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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleOther - Beauty & Style · 1 decade ago

Does anyone know a quick & effective treatment for extremely dry lips?

I am getting orthodontic blocks soon & i have to get them fitted, so my lips will become dry during the session. My lips are thickish, & they dry out really quickly so i need a hydrating treatment for lips. Anything will help thanks!!!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the little green tin from superdrug or vasoline put loads on at night an you wake up with soft lips works every time for me

  • 5 years ago

    I have really dry lips too & these are the techniques I use, after I do so they look really soft, plump, & kissable. 1. Take a warm washcloth, pressing it against your lips while puckering your lips slightly, for 5 minutes. Hold it there for 5 mins. 2. Wet a toothbrush & brush your lips, this gets rid of all the dead skin & the dryness. Do this every time you brush your teeth as well. 3. Drink lots of water, stay hydrated. 4. Rub Vaseline or cocoa butter on your lips. I use Vaseline cocoa radiant, this is lotion but it does wonders to your lips. (& skin! very handy) you can get it at any drugstore. 5. Brush your teeth more often than usual, this keeps your mouth cleaner therefore your lips being cleaner. 6. Don't ever lick your lips or bite your lips. When your lips feel dry you have the urge to lick them, don't do it. I forgot why but that's bad & it makes your lips drier. 7. Being in the shower helps too, the steam helps your lips a lot & moisturizer them. 8. Use Chapstick of course. Hope this helps, I always do this & my lips look perfect afterwards.

  • NickiM
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Ok... I tend to get really dry lips also... (mainly due to wanting the heater on at work, logical being winter, yet there are these tossers at work who are having a fricken love affair with the air conditioner!!!!)

    Anyways... I have found (doing so morning and night, or whenever the mood catches you by...) use a (seperate) tooth brush to slough away the dead skin from your lips and then apply a good quality, thick lip balm. Keep a lip balm with you at all times and use it whenever you feel like it.

    Also, Lanoline cream (or oil if you can get it) is awsome!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Here are some tips:

    1.) Use lip balm or lip gloss

    2.) Drink lots of water

    3.) Use CHAPSTICK!! (it's a kind of lip balm that's gentle on lips and at the same time makes it full of moisture!!)

    Source(s): experience..................... :-|
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    buy some lip balm, not one with heaps of chemicals, this should do the trick!!

    oh if you live in a hot climate wear lip sunscreen to prevent lip sunburn and dry skin on lips

    hope ive helped:)

    BEST ANSWER?? tryin 2 get to second level

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've heard frequent uses of soaps and other chemicals can get your lips dry in a number of weeks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Burt's Bees Wax lip balm! It's the best over-the-counter balm out there.

    Source(s): experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yep, get a really good lip balm. That will help, as it did me once. I was quiet amazed haha

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try Bepanthen. Its used for nappy rashes, but i find it really good for lips too.

    Plus drink lots of water to rehydrate!

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