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my dad just died saturday and we went to call Prudential about his life insurance?

when my mom and dad got divorced 4 years ago it stated in the divorce decree that stated that me and my brother to be named sole beneficiaries. so when we called today to make a claim they said that we weren't on the claim. but as the divorce sated we had there anything we can do to try to get this taken care of and find who's name is in it. or anything because we have no money to bury him. so if your a laywer please i need your help


also on the decree it said the minorities of me and my brother. my brother was the legal one at the time i was not. we lived with my mother so she was my legal parent..but now my brother is 22 and im 20.

Update 2:

my mother has the copy of the decree and it states "during the minority of the parties children bother parties shall maintin said life insurance policies or comparable life insurance policies; both parties shall denominate the paries minor children as the irrevocable beneficiaries under his or her life insurance policy and bother parties will prodive written confirmation of said beneficiary designation to the other party within thirty days of the entry of this court order" those are the exact words stated in the decree. so is there anything we can do about this? or is it null and void

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are going to have to retain legal council on this one:

    First the insurance agency will not just be able to change the beneficiary on the account even with a divorcee decree since the family court did not have jurisdiction over the account only jurisdiction over your dad to change the account

    Second while you maybe a beneficiary you where not a party to the divorcee, so it may fall onto your mother to enforce the divorce decree and not you

  • 1 decade ago

    The divorce settlement does not dictate who the life insurance beneficiary is it only forces your dad to make you the beneficiary. If he never changed it then you are probably out of luck. You or your mom would had to have taken him back into court before he died for not living up to the divorce settlement. You probably should seek legal council to be sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    a lot of it will depend on when he got the policy, if he got it or modified it and who is the benificiary...the courts ability to say you had to be primary would only have applied to insurance he had at the time, if he let that lapse and got another policy with another benificiary,say a new wife, then that policy would pay her,regardless of the court order on the old policy..they can arrest or sue your dad for breech of contract but he's dead..the new insurance belongs to whomever is on it as primary,so if your trying to steal his new wife or families inheritance your SOL..also his obligation to carry insurance for you or your brother expired the day you became adults,after tat the court order didnt apply they specifically required both parties to carry insurance for the MINOR CHILDREN neither of you apply once your past 18,and if he failed to do so and carried insurance for someone else thats a breach on his part not the person that is listeds..the court could cite your father for contempt (if you were still a minor)however he's dead and it wont change the name on the insurance ,it would just mean he failed to keep insurance for you. it was all null and void the day you reached majority and left minority (18 most states).

  • L H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you were named to be sole beneficiaries in the divorce degree,,you are on solid ground.. You need to get a copy of the divorce degree,,and satisfy the fact,,that, it is in the divorce degree.. Once you have established that,, you should get a lawyer to process it for you and your brother..I don't know your age or your situations,,so I can't advise you in that.. Why would you be burying him?? And, are you minors..And whom do you and your brother live with..Apparently,,the orders of the court were not done,,and if so,,you must get and make copies of the degree,,and submit them to the insurance company with your dispute of beneficiaries. If you are not adults,,who is your custodial adult.. A lawyer will take your case on a contingency basis,,which means if he doesn't win for you,,you owe him nothing..However,,there is a percentage of the settlement he will get if he wins.. Either way,, you must proceed with this or you both will get nothing.. The sooner the better. Because once the monies is dispersed,,(given out) it makes it harder to get back.. SOLOMON

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