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Noisy Neighbours - please help?

I live in a private apartment within a listed building, all 4 apartments are owned, but the owner above me has moved abroad and has let his apartment out through Accord Lettings, however, the 3 people in the apartment are making my life hell, they are in their early 20s and work shifts as caring for the elderly. They come in and slam all the doors, shout and talk loudly, and stomp around and this has happened on many occasions. We have written them a polite notice to which they ignored and rebelled against by stamping on the floor a number of times, they stay up until early hours with the windows open drinking. The noise has got so bad I am starting to have panic attacks as I feel threatened by them. I have spoken to Accord Lettings but they say they have signed the lease for 6 months and it is impossible to get them out. I run my own business which i am suffering to do as I am so tired all the time. Any help or advise would be appreciated.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Even though you are in the private sector as such , you can go to your local council office and see the local Environment Agency officer and make a complaint against your neighbours for the offence. He will issue you a log record sheet to record the times and duration peroids of the noise in question. It will be an official complaint as from then and the Enviroment Agency will send them a letter stating that it is an offence to make any unjust noise without good reason and as it is disturbing others it can and will be a statute known as a nuisance. If this does not solve the problem then they will issue you recording equipment to monitor the offences, and if they find that they are in breach of the Noise Pollution Act 1999 they can apply to the local magistrates office for a Noise Abbatement Order and the people responsible for the noise can be fined £2000 and any ongoing noise after the Order has been made can be an additional fine for each day the noise continues. If they then still make a disturbance , the courts can issue a Anti-social-behaviour-order to the person/s responsible and they will have a criminal record for disturbing the peace. There is no watershed period for noise as it causes disturbance and can be very stressful for those on the receiving end. First make sure you report it to the authorities and after a little time it will either dissapate or they will be in serious trouble for making any form of disturbance. Also look into noise abbatement notice through your local Communities and Local Government websites , any local authorities websites and the local Council information services. I hope this is informative and i hope that you will no longer be a victim to disturbances .

    Source(s): I am a convayancer and i work within the local authorities and legal representatives of the housing sector.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had a similar situation, but not in a flat, it is a semi detached. The owner of the property rented the house out to some people that desperately needed somewhere to live with their teenage son, so he (a single man) moved back with his parents to let these people move in. From morning till night Tom Jone records were blasted out at full volume, didn't matter how many times we complained to them it continued. In the end I reluctantly complained to the Environment Health Dept at the local council. They contacted the owner and told them to get the nuisance stopped or they would take action against him. Needless to say it was sorted very quickly, he kicked them out and when he got back into the property it was a right mess. The letting agency are in the wrong, I'm sure that it will state in the lease that they must not cause a nuisance and they must keep the property in good repair. Phone them and tell them that you are going to the Environmental Health and you will also contact the owner via a solicitors letter unless they put a stop to the nuisance. Call their bluff, it usually works.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the noise if causing disturbance during the night you can call your local council noise pollution department they should have a number on there website, our council do. They can give you advice, or maybe visit Citizen Advice.

    What do you do to complain?

    To complain about noise, do not contact emergency services on 999. You should contact your local authority, usually the environmental health department. The number will be in your local telephone directory.

    If they visit or witness the noise and agree that it is a statutory nuisance, they must take immediate action. If the noise happens from time to time, they may ask you to keep a diary of when the noise happens, or leave equipment to record it. Sometimes they will measure the noise as part of their investigation into a complaint. There is no set level at which noise becomes a statutory nuisance.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you in the UK? If so, you can report them to your local council, take a look at the council's website for details on how to do so. Good luck, not a nice situation and you've already tried to polietly ask them to keep in down in writing so have made an effort.

  • 1 decade ago

    Blag it with the letting agent that if they dont sort it you'll be writing to the person that owns the place and tell them you'll advise him that the letting agent is enabling his apartment to get trashed in his absence!...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my inclination would be to contact the owner direct and let them know what is happening. even if they he/she is abroad, i am sure the apartment is also being trashed and they would want to know. sorry i cannot help you more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Put on a DVD of "Asian Chicks Who Crave Big D!cks" on repeat at full volume for a few months. That should solve the problem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK Nicky, it's time for a solicitor's letter. It will cost about £60.00 but it will do the job. If it doesn't, you can take further action.

    Your Solicitor will advise you.

  • 1 decade ago

    well whatever you do you will have to write a diary of the dates times and offences by the time you have done all that their lease will be up.

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