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Why do I fear that Bush will be a threat to the world instead of Putin or other so-called dictators ?


Lol, all these abusive answers from a simple question. Could it be that I am paranoid because Bush started 2 wars, 3rd one on the way with Iran and the 4th with Russia whose retalliation over the deaths of its citizens was disproportional. Putin on the other hand had never invaded another nation until now.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Perhaps you feel this way because you are NOT ignorant, and perhaps you are getting information from sources outside of the US, or at least, outside the mainstream media in the US.

    Pravda had nothing on Fox News, and the other big US media outlets as of late, even the so-called "liberal" media such as the New York Times and Washington Post of the last 8 years or so, who have gotten their "news" handed straight to them by the Bush administration, and helped sell his wars.

    The hysterical "patriots" here who are bashing you for your reasonable fears are simply ignorant, in my opinion, and dangerously so. They are unfortunately a product of a system that is designed to keep them ignorant too, an intentionally flawed educational system, and a de-facto "Ministry of Propaganda" which is set up in the big corporate media. This is because the Machiavallian operators inside the class-based government system can get away with more if they have an ignorant and somewhat brain-washed population. Just whip up their patriotic fervor or fill them with fear of some common enemy and they are not much different from Hitler's Brownshirts in their attitude and their thinking.

    If the US media were not complicit in keeping Americans ignorant, then the recent impeachment proceedings brought by Dennis Kucinich against George Bush, for lying to bring the nation to war against Iraq, would have been in the news big-time, but it wasn't. Instead, just mindless fluff and inane distractions such as Obama's "terrorist fist jab" with his wife, and the like. Same with a recent Congressional hearing that confirms that the Bush administration did, in fact, lie - repeatedly - to bolster a case for the unnecessary and costly, not to mention illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (yes, Afghanistan too - the FBI does not have enough evidence to charge Bin Laden with a crime, yet somehow there was enough evidence to go to war?).

    You are not alone in your fears, and in your criticism of George Bush. Most people in friendly countries and allies of the US feel the same (Europe, Canada, South America, Asia, etc.): that the Bush government is in fact the greatest threat to world stability. The people in the world who agree with you outnumber the Bushbots of America, by roughly 60 to 1 in the world, so they should think about that and chew on it for a while. There has been a lot of very strong support for Bush's impeachment among Americans, too, far greater than there ever was for Bill Clinton's impeachment. This too has been a major unreported story in the media.

    The apparent strong support for the abusive answers that you have received here may seem appalling and shocking to you. It was to me too, but I have noticed this phenomenon before, and have speculated about its implausibility. The percentages in disapproval of you here, and the percentages apparently in approval of Bush, are a far cry from what exists in the real world. Die-hard Bushbots in the USA, people who truly believe that Bush is "the greatest preznit evah," have remained steady at about 27% of the population. Deluded as you and I might think them to be, their beliefs are unlikely to change, alas, but it is still only about 27%. So how is it that apparently 75% of people answering your question here give you such a strong negative and abusive response for a fairly innocent question, when these boards are accessible internationally, to boot, and there is even less support for Bush abroad (yes, even less than 27%)?

    I suspect foul play, and "vote rigging" - perhaps in the form of partisan trolls who roam these questions. I could be wrong, but if they can plant fake reporters at fake press conferences, with hand-picked fake audiences attending, and if the existence of "cyber soldiers" who have pumped up Bush's policies is a recorded fact, then they surely have the means and lack of moral scruples to also plant fake "answerers" here, people who band together and who use multiple ID's to give their own answers a big "thumbs up"

    "Illegitimi non carborundum"

    (I conclude with the above quoted in mock-Latin, to reduce the chances of getting an answer of mine removed yet again by one of the above-mentioned zealots)

    P.S. Here is how it really went down in Georgia, by the way, the story that Americans are not getting in their news, about the so-called Russian "invasion" which was, in fact, a response to the US-backed Georgian attack on Ossetia, which killed thousands of citizens there:

    Putin walks into a trap:

    UPDATE: This doesn't look good, and your fears appear well-founded:

    Largest (US) Naval Deployment Since 1991 Heads For Persian Gulf

    "...The maneuvers represent the largest movement of warships into the region since the 1991 Gulf War and come just a week after Operation Brimstone, a drill “which saw more than a dozen warships from US, British and French naval forces conduct war games in the Atlantic Ocean in preparation for a possible confrontation with Iran,” reports Press TV.

