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Limewire pro, is it legal?

i know limewire is illegal to use, but is limewire pro? Is it worth the money as i want to download william petersen dvd's. Thank you.


Instead of just no, could some kind person explain it please. There can't be too many on yahoo as unhelpful as this donkey.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Limewire itself is NOT ILLEGAL (therefore neither is Limewire Pro). However, just because you are paying for a licence for the software, DOES NOT make it legal for you to use it to download commercial copyrighted intellectual property!

    Here's an analogy: - it's not illegal to own a car, however it *IS* illegal to use the car to go 70 in a built up area, or 100 on the motorway.

    Or here's a better one: - It's not illegal to own a printing press, but it would be illegal to use it to print counterfeit banknotes.

    It's not the software - or the car, or the printing press - that's illegal; what could, potentially, be illegal is the use to which the software, car or printing press is put. (DAMN!! I tried so hard not to end the sentence with a preposition - and failed! Miserably!)

    Does that make sense?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its perfectly legal to use Limewire and Limewire pro.

    Its only what you download and wether you are entitled to a copy is another thing.

    To download William Peterson is illegal if you do not already own the dvd.

    You have to buy it or may end up paying for 10,000 copies of the dvd and possibly prison time....if you are traced and loose in court.

  • 1 decade ago

    Both pro and free are legal software, the illegality comes to the downloaded content, if it has copyright then it is illegal, so downloading a copy of Ubuntu over LimeWire will be completely Legal but getting a Maddona song will violate the copyright because you are not paying for the song

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Limewire itself is legal. even the pro one. limewire pro just means you get a support service thing. it doesnt mean that downloading the music/whatever from there is legal. Its illegal to download music for free.

    Source(s): this will explain it all:
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  • 1 decade ago

    Limewire Pro is illegal! Even though you pay the $18.95 or whatever in the beginning you are still downloading illegally. If you want to download regular Limewire and not get caught just don't "share" your files.

  • 1 decade ago

    The actual program is perfectly legal to use. As it is just a p2p software. But because 99% of users download copyrighted material, it is considered illegal.

    Dont worry about buying limewire pro.

    Download frostwire at

    It is EXACTLY the same as limewire pro, except it is free and has a blue theme :)

    Dont waste your money on limewire pro when there is a free alternative.

  • 1 decade ago

    No P2P program (Emule, Limewire, Morpheus, Frostwire Utorrent etc etc) is illegal or illegal to use. The things that "make them" illegal is that people use them to download copyrighted material (songs, films, books etc etc)

    Let me put it this way...a normal household kitchen knife is not an illegal object but if it is used to stab somebody then it is!!! I use Emule to download and upload homemade videos to my family abroad....therefore is this illegal!!! NO because what I upload and download are my own personnal property...

    In fact in Britain they have just passed a law which says that you can't use these programs...but a European law says that to stop somebody using a service (by restrictions is illegal). I'll look forward to this battle.

  • 1 decade ago

    The legalities of Limewire and Limewire Pro are the same.

    If the material you download or upload using the software is protected by copyright and you do not have the permission of the copyright holder, then you are breaking the law.

    If you do have the permission of the copyright holder, or the material is not covered by copyright (e.g. it was released into the public domain or is old enough that the copyright has expired) then it is legal.

  • Oprah
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    no limewire basic isnt illegal and limewire pro isnt illegal it is most of the files on the programs that are illegal so they are both legal but the files on there somtimes are not legal

  • Ron M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is pretty simple. P2P networks such as limewire are completely legal. It is the sharing of copy written material that is not legal.

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