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Mini donkeys eating the bark off trees?
My new Mini donkeys are eating the bark off of some of my trees. They have plenty of good grass to eat and access to a salt brick and trace minerals. They must be lacking in something....any ideas? I've only had them for 3 days. They have way more grass here than where they came from.They are both 5 yrs old. They eat the grass just fine but like to snack on my trees. I live in Florida.Thanks
15 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
One thing I think is very important to mention - if you notice your donkey is not eating like normal, there is usually something wrong. One thing about donkeys - they LOVE their food, so if they aren't eating with their normal relish, this indicates a problem. It could be something simple that will be gone quickly, but watch them closely and if they are still not eating and in particular, acting listless - consult your vet immediately.
Pasture grass is good for donkeys as long as it isn't too rich in protein. Our grass is a combination of bermuda and native grasses, so we're lucky in the fact that it's not rich enough to cause weight problems. Since donkeys are desert animals, they can gain weight easily, so keep an eye on their condition and limit their pasture access if you start seeing a weight problem.
Donkeys do love their hay. They will do best with a fairly low protein bermuda and/or native grass hay. We also give bermuda hay in the evenings, along with their pellet feed. Normally they should not have alfalfa hay, which is a high protein hay, but then again, all donkeys are not alike. We hear a lot about giving low protein, but I think you should assess your donkeys and make your own intelligent decisions. A nursing mom that is being pulled down by her foal will probably benefit from a small amount of alfalfa, along with growing foals.
A small amount of a good, nutritious 10% - 14% protein pellet feed can also be added to their diet - particularly for foals and nursing mothers. Our personal choice of feed is Stategy, but there are quite a number of good ones out there. We do not recommend sweet feed be given to donkeys. Donkeys will develop a fat neck roll if they're fed too much. Once this unattractive fat roll accumulates, it's usually there to stay. Again, I can't stress enough - watch the condition of your donkeys and make an intelligent decision on what they require in food. Consult with your vet if you feel you need additional input.
Oh dear - and yes, some of them are little horrors and will just chew on bark (and sometimes fencing, gates, stables etc).
The only thing I have ever found is to physcially prevent them from reaching the 'delicious treat'. I've never found anything that you paint on that works (and yes, I've tried the expensive 'anti chew' stuff, plus dung mixed in creosote, old engine oil etc etc - and no, giving them half a forest of logs etc doens't detract them - and yes, they do have access to a full range of nutrients so aren't misisng anything form their diet - some are juast destructive little wotsits!!).
The most cost effective thing I have ever found - and now use everywhere - is something called 'Weldmesh' or Twiwled'. It's a sort of rigid chicken wire, but thicker than chicken wire ('cos they can bite through that) and the squares are parallel to the ground and not on the diagonal . You can get it with approx. 2" squares of a fairly rigid wire mesh, so that if you cut off a piece, it will stand up on its own. You can get it in approx 1m and 2m heights. I use the 1m for wrapping round door jambs and 'lining' wooden gates and the 2m for making my own 'tree guards' - just cut to length, then put round tree (loosely) and wire onto itself.
I hope this helps / makes sense - if not. email me and I'll ring my fencing people and get the definitive trade name of it.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
It's common for horses/donkeys to munch on tree bark, even if there's plenty of food. You just want to watch out that the trees aren't poisonous to the donkeys. Also, if you want your trees to live, I'd put up some chicken wire around the trunks up to a point where they cannot reach it. Luckily, they're minis so you shouldn't have to go too high. If they happen to eat all the bark away all the way around the tree, it can die. It's called "girdling" and the tree dies because the bark is how it gets its nutrients to the tops of the tree. If the bark is gone, the nutrients can't get to the rest of the tree.
So, eating bark isn't necessarily unhealthy for the donkeys, unless it's poisonous, but if you don't want the trees to die, I'd suggest putting up some chicken wire.
- 6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.
Mini donkeys eating the bark off trees?
My new Mini donkeys are eating the bark off of some of my trees. They have plenty of good grass to eat and access to a salt brick and trace minerals. They must be lacking in something....any ideas? I've only had them for 3 days. They have way more grass here than where they came from.They are both...
Source(s): mini donkeys eating bark trees: - b_bardi99Lv 71 decade ago
i know, my dogs do this(de-bark trees) when they are bored!
i don't know much about donkeys, but these guys are young!
do the like playing with each other?got to some farm supply, buy toys made for horses!Like really big plastic balls?maybe put a goat(a young goat of course) in the same pasture with the donkeys!
Source(s): Maybe take them for walks like a dog?how small are they? donkeys love attention:pit a halter and a leash on both of them, go for a big walk! - How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
It's just that the bark tastes good and they love the snack, I prevented that just with chicken wire wrapped around the tree up to a height they couldn't reach anymore :)
- Anonymous1 decade ago
You should wrap the trees in hardware cloth to keep the minis from ring-barking and killing your trees.
Even when my horses were out in lush pasture, they still wanted their hay. I, too, am in Fl.
- 1 decade ago
They could be lacking some roughage, if your grass is very lush right now and mature, it could have a very high water content and thus be less nutritional. Do they have any dry hay to nosh on?
Another problem for them and far more likely: They could be bored. ;) Horses crib and rip parts out of wood beams as bored habits. If I had to guess, they could just be bored and fidgeting or exploring.
- greeleyLv 44 years ago
Dogs are surely man's best friend. This animal is the most loyal and protective animal that you can ever take care of. Read here
Once you have become a master of a dog, you are sure to be protected by your pet especially if you have treated your dog very right. Aside from providing what the dog needs, you should also train your pet dog. This is to give your pet the right behavior and habits so that it will become disciplined and well mannered. You will not have a difficult time taking care of your pet dog once it has undergone dog training. Training your dog is easy and fun especially if you have the right information to use. Here are some of the most basic advices to follow when you are training your dog.
Advice #1: Be the boss at all times. It is a known fact that dogs can sometimes be bossy. These animals are born leaders. But keep in mind that you are the master and should always be followed by your pet.
Advice #2: Show what is right through your actions. If you say that your dog should not hurt other people, and then show it through your actions. Do not show any sign of anger or violence. Dogs have the tendency to become violent especially when it sees it in its environment.
Advice #3: Treat your dog as a dog and not as a kid. Do not expect your dog to understand each and every single thing you say. These are still animals that have different ways of communicating. You are actually training your dog according to their personality and behavior. One needs to be very patient in order to successfully carry out the dog training.
Advice #4: Be consistent with your commands. You should not change mind every now and then. If you are teaching a specific lesson, stay with it until your dog learns to follow it completely. Inconsistency will have your dog confused with the commands that you are calling out. Be firm with what you are teaching. But be sure to reward your dog once it has followed your command successfully.
Advice #5: Commit to daily dog training. Make sure that you train everyday. Skipping days will make your dog be lazy in following you. You need to make sure that you can allot time for your dog so that it can learn something new everyday.
Advice #6: Be positive and appreciative. Dogs like to impress their boss. So if you are impressed with what your dog has done, show happiness. Give encouraging words to your dog. It will also help if you give out rewards like food or toys.
Training your dog to be well mannered and well disciplined means that you are accepting the pet to be a member of your family. Dog training will prevent you from experiencing unlikely incidents because of your pet's misbehavior. Having a pet at home is enjoyable especially if your pet does know how to communicate with you through their behaviors.