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Lv 6
Dmitry asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

The strange war in Georgia.?

According to the Georgian side in Georgia there is war.

At that Russian special forces to go without obstacles along and across Georgia.

Tanks took to disassemble for spare parts, boats sunk, smashed the toilet, etc.

Even assault rifle butt did not hit.

You do not think that all the money invested in Georgia spent in vain?


from cnn

Quietly arrived at the port, talked, quietly and calmly sunk military marine fleet and quietly left the country.

None of Georgians not interfere!

Apparently them this war is not necessary. Saakashvili lozer.

Compare with the action of NATO in Yugoslavia.

Update 2:

2 grannynightgown

About toilet was a joke. :)

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am fed up with Saakasvili's essential lack of morality and self respect, calling the media 24 hours a day, and as if he were a third category pop star, giving interviews full of lies and contradictions.

    And I am fed up with the Georgians (now they are Georgians, before they were supposingly of greek origin !!!!) demonstrating before the Russian consulates and embassies, holding icons in their hands (to influence the orthodox Greeks) and protesting for their "genocide" by the "bad" Russians.

    I am also fed up with the statements of the Guantanamo leader, G. Bush, about freedom, democracy and peace (Look who's talking.....)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Basically, Ossetia is breaking away from Gerorgia, as I understand it.

    Georgia tried to repatriate the region, but Russia supports ossetia, and normally, the rest of the world would too.

    The Russians are just defending against the Georgian attacks against ossetia.

    Let ossetia go, and there will be no war.

    Georgia provoked ossetia.

    The Russians did go a little overboard, though...sort of like putting out a candle with a tanker full of water.

    Ossetia should be recognized as an independent country and it would end the conflict completely.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is media war mainly. That is cameramen fighting. And looks like US/Georgian side cameramen are beating those on Russian side.

    Ridiculous thing: Georgians have fled city of Gori three days ago (they say so). Russians claim they have not get there, just staying on the outskirts. Georgians say no, russians are going to Tbilisi (capital) all this time. And there is 60km from Gori to Tbilisi. Looks like Saakashvili is well. Saying bullsh*t

    Source(s): Google earth and CNN
  • 1 decade ago

    2chicha800: cud u prove it with any facts or smthing? like iq tests of the nations lol cuz from wht i see ur not any smarter than any of the russians i know :)

    2dash_r: i mostly agree with u, right now the only thing necessary is for georgians to give up the weapons, and i dont really see how russia overreacted, just preventing the attacks, cuz as we cud see georgians are capable of attackin civillians

    2technotopian: lol ur not american, are u?

  • 1 decade ago

    The chickens have come home to roost for Bush and co. Did you see Bush and co threatening anybody when Russian tanks are rolling into S,Odessia. No we did nnot because the the good US has used it`s good will by mugging Iraqi`s of their nationhood.Plus the fact Russian are able to fight back if Bush and co take any action you see you need gas and fuel to fl;y planes in Iraq. So what Bush and co do keep shtum

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, and it's also spent hypocritically. The US is helping Georgia like Iran was supposedly helping Iraq against foreign occupation.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm confused. Smashed the toilet?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The United States and Europe support Georgia we will be there soon

  • it was spent in vain most thing in the world are

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The funny part is, if USA/NATO helps georgia (cuz bush is all against it), a world war 3 could start.

    My dad really mad cuz russians are the most stupid people ever :\

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