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gr8ful_one asked in SportsOlympics · 1 decade ago

Chinese girl gymnasts' underage ...13 not 16 as required...Should gold metal be returned?

Why does the committee ignore such low character and disregard of the rules of fair play?


Americans and other countrys get their metals taken away if a enhancer drug is found...I'm not saying Americans are innocent in anything but fair is fair....everyone should be treated equally.

Update 2:

It's also about how many hours these kids train (some from 2-3 yrs old) and when rules are broken or over looked why participate at all...

And I never said give the gold to Americans...I just think any questionable wins should be looked at and if found corrupted that metal gets tossed and disqualified....I was cheering for the best performers not any one should be about the skill of the athletes...

FYI...I don't whine...but I do fight for justice and fairplay.

Update 3:

What are we teaching the youth of the whatever...lie cheat steal as long as the results r a's child abuse...mental child abuse....

I'd be cheering and I was for those Chinese girls...heck somehow they survived the gender genicide that goes on there with that 1 child rule ...where boys are considered tops and girls are aborted or sold....

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, it does'nt matter if the girls are 5 or 50. They still won. I don't really care for the minimum 16 age rule anyway. If that rule was in effect in the 1970's we would never see Nadia Commenic score perfect 10's as she was 14 when she competed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok I'm Korean so I'm not a supporter of China ever since they did crap to us during the archery competitions but hey the 13 year old did win it and they were the best. If I was an American I would be so ashamed and not even speak about LOSING to a 13 year old.

    What you are trying to do is like taking candy from a child.

    That's just not right. I'm speaking candidly without political stuff fogging up my opinion unlike the guy who said we should deport all Chinese people and vote for mccain.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree it's about morals. All it's teaching our children is that it's ok to cheat to be or win in the olympics. My children love the olympics, and I find it disgraceful that they are lying about their age. If I was them, I couldn't live with the lie. Why can't they just wait like everyone else until they are of age? Then they could win it fairly. Being under age, they have an unfair advantage because they are more nimble. Personally, I don't care if they are stripped of their medals. It's not my call. I do know that the truth will eat at those athletes. By lying about their age in this event they are making a whole mockery of the olympics in general. This whole age thing shouldn't even be being discussed. It's too bad it's making so much news. I myself ignore it, quite honestly. I'm not the one that has to live with the truth, those girls do, but they are ruining it for everyone else. =)

  • 1 decade ago

    They have ignored What all the other gymnastic organizations records say. There is records showing them younger. So did they lie then or are they lying now. I don't care if the US gets the Gold or they don't give it to anyone. I just want to see justice done. As far as whining. I guess we should allow the athletes who tested positive for drugs be allowed to. It is the same thing. Cheating is Cheating!!!!!!!! When there has been issues before they were investigated. Some where striped of the medals and some issues were put to rest. Just do the investigation and resolve this issue once and for all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Look, if your really going to believe that the Chinese women gymnastics has underage girls due to the fact that they seem to be missing a few teeth you should consider this first..

    1) Gymnastics is a physically intensive sport and injuries are not uncommon. It should not surprise anyone if one of those injuries could have caused the loss of an adult teeth.

    2) Had they really been underage, China would not have let them compete. They would be risking a whole lot by placing underage athletes for possibly 1 gold medal. If you look back in recent Olympic history a single gold medal , although a great honor in itself, is not of utmost importance to them.

    3) Although there are clear cultural differences between them and the western world, honor and pride are not amongst those differences.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Chinese media is now too busy idolizing Liukin. Both Liukin and Johnson are hot stars there now. The Chinese media calls Liukin "American gymnastics genius", and "American beauty", and they write that Chinese gymnasts need to improve more to be as good as the American all-around stars. They also write up praises of Johnson and updates of Russian gymast Khorkina, whom many still admire. So refreshing to read something positive about athletes!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's one thing to have an ugly Chinese girl sing while a pretty girl that can't sing pretends to, but to cheat at the events is shameful.

    If China can't follow the rules of their own games, what does that tell you. Maybe the 13 year old is good but so would other country's 13 year olds maybe. And there seems like plenty of evidence to support the claim, documents were changed etc.

    To have any credibility, the olympic committee has to investigate this cover up..

  • 1 decade ago

    ok, first of all, i don't care what they say, those girls are not 16. They haven't developed AT ALL. im not saying USA deserved the gold, but come on, it's a little obvious with all the other girls having muscles and hips and actual figures that some of the chinese girls weren't 16. and their birthdays being January 1st? but i doubt anything will be done about it so there's not much use complaining.

  • 1 decade ago

    After a partial, indepth and transparent investigation and they are found out to be not qualified age-wise, the should be stripped of their medals. If they are allowed to cheat, nothing will stop anyone from wanting to cheat too. This is no longer about the medal but the consequences of what happened.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'm not whining about it but that's extremely unfair.

    for all you people saying i'm a sore loser, i'm not. i didn't lose anything.

    but there ARE Olympic rules that each athlete pledged to follow.

    what would be the point of having them if everyone could get away with breaking them?

    for people saying we need to drop the subject....

    what if you heard that every athlete from China was on some kind of steroid that made them really good (only kidding) but b/c they SAY they aren't on steriods, it's OK.

    see how silly that is?

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