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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Are Americans ready for $5.50 possibly $10 a gallon gasoline?

was watching this week with George Snufalufagus and Nancy said she will not allow a straight vote on Offshore drilling because she wants an energy standard (higher energy costs ) put in place to make alternative energy sources viable for investment.

So In other words.. They want the prices to go higher to make the alternatives more viable?

Best sources say that for the USA to get off foreign oil and onto alternatives that the eviro watermelons will accept .... gas prices will need to be $5.50 to $10 a gallon..

Are you ready for "change" America?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Americans weren't ready for $2.50 a gallon gas! $5.50 will hurt a lot, Anything near or over $6 USD, and portions of the US economy will shut down.

    Many of these politicians, are out of touch with working Americans.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Bicycles, motor bikes are a very, very good suggestion! Congrats on that. You are thinking well. As to $10.00 a gallon: Yes, and No. We, the local US oil fields hit peak oil in 1970, we have used advanced technology to squeeze 'em, but we are not supplied to our demand. I am sure you know that. What we are seeing more of are blended fuels. I ran across a story out of Nebraska of an 80/20 mix (Ethanol/Gasoline) that is more expensive then regular unleaded, and provides less power. Of course the story was squawking about both facts, but do we really have a choice right now? I have to admit that I am weary of the Consumer Reports which want to put a negative spin on attempts to address this issue and have no alternatives to the situation what so ever. I prefer solutions. We have enough cynicism in the nation, we need answers. "E85 is an alcohol fuel mixture of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline, by volume. E85 as a fuel is widely used in Brazil and Sweden and is becoming increasingly common in the United States, mainly in the Midwest where corn is a major crop and is the primary source material for ethanol fuel production. Minnesota has the largest number of E85 fuel pumps of any U.S. state with 210 stations[1], while Illinois has the second-greatest number of E85 pumps with 118[2]. Most other US states have fewer than ten. Although Minnesota has the most E85 pumps they only represent a tiny fraction of the total fuel outlets. Currently there are about 4,000 gas stations in Minnesota, each with several individual pumps. It should be noted that all filling stations in the largest metro areas of the US are required to sell E10, a 10% mixture of ethanol and gasoline."

  • meg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Prices are going to rise because of increasing demand from china and India and there is nothing we can do that will prevent it. I support drilling, but people should be aware that it will not solve our energy problems, it will just improve our trade deficit. We re suffering now because we have had cheap energy and are ill prepared for the current prices and believing energy will be cheap again will prevent us from doing the things that must be done. You should not forget that it takes years for new wells to be brought on line, and so any effect on prices will not happen soon enough to to prevent more price increases, so Americans had better get ready for change.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    personally i ride a motorcycle so 10 is a lot less to me than car owners, never the less it still sucks balls. And i dont think anyone would be ready for that.

    That would be a humongous impact on the American people and even considering that should get her assassinated.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No-but, the working poor, and those barely keeping afloat, will suffer the most. We no longer have any say in what our country does. We are the government, but our laziness has let it go to the awful congress that we have. These rich monstosities have taken our freedoms, and we let them. It is now time to get ready for a full time socialist-marxist style of governent. Washington and the signers of the Constitution would be in D.C, right now-weapons drawn;surrounding the Capitol, and marching out the monsters who have allowed this to happen. But all we can do is whine, and play with our toys "they've" allowed to have. Makes me sick.

    Source(s): Just look
  • 1 decade ago

    Why do people have no problem attacking the Dems but agree that Big Oil should hold leases on millions of acres of land and not drill on them? Lets hear all the excuses Big Oil comes up with when Congress passes the "use it or lose it" Bill to make them drill on land they have leases on or lose the leases.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Think about how many politicians, left and right, have investments in oil. So the higher the price, the more money they get.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gas will not get to $10 in the foreseeable future unless liberals have their way and tax it to death if they ever achieve their dream nanny-state.

    $5 could easily happen.

    The goal of liberals is not to solve the problem of high gas prices, but to perpetuate high gas prices as an excuse to exert more socialist controls over the economy.

    Liberals are not looking for solutions.

  • 1 decade ago


    We always get to hear about this offshore drilling, but for some reason, we never read about the bill Bush vetoed for releasing some of the Strategic Oil Reserve.

    Unlike drilling (which is good.. don't get me wrong), releasing oil from the SOR would cause an IMMEDIATE drop in gas.

    Oh.. and gas has been dropping quite a bit here... still not great but it is 40cents cheaper.

    Here's your Bush story if you care to read it.

    And for an added kick.. Bush has been hoarding oil in the SOR for quite some time to create a false supply shock.

  • 1 decade ago

    We can't be independent of foreign oil unless we have alternative energy. We don't have enough oil. This is just a huge lobbying effort on the part of big oil for a giveaway of offshore leases before oil prices fall again from the coming depression. The way they make money off it is by keeping refinery capacity low (retail prices stay elevated) but their crude input costs fall, making them larger and larger profits on top of record profits. I hope the American people are not such huge chumps to fall for it.

    Source(s): "Shipping Costs Start to Crimp Globalization" The New York Times 08/03/2008
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