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I Feel Bad..Should I?

I broke up with my ex about a year ago because my friends told me he was cheating on me and when i broke up with him without even askin him about it. and the next day i went to school and my friends told me they we're only playing and it was a joke. I apologized to my ex for it, and we been "talking" for about a year now [[we started back talking on a relationship level around the time we broke up]] and it's been the same since then and now everytime i ask him when we're going to get back together he always says "i don't need to be in a relationship right now" or "we'll see" it's always something like he only saying this because of what happened a year ago? everything else is fine in between us..we act like we're in a relationship but we're it because of what i did?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm sorry but this is you and your friends' fault not his. He was the innocent one and you hurt him. It sounds like he resents you now.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like a trust issue. Alot can happen in a year and if your relationship was so fragile that your girlfriends made you break up with him without even an ounce of proof - This relationship wasn't going to work out anyway. NEVER treat people based on rumors or gossip, I'm sure you've learned that lesson by now. He was your man and now he isn't. He has lost faith in you, but if you're still having sex with him, he may be keeping you around for that and only that. If there is no sex between you two, then maybe he is just glowing in the fact that you feel so badly and have for a year now. It's time to move on either way. This guy isn't going to have a relationship with you and if you want a relationship - simply find a guy who wants one. TRUST there are men out there who are willing to be with you, just don't make the same mistake! Learn from it and grow.

    Source(s): Life Expierence
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It has been a year. Time to move on. In what ways are you acting like you are in a relationship? If it is sexual, then the guy is using you. Otherwise - why are you still hanging on? Start talking to other guys. If he really likes you and you are talking to others and aren't talking to him so much, he may suddenly want to get back together. In the meantime, take him for his word - he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you right now. If he wants to later, he knows where to find you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's just not interested, sorry. If it has been a year already, he is not ever planning on getting back together. I don't think this necessarily has anything to do with what happened, but it might. Maybe he thinks you can't trust him, but either way things probably won't change. There are other fish in the sea! Don't waste your time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Some guys [like me, guilty (in the past)] see things like this as deal breakers forever....If someone is not willing to even give the accused a chance to defend his or herself...its a relationship we don't need and certainly a deal breaker....

    he should [like me] learn to give the other person a chance that they can learn from experiences....

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He has already moved on. And since you demonstrated judgmentalism without proof, he doesn't trust you not to do it again. It's that simple: you lost his trust and he isn't going to put his trust back in you again. I think the casual but distant relationship is all you are going to get out of him. Essentially, you lost.

  • 1 decade ago

    From a guys point of view, He's beating around the bush and you should move on or Focus on your schooling. That dating ish can wait. Its not your fault. Yeah maybe he was hurt on how you left him, with no explanation, and he moved on. Its a clear sign he doesnt want to be with you....move on. he probably sucks anyway haha!

  • 1 decade ago

    im guessing he feels that if he he gets back to the same relationship with u again. he might thing u will do the samething. Im sorry to say but, its ur friends fault that is just mean. They should try to fix this!..=]

  • Well you should have asked him yourself, you don't always listen to what your friends say. If I was you I would be literally pissed at my friends for "joking" about something like that. It seems to me as if they don't want you to be happy. From now on, you should ask if you dont know the true answer to something, or if you dont suspect it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say that he just doesn';t want to be in a relationship with you because it probably makes him feel like you believe everyone else and not him. Also he feels like you don't trust him

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