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region50 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Since we only have oil shocks when republicans are president

Nixon in the 70's Reagan in the 80's and Now Bush, and the democrats dig us out of it why would any one not invested in oil vote republican.


Carter inherited the oil shock from Nixon and Ford read your history instead of mouthing what someone told you.

Update 2:

Eric and rosi the oil shock started under nixon thats why he put price controls on which caused the huge inflation when ford took them off and then the whole thing got handed to carter who turned most of it around and then lost the election and reagan got credit for it just like he got credit for the fall of the eastern block which was due to the truman doctrine. read your history also I lived through the oil shock in the 70's so I know when it happened.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Republicans and Conservatives tend to be in bed with big oil.

    Vote Democrat in USA and Liberal here in Canada.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, I had no idea that the 70s Oil Crisis was pushed by Republican and that when Reagan bailed us out of it he actually was screwing it up?! Wow, that is totally not the way I remember it, or anyone who reads history remembers it, I have got to get a crystal ball like you to find out these new versions of History! They are just simply amazing.

    Lol, what history are you reading? Something by Howard Zinn no doubt, also, please tell me how Reagan gave us an oil shock? Would love to hear it, since he pulled us out of the one Carter gave us via poor foreign policy choices, anti-free market policies and high taxes, but please, feel free to lecture all of us poor plebes who don't know any better oh great Patrician! lol! Stick to the Singles and Dating Questions, you seem good at that at least, mostly emotions and not much logic, perfect fit ;-)

  • 1 decade ago

    Jimmy Carter was a Republican?

    Oh, I see. Democrats inherit problems, Republicans cause them all? That makes complete sense....thanks for the enlightenment, oh wise one.

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't. Remember Carter?

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  • rosi l
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Please don't insult our intelligence by letting Carter off the hook, he's a nut now and was just as loony then as he is now.

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