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lovelostboys asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What is the procedure when you go to an emergency room and you tell them you are having suicidal thoughts?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Be sure to have your I.D. and your check book for quality care.

    God Bless...

  • 1 decade ago

    My experience was similar to Gabe's. You don't want to attempt suicide, and you don't want the police to come. You also don't want the charcoal treatment that's forced on you if you attempt.

    I would urge you to call your local suicide prevention hotline to tell them your feelings. Different hotlines handle suicidal thoughts different ways. The one where I live will send a mobile counseling team to your home and talk with you. If they feel you need to be hospitalized, they will take you. That way you don't have to go by police car or ambulance. Other suicide hotlines will send the police or ambulance if you are in danger. If you call your counselor or psychiatrist with suicidal thoughts, they may have no legal choice but to call the cops or an ambulance.

    If you feel safe enough to drive yourself, find a psychiatric hospital you feel would suit your needs and call to see if they have an open bed for someone of your gender with your kind of problem (they'll ask if it's mental health, crisis, substance abuse, stuff like that). If so, go directly there.

    You can go to a medical hospital if that hospital has a psychiatric unit. If you go to a medical hospital without a psych unit, there's not much they can do for you except transfer you to a psych hospital via ambulance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Attempted suicide

    Taken to E.R.

    Police were called on me

    charcoled twice

    tests tests and more tests

    escorted by police to psychiatric hospital

    signed voluntarily to avoid court

    in maximum security for the next 4 days.

    IF you just tell them your feeling that way they might recommend you go to the psychiatric hospital. but a conselor would be better for just feeling that way

  • Lila
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They will have a psychologist or psychiatrist talk to you. If you are feeling this way please get help. The National Suicide help line is 1-800-999-9999 if you need help call them. If you are in danger right now of harming yourself go to the ER. Please there is help. You do not deserve to feel this way. Also always remember that this feeling is temporary and will change but without help it can come back worse. Please, Please get help right now. Many people love you, I know and you would be hurting them forever.

    Source(s): I've been there and did go to the ER for help and it changed my life for the good.
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