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someone broke my heart so badly that i wanna die plzzz help me wat to do??????

38 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hey jenny,

    i'm sorry that u feel misrable.

    look jenny this is a long life. very long. in this big life that your going to live there is a tiny weeny person who broke ur heart cannot be so important that jenny's life has to be sacrificed on that.

    Jenny sacrifice ur life but not for things that will be no good. suppose you do die. do u think the person would care?

    yes , he would be shocked and feel shameful about what they did to you but then over a year he will f'get you and move on in life. you will be just a memory. after few more days everyone else will f;get u and move on.Thats it!

    you will be gone and f'gotten.

    Jenny you are a precious person whether you know it or not...otherwise you would not be existing in the first place. the person who broke ur heart is going to be sorry later. trust me i've broken hearts myself and i don't really feel nice about it. i wish time would turn back and i would not do it.

    life is very very long and you cannot end everything for such a small(in time span) incident. you dont have any idea what and where you are going to be in 10 yrs time. I didnt know ten years back where i would be today. but i'm so happy that its beyond my imagination where i am today.

    There must be some amazing and greater things in your life.

    look how may other people who love you right now. for that one person that does not even care enough to take care of your delicate heart you want o put them through sadness. Please do not do that.

    Share with them cry over it....and ten yes do what one of the person has said in these answers down below...change his name ...don't take his call. delete his pictures...

    Jenny for is supposed to be getting into trouble and getting out of it..thats what is called maturity in life...keep going through it and come out with flying colors that someday some other jenny will ask this question and this jenny is going to lead a way for them...

    Dont waste urslef for someone who doesnt care for the most precious thing of urs ...UR HEART!

    Source(s): from my heart to yours
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Reprogram your cell phone to display Mr. Repulsive when he calls.

    2. Change the ring tone to 'Liar' or something else suitable for this caller

    3. Change the email nickname to Lyin SOB

    4. Stay in the moment. Think of a way to enjoy this moment right now!

    5. See a Reiki therapist

    6. Get a haircut, a pedicure, whatever makes you feel good.

    7. Understand that these feelings will pass, and accept your grieving as a temporary situation.

    8. Call on friends or make new ones by participating in something you have always wanted to do but didn't have the time.

    9. Enjoy the peace and quiet.

    10. And get ready for someone better!

  • severs
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Someone Broke My Heart

  • 8 years ago

    Same situtation, :-( but i dont want die i will not give him that kind of power over my life .Hurting true but we are human we going feel pain some kind of way one -time or another whether it phycial or mental we all going feel it from having a joyful pain like having a baby,to being in a accident and gettinng hurt to make all A's on ur tests ..So cry if you must holding it in doesnt make it no better and it sometime hard to talk to people or friends cause they play even more on ur emotion sometimes.Life get better and u do get stronger and meet more people who going disappoint you but when it ur time let God decide and not nobody who broke your heart parently he dont no enough he broke ur heart cause karma has a way of coming back around and there always something better 4us. let them be a part of your wonderful life not the 1 to make the decision about ur life..The only person that decide 4 me whether i live or die is GOD :-) !! GOD'S THE OWNER OF THIS BODY I JUST MANAGE THIS BODY

    Source(s): Doin it again/History repeat itself!
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The best thing for u to do is worry about how u feel first. But if u want the new guy, u should just be honest with ur current boyfriend and just tell him before the situation gets worse. If u dont tell ur boyfriend, u would probably end up cheating on him, then sneaking around and hiding things from him. And its just going to get worse. Trust me, I'm in the same situation since feb 14, '08. Im the new guy, and she is still kinda with her boyfriend. But its just been very hard to know every night that she goes home to him and not me, even though im the one who is the home wrecker! Anyways, moral of the story, just be honest and everyone will be happy in the end.

  • 1 decade ago

    The first thing I am going to say is that "what's done is done". The seconf thing I am going to say is "STOP BEING SO WEAK-MINDED!"

    I have had my heart broken before and I know how it feels.... only time will heal the pain, but till then why are you going to sit around dwelling on the past? Like I said what's done is done and the only thing to do now is move on. I know you feel like you can't, but stop feeling sorry for yourself, cuz obviously he's not feeling sorry for you.

    What you need to do is get yourself together and learn from this experience. Don't dwell on it, cuz what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.

    And if u happen to see him don't pay him no attention. Keep your head up. Dieing over a guy is never worth is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Simple, just deny love exists for a while... until you find it again... and then it screws you over again.

    Love isn't necessarily a good emotion... it's a vulnerable emotion... which is why many people (myself included) try their best not to actually get that far. Odds are, it will end up crushing you. I take the pessimistic route in this case and believe all love is is a motive to mate and reproduce... it's all in the mind and it causes many to be slaves.

    But then again some swear that it's better to love and get hurt than to never have loved at all or some hogwash like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I been through that before. It's one of those things you just have to except as a fact of life. My ex was the only girl that ever had the power to make or break me. She made life shine so bright.. I wote this poem when i was up late years ago after we broke up feeling probably like you, if not worse.. "I know a thousand words couldn't bring you back, I know because I tried.. I know a thousand prayers and tears wouldnt bring you back, I know because I cried.. Your love was a dream of starlit night skies, I remember you'd smile everytime you looked in my eyes.. I love you baby without any regret, I always loved you since the first day we met.. I know things went bad, and you don't feel the same about me now.. I promise I'll get you back, I'm just figuring out how.." - Wrote it for my ex.. All she is now is just a memory.. Kinda like the pain.. =)

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You should really check out Michael Fiore's video on how to get your ex back in a matter of days through text messages. It's crazy but it works, I never believed I could get back with my ex wife in this life time but it did happened. I cheated on her a lot of times and still we are back together (won't do it again), unbelievable what some psychology can do.

    Anyway, watch the video here: - it will blow your mind. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    look it makes no sense that u wanna die because someone broke your heart living for that someone or your self.dont you have any else in this world..think in this way that the person broke your heart because he did not know how worth you were...forget th past and move on in life

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