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Lv 5
whimsy asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Is media bias the reason why such a large proportion of folks believe domestic drilling will make a difference?

Please read the pdf article located at

if you truly want the facts related to the off shore drilling


I see that folks argue their point, without reading the article. Please indulge yourself to the best available science. There is a reason why oil companies don't even want to waste their resources drilling...

Update 2:

Apparently, few are actually reading, yet again. I am sorry if science is too much for some of you

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    plain and simple - yes.

    and yet...

    we still have not heard a rational reason as to why the 68,000,000 acres currently under lease by the oil companies (including large tracts of land adjacent to ANWAR) remain unexplored and undrilled.

    or why so many oil wells in texas are currently capped and not producing.

    why do so many think that giving away millions of acres of land to some of the most profitable corporations in history so that 10-12 years down the road they can sell their oil in the asian market is going to get a single thing accomplished is utterly beyond me.

    how is a corporate giveaway going to solve anything?

    meanwhile - quietly republicans stand in the way of renewing the tax credits for the wind and solar industries - literally freezing all new developement.

    There have been eight votes on this critical issue - john mccain has not even bothered to show ONCE for this.

    by the way, all of the companies that made real strides in the 1970's towards solar power went out of business and were bought up by japan, germany and belgium.

    the nation of belgium recently awared an AMERICAN for his great ideas regarding solar power - BELGIUM not america.

    but the idiots will chant 'drill baby drill.'

    ending our dependence on oil is not just a win- win situation - it's a win win win win win win win win situation. in doing this we will take power and money away from the oil dictatorships all over the world - from saudi arabia to russia to venezuela. our air will be cleaner - we will develop domestic jobs and on and on.

    but the idiot cons will just keep chanting 'drill bably drill'...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes of course it is. The problem is that the dullard American public, completely brainwashed by the big brother US media, are finally realising that the war in Iraq is was and has always been about oil and so to reassure them this fake we can drill at home then we don't have to invade other countries and murder people to keep you driving around in that SUV story is being passed on to them.

    This means that the people who own the US can pretend to be getting loads of oil from turning Alaska into an environmental wasteland when in fact they are still stealing it from Iraq.

  • It already has. Don't know if you've noticed but since the President made his commitment to domestic drilling the price of oil has dropped by over 25 percent and the price at the pump has dropped by a comparable amount. The problem is, you and Obama don't understand that first and foremost, oil is business. It would have continued to fall had the market not noticed the opposition to domestic drilling from our democrat controlled congress.

    See, it's like this. You get your water from one guy, he can charge you anything he wants. You tell him that that's not right, you're going to dig your own well? Guess what happens to the price?

    It's unfortunate that Sen. Obama doesn't understand these factors. Perhaps if he had more experience and a more broad education.

    Source(s): Whimsy: Two things. First, 'Environmentally Sensistive Areas' count for a small portion of available and existing sites. Secondly, it's not just about science. It's also about business. In fact, it's MOSTLY about business because there is plenty of oil left in the world. The question is, how to obtain it at the most advantagous price. It is cheaper to 'grow your own' than it is to buy from someone else.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    basically 17% of scientists are atheists; interior the final inhabitants that's even smaller (PEW 2009). so which you're basically coping with an phantasm - atheist 'puffer fish' pretending to be an more advantageous section than they are. comparable with the LGBT lot. information is your chum, do a touch study and ignore relating to the media.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, I don't think it's media "bias". Certainly the Repubs are using the media to continue to spread that lie, but I don't think the Media itself is "biased" toward that fallacy.

    The deeper reason so many people continue to believe it is because it's easy to convince stupid people of almost anything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We all know it will make a difference. More drilling = more oil. It's all pretty simple to understand, and we don't need the media to explain it to us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No...lack of information, and stubborn ignorance are better reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Facts" what makes you think the drillers want "Facts" for, "Facts" are just more things that they will ignore or obfuscate out of reality.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, they Know that domestic drilling will make a difference!

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