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How useful is Fasting ?

Every Saint has fasted and related their experience.

Many have gained energy. Do you believe ?


If agree why ?

Update 2:

Being Scientific is physical science, which is by machines and chemicals used by our senses.

Can it prove all the unknown ?

Study of the physical capability of a Yogi could be done marginally with a EEG machine !

Can Logic be scientific ?

Update 3:

The World has put its Stamp of Science on us !

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a waste of time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry, but I thought you said "FISTING".

    seriously though- the manner in which most religions have you fast can be at best (least harmful) disruptive to your health and at worst downright harmful.

    it is NOT healthy to fast without food or water- I don't care if it is religion, it still doesn't change the simple truth about nutrition science.

    if you want to accept those risks for religion- then that is a choice, but it is not one that is beneficial to you in a medical or nutritional sense.

    people will claim that a "liquid fast" is sometimes good- that is different so it specifically depends on the degree of fasting. also fasting by only eating after a certain hour interrupts meal timing and messes with your constant energy excess, this is obviously not going to make you "gain" energy if you are operating at an energy defacit.

    EDIT: to the person that suggested fasting can help you lose weight-

    actually to the contrary you will GAIN weight- no strike that you will gain body fat once you begin to eat again. see the first thing your body burns when it doesn't recieve enough engergy is protiens, protiens from your MUSCLES. so now you will have less muscle to burn fat (as more muscle requieres more energy to maintain), and still be intaking the same amounts of "pre-fasting" foods on a daily basis, but with less muscle, your body needs less of it- hence more will be stored as fat. Thats the extremely short short short non-technical version.

  • cancan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Fasting triggers a truly wondrous cleansing process that reaches right down to each and every cell and tissue in the body.

    Blood is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body, and it must also carry away metabolic wastes from the cells for excretion in the kidneys and lungs.

    Blood is also the body's immunological watchman, circulating white blood cells, enzymes and other immunity factors are on 24-hour-a-day 'search-and-destroy' missions against invaders.

    Dirty blood simply cannot perform these functions properly.

    As a result, malnutrition sets in, resistance plummets, toxemia becomes a chronic condition, and germs have a field day invading your most valuable tissues.

    Unless you live an ascetic life far from civilization and avoid all dietary folly, your blood and other tissues are bound to accumulate toxins and generally lose their functional vitality.

    If you don't purge yourself of these toxins on a regular basis, toxemia gets worse and worse, until the body cannot stand it any longer and either purges itself spontaneously in form of diarrhea, acne, pimples, boils, 'liver spots', foul perspiration, body odor, bad breath, and so forth, or else it simply gives up the battle and succumbs to cancer, heart disease, tuberculosis and other fatal conditions.

    A great fasting experience is something that once tasted, will drive you to want more...

    There are many tones to colon cleansing, juicing, fasting, home colonics.

    There are lots of different tones, shades and colors to fasting ... Try to make sure that you get them all when you decide on the fasting program best for you.

    Many HPS cleansers explored fasting before finding us... but not until they used our fasting protocols and cleansing program did they truly experience a fundamental and lasting shift in their physical health, spirit and mental outlook.

    How do you make fasting more effective, more exciting, much easier and more rewarding?

    Fasting for health improvement, weight loss or life extension reasons without doing at the same time colon cleansing, home colonics and live juicing is just that, one quarter of the story with 1/4 of the results to be expected.

    When fasting is done with colon cleansing, home colonics and juicing you have the foundations for a true wellness program.

    Therapeutic fasting becomes easier, more productive and much more rewarding when colon cleansing, juicing and home colonics are done at the same time because they dramatically ease the detox processes your body has to endure while improving the quantity of toxic waste eliminated and quality of evacuations.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anything done out of inner will is religiously helpful. fasting is one such activity. It prepares you for the bad time if destined.

    It purifies ur mind as you are intentionally avoid intakes.

    It is an indirect reminder of God during other normal activities.

    Fasting alone or en masse (ekadashi in hinduism or roja in islam) makes your fasting easy and I might say a pleasure.

    Spiritually it drives you closer to god's domain.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Forget saints. Fasting is an easy way to detoxify your system. One day fasting will not serve the purpose. One month fasting can increase your health-make you more potent, increases patience and bring change in your behaviour and lifestyle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just try to leave one dinner in a week, feel the difference in your physical and mental fitness. Other things are natural derivates of these.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look up the effects of electrolyte imbalances on human behavior. When people fast for extended periods they're doing all sorts of craziness to their body chemistry.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is , subject to,..... it is fit with the physical nature of your body....light food or fruit may work as like fasting......

  • 1 decade ago

    Very good for health and pocket as well and the planet and the other living beings also!

  • paul c
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    fasting is really important but you can't just fast anything it has to be somthing that you really care for. Like food but for fasting to be really helpful you have to read the bible and pray when you normally do what you would be doing otherwise. Like if you are fasting food, read the bible and pray when you normally eat. To show how important fasting is look at jesus. He fasted 40 days to prepare himself for his ministery and if jesus has to fast than that just shows how important it is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I fast between meals

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