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Lv 7
xg6 asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Is anyone really going to change who they are voting for just because McCain selected Sarah Palin for his VP?

Did McCain think he'd really pick up votes with his selection for vice president? It seems like he's trying to attract Conservatives and disenfranchised Hillary supporters but I've yet to hear anyone say that the choice of Sarah Palin would sway their votes in November

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I certainly hope not. I would like to think that women in general are smarter than falling for the "token" woman they just placed on that ticket. My lord. Two years as gov of ALASKA and she could be the president (because we are all aware that he IS 72 years old). He must have lost his mind. I hope we are smarter than that....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, McCain had a chance to grab a lot of votes with Romney. He lost it. I'm an Obama supporter. I am so please McCain picked and inexperienced VP to complement the oldest presidential candidate ever (McCain). I'm lovin' it. I think this just sealed the deal for Obama.

    We were all talking last night, me and my fellow Obama supporters, We thought for sure it would be Romney. The economy is going to be the big issue. Romney is a know financial hawk (and also an outsider with WAY more experience than Palin.) The choice of Romney would have killed most of our arguments. We are now able to call attention to the fact that the last time the government operated in a surplus was during the Clinton years. McCain can not counter this now. Palin was mentioned on Wednesday (When McCain said he had 'made his choice'). We all figured though that this would break McCains 'experience' argument too much (come on, everyone knows conservatives love someone who has a proven track record.) This pick is surprising. and I am pleased as a democrat. Basically he just went all in with 2's and we are holding Aces(if you get my texas hold 'em analogy.) It could help a lot more than he needs... but the chances of it working are slim to none...

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know a whole lot about either one of the candidates for president but McCains voting record on CAGW looks impressive.However, his foreign policy mindset is questionable. Obama seems like the type of person that believed that government is the answer to everything and so is spending taxpayer money as well increasing gov't programs. I know the US is deep in debt and my children and I will pay for it. As far as the original question. Yes, am leaning toward McCain but only because he chose Sarah Palin but I would like to know more about her. I still wish Ron Paul was the presidential nominee and Kucinich was the vp.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I like McCain. He is moderate compared to Bush, he's a smart guy, and genuine war hero to boot, among other positive attributes. The last few weeks have lowered my opinion of him for two reasons: 1) his reckless choice of Palin, who is uninformed and an ambassador of the religious right who have destroyed the Republican party (don't get me started), and 2) his performance in the first debate in which he clearly lost his cool and had to try to suppress his anger. That wasn't very presidential. Back to Palin... for McCain to take such an obvious gamble was reckless, at best, and reflects poorly on his potential leadership style. I still like him, but he's not getting my vote, in part, because of his choice of Sarah Palin as VP.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    McCain was bad enough and now he picked someone I bet half the people in the USA dont even know. But yes he is trying to get Hillary's supporters.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mccain is a cry baby

    looks like he ran home to mama

    after Obama's speech

    Palin just got the call last night

    she didn't even have time for a makeover

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rather than picking up Democrats, I think he succeeded in gathering the support of Conservatives who may not have voted at all or voted Libertarian, so it will get him votes.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a proud Obama supporter. I don't give a crap who McCain chose, although I am a little disturbed the reason he chose her. What I find amusing is that McCain was attacking Obama for lack of experience. Guess he can't use that anymore.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. I was a Hillary supporter. Big time.

    Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton. I'm back in the Democrats' camp.

  • 1 decade ago

    he picked her because she voted to lower tax gave oil money revenue to the people of Alaska she is pro life and has been fighting corruption with in the oil companies she also has the belief in the right to bare arms this is why he picked her she is 100% Conservative

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