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teens: where were you on sept 11, 2001?

teens were you on 9-11-01? and what do your schools do each yr?

65 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was in first grade... I actually went to school in downtown NYC, so once my mom heard she got me home just in case... my dad worked a couple of blocks away and saw it burning and everything. I remember that day really clearly surprisingly. The principal talked to everyone at the same time explaining that a plane had crashed into the Twin Towers (some of us knew what it was because we lived in NYC). After that I don't really remember what happened because I guess I was too busy thinking about my mom and the new baby so those are the only memories of what our school did and what happened that day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, that was a very overwhelming day for me..

    I'll tell you why:

    During 9/11, I was 7 or 8. I'm turning 14 later this year. I'm getting ready to go to school.( You're wondering: why did she go to school so late.. its because my school was an elementary,middle, and high school put together). Anyway, we saw on the tv, that two airplanes crashed the towers. All I could think of was: Omg, my UNCLE!!!. My dad's brother worked in the twin towers. We called and called and finally got through to him. Luckily, he was out to lunch during that time. I thank God for that. But, I really feel bad for all those innocent people that got affected...

    Btw: my uncle still lives in NY.. working as a computer engineer(he's AMAZING with computers) and is married. I love him so much!!! <3.

    PS: my school has a moment of silence.. the principal talks. and we just think about that event on that day.

    Source(s): my memory.
  • 1 decade ago

    School;;First grade;;gymnasium. All of the students in my school K-3rd grade, were called down to the gym, the principals(***.and reg.principal) stood by a radio up on the stage. Mrs. Hosner, the principal, looked sad, I remember. She told us there had been a terrible accident. Then she had told us that there were planes flying, and they crashed into the twin towers, and that the twin towers were on fire and details like that. That day I got home, and the news station was on. I sat down on the couch and listened to the story about the twin towers. Later that day my sister went and found a video on the internet of all the people on those planes and in the twin towers. ]: And every year, the school holds a minute of silence, and say a prayer, and show the memorial videos on our T.Vs. Also over the intercoms we have a singer from our school sing the star spangled banner. Sad times. ]: ...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was having my special birthday breakfast at home, because that was my 8th birthday. Then when I got to school we basically watched the news about it all day. And now every year our school has a moment of silence and they show this little video thing. That's about it. Oh and they also put the flag at half mast. A lot of kids in my class are all like, why do we have to do this, I mean, we're in Canada, but I think they're just being inconsiderate, I mean, the people who died were still people, Canadian or not. Honestly.

    Source(s): My birthday is Patriot Day. 9/11/93
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  • 1 decade ago

    I was in school first grade and it was just like any other normal day for me. Except when I got home my parents were watching the news and there were all these buildings blowing up on tv and I heard the reporter say people had died and that made me scared and sad. It still makes me sad- really sad to think that all these innocent people lost their lives in a cruel act of terrorism. Since some children lost 1 or both parents in just the day of the attacks, and I felt so sorry for them. Wives lost their husbands, grandparents lost their children. Firefighters and medical crew died as well in the line of duty serving others. It was such a terrible bitter day for the family members especially and even those of us who watched it at home. My school yearly has a moment of silence for those deceased on that very dark day, and I like to think about their lives and what they have sacrificed so that we could be here today.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was in first grade, sitting toward the back of the class. The teacher suddenly stopped class because the teacher next door came in and whispered something in her ear. None of us students knew what was going on, so we were all acting normal, talking, messing around. It was toward the end of the day so we didn't do anything else the entire day. My teacher turned on the news, but I still couldn't tell what was going on. When I finally got home from school, my mom was watching the same thing that my teacher was watching. I asked her about it and she told me about it. I was too young to understand it, really, but I was sad about the Twin Towers not standing anymore.

    Now, I know what happened and I am half happy half sad about me being able to see something like that in my life time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was at school when it happened

    And when i got home form school it was on the tv and my dad was up the stairs so i just sat and watched because i wasn't sure what had happened

    I'm from Scotland not america and i didn't really know what the world trade center was, but when my mum came in she explained

    The next day in school there was a minute silence

    And the year after it happened we had a minute silence but we haven't really done much since...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was in 4th grade at the time.

    And 9/11/01 was actually the first day I ever missed of school.

    I woke up that morning and I felt like I as gonna die. I just felt like everyone hated me. My mom drove me to school and everything, but I refused to get off. She got so mad at me because she had a meeting that day, but I just DID NOT want to go to school. She took me to the doctor. I was there when we found out what happened.

  • 1 decade ago

    i was in second grade out at recess and our teachers came out of the building with our lunches and told us we had to eat early because we were being dismissed because building in new york collapsed and people were coming to inspect our school to make sure it was safe.

    now in school on 9/11 we dress in red white and blue and have a moment of silence in the morning after we say the pledge of aligence and we stop class to have moments of silence at the times when the planes hit the world trade centers and pentagon, and when the plane crashed in pennsylvania. we also spend a few minutes at the beginning of every class talking about where we were when we found out and how our country has changed since 9/11/2001.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was in First Grade.

    I don't remember alot.

    I was sitting in front of the t.v. and i saw the planes. My mom was on the phone, talking to people about it. I remember being scared because my brother & sister had just gotten home from a trip, and i knew they had gone on a plane. I thought they were on those planes.

    I remember going to school late, but not wanting to go at all. Lots of kids weren't there that day.

    We live about 40 minutes away from a major city, so theres planes over our house a whole bunch. I thought it was weird that night, sitting out on my porch, and there was none.

    Thats all i remember.

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