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Inflamed liver question's?

I was told by two different doctors that my liver is in inflamed. They checked me for hepatits c and it came back negative. They never could really give me a straight answer as to what causes this sort of thing to happen. I was wondering if anybody has the same problem as me or knows what sort of things can cause this to happen?.

They also acted like it's really no big deal at all like it's normal for some peoples livers to be inflamed so I never worried about it honestly. But for a long while now I started thinking about past medical problems I have had other issues that seemed odd but no doctor could explain them to me or figure it out. Every once in awhile I get bad cramps in the upper area of my back behind my shoulder blades and it moves around into my arms,and chest area. It almost feels like I have really bad gas pains and I'm on fire it really hurts bad sometimes, I've even went to the e.r a couple times because it hurt that bad!. I also have had issues with my upper stomach hurting really bad a lot and my belly looks bigger sometimes up there around my liver area and gets hard and sore at times and latley its been more offten then usual so Im concernd. I was thinking maybe all this symptoms are caused by the inflamed liver??? Thats my big question,could an inflamed liver cause these things to happen? and should I be worried even thow the doctors never really acted like it was a big deal?. Thanks to everyone that replys! :-)

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to be seeing either a gastroenterlogist

    or a hepatologist. Having an inflamed liver is

    anything but normal. There are a number of

    different are some of them:

    alcohol consumption, medication toxification,

    chemical exposure, bilary problems (which

    included blockage of the bile ducts or gallstones or infections or mal formation of the bile ducts),

    mushroom poisoning, viral Hepatitis (which

    includes HEP A,B,C, etc.), auto immune

    disease, fatty liver disease, hereditary conditions. And there are others.

    Stopping the cause of the inflammation and

    being treated with medication can help the

    liver cells to heal. However, if the cause

    is not able to be stopped and the inflammation

    continues can lead to cirrhosis of the

    liver in which scar tissue forms inside the

    liver from the death of the liver cells. This is

    a progressive disease that has no known cure.

    The doctor can usually tell if the liver is

    enlarged, which comes from the inflammation,

    by pressing on the upper right portion of your

    abdomen, just under your rib cage. He can

    also do blood testing of the liver enzymes and

    also the liver function tests to see if there may

    be damage to the liver cells and if the cells

    of the liver are functioning as they should.

    The doctor usually tests with an ultrasound

    then to determine whether the liver truly is

    enlarged and by how much...also to see if

    there maybe a gallbladder problem ...and

    to check the kidneys which is located to the

    back side behind the liver and down a little

    lower. Pinched nerves in the back area

    can also cause pain in the back area where

    you said.

    If you ever cooked liver for supper, you noticed

    that it is very smooth in texture and of a normal

    size. When the liver has inflammation, it

    enlarges in size and become spongy in texture.

    When the liver cells have die off and scar

    tissue forms, it decreases in size and starts to

    take on a hard texture.

    It is very important that you see one of the

    specialist mentioned above to be sure exactly

    what is going on. All liver patients are told

    to not drink alcohol and be sure and

    tell the doctor all medication you are taking

    (this includes over the counter, herbs, herbal

    teas, vitamins, minerals, and drugs prescribed

    by other doctors).

    Best wishes to you and I hope this information

    is of help to you. You definitely need a

    further work up on this.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Inflamed Liver

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Inflamed liver question's?

    I was told by two different doctors that my liver is in inflamed. They checked me for hepatits c and it came back negative. They never could really give me a straight answer as to what causes this sort of thing to happen. I was wondering if anybody has the same problem as me or knows what sort...

    Source(s): inflamed liver question s:
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Chronic liver inflammation and cirrhosis are the most common reasons behind primary liver cancers. It is known as the silent killer, and generally gets diagnosed in the advanced stages, which presents a poor prognosis. Hence the need for early diagnosis and prompt treatment.

    My friend who used to suffer from Inflamed liver , she had treated by many ways based on the information on the book .As a result of becoming heathier and more feel comfortable. you can see the book in oder to understand more at:

    Hope that it is useful for you!

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  • 1 decade ago

    from my experience with my dad, your liver can cause your abdomen to grow in size (he looked like he was 9 months pregnant for a long time!). as far as those pains go, you might want to get that looked at again. were you given a ct scan at all?

    the pain that you've been having in your back sounds a lot like what i've been having as well. i had it checked out and was told that it was misplaced pain from my kidneys (i have stones).

    you may want to be checked for other liver diseases. you'll probably have a lot of blood and urine tests, but if you're worried, i'd say it's worth it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Go for kettlebell workouts — an average burns 400 calories in 20 moments.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Get the hepatitis vaccine A and B shots every 6 months, and I am also using lecithin capsules, you can get them at GNC or Vitamin Shop, they promote liver and reproductive health.

  • 4 years ago

    Make sure you have at least seven hours of sleep each night. Being tired makes for skipped workouts and further snacking.

  • 4 years ago

    make lunch at your house . along with bring it for your perform

  • 4 years ago

    never set derive for your jaws so frequently

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