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Heather asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My husband got a puppy and I have to take care of it. What should I do?

Here's the story. My husband decided he wanted to get a puppy so he bought one from a pet store (not good, I know). Well, my husband works out of town all week and is only home on the weekends. I have never wanted a puppy - a dog, yes, a puppy, no. So here I am stuck taking care of this little puppy five days a week along with working full-time, trying to keep a house clean, and take care of the seven parrots we have already. It is already too much for me and we've had the puppy for four days. I dread going home after work and on my lunch break because I know I pretty much have to spend all my "free time" with the puppy, taking her out, feeding her, playing with her, etc. Now I completely understand none of this is the puppy's fault as she's just acting like any puppy would and she needs the attention and care, however, I just don't feel like I have the time or the desire to do it.

My husband gets mad every time I bring up the idea of giving her to someone who can pay more attention to her. He doesn't understand how much work a puppy is when you're trying to also take care of seven birds. I haven't even been able to play with the birds since I got the puppy.

What should I do? We can take her back to the pet store, but I really don't want to even though we'd get a refund. I'd rather she go to a home where people want to and are able to take the time to care for her like she needs. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to talk to my husband to make him understand how worn out I am already?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your husband is being very unfair about this! Of course he doesn't understand how hard you're working to take care of the house and all your animals because he's not home to see what's going on. I think you should find the puppy a new home and if he's adamant about having a dog, discuss adopting an older dog that has been properly trained and doesn't require quite as much time. Puppies are like toddlers. They're getting into things, chewing up things, need potty trained, etc...has he never raised a puppy?

    Source(s): mommy to an 11 week old puppy
  • 1 decade ago

    Frankly, I'm surprised that you've lasted 4 days. I'd have had him heading back to the pet store the minute he brought the puppy home. What gave him the idea it was ok to buy a puppy he wouldn't be around to take care of without consulting you first? I think you may be holding back on a lot more issues than just this puppy. You're the one that should be mad, not him! So get mad before he does!

    If he works out of town, you must be talking to him about all this over the phone, right? So, bring up the subject of the puppy. Tell him how tired you are and why you're tired. If he starts to get mad at you and you can't deal with it, hang up. Wait a few minutes, talk to yourself about how tired you are and why and how much you need the time to yourself and for your parrots and then call him back (if he hasn't already called you back first). Do this 3 times. If you still can't talk to him without him getting mad or being reasonable, then deal with him the way he dealt with you. Give the puppy away to someone who wants it and has the time to love it and care for it the way you can't. After all, did he get your permission before he bought it from the pet store and brought it home for you to take care of it?? Then call him and tell him it's done. If he gets mad, hang up. If he calls back, don't answer. Unplug the phone and go take a well deserved bubble bath.

    Source(s): An emancipated wife
  • 1 decade ago

    Oh boy, this is a craptastic situation. Pack an overnight bag. Sit your husband down and speak to him calmly, but firmly.Tell him that you already had a full plate, and dumping a puppy on you, to care for alone, was unfair to you, the pets you had already, and the puppy, and it is all very overwhelming, along with all the chores. Don't let him have a chance to get angry, because you then tell him he is on his own with all the animals for 24 hours, and the house better be in the same condition you left it in, all the animals cared for, and then tell him to imagine doing this after working 8 hours, 5 days a week, and that you love him, you aren't leaving him, but you are at the end of your rope and need him to see what you go through.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like the puppy isn’t even the biggest issue; rather that your husband just up and made the (major) decision to do what HE wanted and then to dump the responsibility on you without discussing it with you (or worse, if he did discuss it with you and you said no and he went and did it anyway). You could be the biggest animal lover in the world; what he did was disrespectful and selfish. If he wanted a dog so much he should either wait until his job situation changed and he could be home more often, OR he should have worked it out with you in advance and chosen a dog together with you.

    You absolutely need to be straight with him, or the resentment will build and build and cause more problems later. Try and discuss it with him, and don’t make it so much about the puppy. The bigger issue is HIS conduct and his disrespect and inconsideration of his WIFE’s feelings.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have a BIG German Shepard. So I understand how hard it is to take care of a dog. What you do is you could work out a schedule to find time to play with your birds and your puppy. If that doesn't work talk to your husband and tell him how hard it is to take care of all the animals. I am a huge animal lover and I would feel horrible if you gave your dog away but, that is your choice. Just make sure that you interview the family you are giving your dog away to and make sure they are the right people to take care of your dog!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, what makes your husband think that taking care of ALL the animals is your job and yours alone? I would sit him down and have a long and serious talk with him. He needs to get his priorities straight and take up some of the responsibility. I agree that the pup should be given to a kind and loving home where they have the time to properly train her. In the meantime, tell him to grow up!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont believe anyone here can solve your problem.

    Talk to him about it and do not bring up the subject in a irritated state or he will shut down and not listen as he thinks your just in a bad mood.

    Wait until you both are sharing a enjoyable moment together and then tell him what you just said and be nice about it.

    Once you raise your voice or become irritated its a natural response to shut down and not listen to a person.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "John, if you insist on having this puppy, then you must accept responsibility for caring for it. I do not have the time, or the desire. If you choose not to accept responsibility, then get rid of it. Otherwise I will."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    tel him straight up

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