take all wahabis the same way you take Shias, then I will come up with this video

    and this,

    and of course this,

    But I am not like you so I say, May you be guided

    EDIT: I MEANT NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE (WITH THE VIDEOS POSTED)...... I just wanted to show what personal bias can play in deviating a person from the goodness of the Perfect Monotheism of God (Islam)

    edit:@answerer below me ("I am muslim not shia" troll),

    If you think we are kafirs then atleast follow the Surah Kafirun.... The majority of Sunnis seem to think differently from you and you are trying to shove your ignorance and intolerance into them.... You are posting videos even after I showed you how posting videos do you nothing

    If you have any political IQ then only read:

    No sunni I have ever met talks of ridiculous conspiracy theories linking Iranians with all sorts of "evil" like funding Al Qaeda to bomb Saudi Arabia (LOL). Remember your question...

    Tell me if Saudi Arabia is a heavenly nation protecting the Ka'aba from Shias as you seem to think like that, what has the government of Saudi Arabia done to save Palestine from the Israelis? A little charity? Why Saudi Arabia has spent much more money trying to build Ahl-e-hadith mosques in Bangladesh and Pakistan?... why does that sound suspicious? and you must be one of those brainwashed by the Wahabi media...

    We in Iran are actually campaigning our backs off against Zionism and the way I see it, the sunnis are supporting our every move... On the other hand you the Wahabis, best friends of the USA and Israel are doing your best to cause Fitnah and division among us.....

    That alone answers all your rude questions, and all your accusations about who is a liar and who is not....

    edit: @ "Mr. shias are not muslim",

    LOL man what was the entire point of me posting the video you dumb fool.... THE REASON i posted them is to prove that videos do nothing... Instead of searching for "Anti SHIAS" on you tube you can also watch "anti Wahabi" channels.. Videos are no evidence to anyone... the reason I posted them is to show that there are videos all over the internet supporting every damn thing on the planet and they prove nothing...

    Keep your anti-peace stupidity with yourself....

    You still cant answer 6 questions I asked you a month back:

    Here they are:

    1) Did the Prophet(pbuh) ever insult any of his enemies?

    2) Then whose Sunnah are you following? the Prophet's or the agent of the UK so called Abdul Wahab?

    3) If you think Shias are kafir, then fine, but simple question is: why do you never ask a question about at least uniting all sunnis?

    4) I have absolutely never seen you appear to answer anti-Islamic questions from jews and Christians. Where do you run when so many anti Islamic questions are on R&S?

    5) Since you have answered a question saying that Sunnis who visit graves of Saints are Kafirs then what is the point of calling yourself Sunni? I mean since about 45% of muslims are Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi, what sort of cultural distaste has brought you dislike for anything Easterner?

    6) When Zionists were pillaging the lands of the Muslimeen in Filisteen (Palestine), all you are interested is in bashing Hezbollah, the very organiztion that relieved the dignity of the Lebanese and the Muslims. They combined Sunni and Shia in an epic battle to draw out the zionists from Lebanese territory. So the last question (for now) is:

    While you insulted the organization of Hezbollah, you were quick in calling them Kafirs. Ok, Fine. I have never seen you insult Zionists or Zionism. In fact you never even called them your enemy.

    In which world are you in?

    I am sure you wont be able to answer these questions from the time you ran away from my question one month ago...

    You just couldnt answer my questions, even though you lie around this forum all day wasting your time dividing us?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prince of ****; the mouth of lying

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