    The deployment has fueled rumors that Georgia’s sneak attack on Russia in South Ossetia, backed by the U.S. and Israel, was a shot across the bow to warn Russia against interfering in a strike on Iran which could be imminent...."

    Source(s): Europeans consistently regard the US as the biggest threat to world stability, a new poll reveals on Monday. (July 2007) McClellan confirms FOX News channels White House talking points Israel backed by army of "cyber soldiers" Suskind: White House ordered fake letter linking Iraq to 9/11 Kucinich and Bush Impeachment Proceedings (Get involved!) Support for Bush Impeachment: Major Unreported Story Passion for Impeachment is Major Unreported Story "... The strong support for impeachment found in this poll is especially surprising because the views of impeachment supporters are entirely absent from the broadcast and print media, and can only be found on the Internet and in street protests..." One of the things motivating Kucinich, in addition to keeping his oath to uphold the Constitution, is to prevent another illegal war with even far more catastrophic consequences than in Afghanistan and Iraq - this time with Iran, for which they have already been conducting war exercises.
  • 1 decade ago

    Because he committed the ultimate war crime (according to our own rules at Nuremberg) of aggression and attacked and invaded 2 other sovereign nations. Because he would like to bomb Iran. Because he has no humanity and is a liar (WMDs etc.) Because the US spends as much on its own military as the rest of the World combined - this is not a peaceful country.

    Because most of the World outside of the US agrees with you that the US is a rogue state with no respect for international law, the UN or the sovereignty of other nations. Because the US supports the horrendous human rights violations against the Palestinian people committed by the Israeli administration and supports the Saudis who are a rich version of the the Taliban but the Taliban are no good drug lord Karzai is much better etc. etc. etc.

    Don't fear it, know it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush will be out of office in about four months but Putin and the other so-called dictators will be around for a long time. So to answer your question Maybe you don't pay attention to what is really going on in the world or you just like to bash Bush because it makes you feel important.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because you naively hate Bush to begin with. Your knowledge of politics centers on hating and accusing GWB of all the ills the world.

    Now, you need to understand that I in no way am a supporter of GWB, but I have made it my objective to know about the leaders of foreign countries, especially of those in Europe and Asia (former USSR). Putin has time on his side. He is fairly young.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because you're a left wing liberal moron who refuses to see evil in anyone except Bush or America.

    And like minded people of your kind have been saying that same phrase since Bush stepped foot in the Oval Office and the "threat" never materialized in the two terms he's done.

    Bush only has a few months left. I seriously doubt he will destroy the world within that time.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    the biggest reason is a lack of knowledge of the world and ow Putin thinks and his vision. many don't realize how life in Russia is for real. no journalism anymore as all real journalist have been jailed or killed.

    Putin doesn't allow criticism. i have friends who do live there and know first hand how they live, or exist. if other knew this, they would know that it is not even close.

    here is an example of who now passes for journalism in the USSR, oh, i mean Russia. (sadly, many here will agree with it but remember, here, you are free to criticize, over there, you are free to criticize US.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because you are being programmed to think that way by the vast media/corporate conglomarate.

    break free. Think for yourself. Don't let MTV and CNN tell you what to believe.

    You can do it. When you do, you will realize that Bush is just a lousy, lame duck president who will be living his retirement in Texas in a few months.

    Putin and the other dictators in the world will still be killing people and threatening freedom.

  • 1 decade ago

    You must be suffering from BDS. Take two aspirin and call me on Jan. 21st 2009. Bush will be out of office and Putin will be pillaging Europe.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know, you must watch too much MSNBC or CNN or NBC- they have evidently been making it sound like Putin is the good guy. Fox news has been showing clips of some of them- don't watch those lying channels they are owned by Soro's and Turner for crying out loud. BUSH is the GOOD GUY! America is The GOOD GUYS!

  • 1 decade ago

    A. Putin is not a dictator.

    B. Maybe you are slightly dramatic regarding President Bush.

    C. Who is more scary than Barack Obama?

    Source(s): Life
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