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What is the main reason behind terrorism?
I know one of the reasons is the foreign policy of UK and USA, and the fact that nothing is being done to stop the exploitation and killing of Iraqi, Afghani and Palestinian civilians.
But this can't be the only reason. What are other reasons for terrorism and suicide bombings.
If you post against Islam, I will report you. I know you trolls like to hate, but there is nothing in Islam which promotes terrorism.
Ryan, I've never seen Muslim missionaries knocking on your door every 2 minutes, so tell me, who's forcing which religion down people's gobs? Christianity would be the correct answer. Jehovas Witnesses, Evangelicals, C of E, Catholics, you name it, we've met em at the door.
Saskro you got it. Good answer.
And yes, I will report answers which insult Islam.
Oh and Ryan, I ain't jealous of Americans. Why would I be jealous of a people who stole my language? Changing a few words around won't change the fact that you're a thief.
I live in Britain, and it is a much much better country than America will ever be.
DeLite and Harry, you've both got some good answers there
I asked Muslims the q because all I ever get from the non Muslims is bigotry and a load of hate.
Canadian Surprise
Yeah, I know, I hate Osama too, for hijacking my religion. I hope he gets his just punishment in the hereafter.
Butterfly, yup, please, go right ahead and tell US to stop butting in. The Muslims will be thankful. Your soldiers have slaughtered more people than can be counted by the Muslims. We'll handle our own battles if you please.
Anita, any other religion can be used to 'justify' violence. No one else is killing. So obviously the problem is not in the teaching. It is obviously something else.
And yes, if you watch the videos where suicide bombers explain why they did it, you'll find that I'm telling the truth. But of course, your view will be one sided so you'd never want to find the reason why.
Bell - good answer. I hate Saddam and Osama. They are the lowest of the low and then some
36 Answers
- MahaLv 51 decade agoFavorite Answer
You say "How did the foreign policy of the UK and the USA cause 9/11?? The bombing of the Cole?"
Are you serious? Where have you been for the last 200 years?
Good grief if you have to ask then it's true, you guys have no idea what on earth is going on outside your tiny little enclave!!!
Blaming the victims? We are the victims, we have been victims for the most of the past 200 years and you have the nerve to call your government the victim?!
As for the question, it is essentially flawed; you say: "I know one of the reasons is the foreign policy of UK and USA, and the fact that nothing is being done to stop the exploitation and killing of Iraqi, Afghani and Palestinian civilians."
Wrong, the exploitation has been happening before that, it's been going on for a very very long time; generation after generation getting beat up by colonists, imperialists and orientalists - and I mean literally. You see, the less you have to lose the more likely you don't care what happens to you and year after year we are having less to lose than before.
The interference with our internal policies, appointing puppet governments, fighting and down right exterminating the good governments, robbing our national wealth while we live in poverty and oppression, denying us democracy* and in many many cases actually killing us either directly or through agents using US weapons!
The robbing of Palestine is but one example; but by no means is it the only one. There has not been a time of peace since the first French campaigns in the North Africa and the first British campaigns in India, that’s more two centuries. The problem is that we are the ones that get all the beating.
As a Muslim, I would have expected you to know more, apparently living in the UK may have clouded your judgment due to lack of information (the Brits are not going to say “we made XXXX happen” or “we prevented XXXX from happening” when XXXX is something bad, are they! They don’t even think colonialism was bad!!)
In any case IT IS ALL ABOUT POLICY but what is for the Americans and the Brits “FOREIGN POLICY” for Osama and Saddam** and millions of Muslims it’s “EVERYDAY LIFE” – As an example, when the US condones the building of a settlement in the West Bank, it’s a piece of news for the average Westerner, but for a Palestinian it’s taking away the land he inherited from his ancestors, his only source of income, his family’s livelihood! So while the American and the Brit and Frenchmen …etc. may think it’s no big deal, the Palestinian that will sit on the rubble of his home with his seven cold and starving children around him staring at him with pleading eyes will certainly have a different opinion. You do not forget that, and when it happens once too often you have less to lose so you don’t really care.
I’m not condoning terrorism; but I am quite definite the cause is a reaction to someone’s policy and nothing else – it’s not even misinterpretation of anything – what the most of you here seem not to understand is that it is war and in war people die and this is exactly how it’s seen.
I’m not saying that it’s all the West’s fault, of course not we hold a lot of blame too; but it certainly has nothing to do with religion.
* despite the US voicing for the last century that they are promoting democracy, in fact it does not allow it for us and fights it viciously because they know that if it were up to us we would not chose what the US wants us to choose – the democracy that the US wants for us is “the right to choose what the US Administration’s best interest is”!!!
**I lived in Iraq during the time of Saddam, I’m no Bathist (although I don’t think it’s bad to be one) but I know that while Saddam may have been harsh, he did more good than bad actually – his problem is that he is not what the US wants, it’s not just about oil; KSA has oil, do you see the US intending to invade it? Of course not because the government in KSA is an employee for the White House and they do what they are told exactly even though it’s against the benefit and the will of the Saudis!!
Source(s): my flesh and blod + history - Anonymous1 decade ago
What has this got to do with 'Ramadan'...or am I being vicious and abusive? Perhaps bullying from another country might be part of a reason. The indiscrimate shooting by British soldiers in Londonderry, Northern Ireland (30 January 1972) - known as Bloody Sunday was not seen as 'terrorism', but the return of fire - throughout the 70's/90's by Catholic Republicans was indeed called thus.
Don't you think the word 'terrorism' is a word overused by bullying states and countries who are getting it back by the 'underdog'...indeed - a law they can create to keep the 'underdogs' down - and if you are unfortunate enough to have a different shade, be murdered by London police for being mistaken as an Asian 'terrorist' whilst going about your innocent business on an underground train? As De-Lite tells us, 'terrorism' is an abstract concept, with certain parts of the populist Western media using it continuously (brainwashing, bedamned) as an argument against ALL, rather than some Muslims, Russians - and anyone else who they have decided not to like this week/month/year.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
'I know one of the reasons is the foreign policy of UK and USA, and the fact that nothing is being done to stop the exploitation and killing of Iraqi, Afghani and Palestinian civilians.'
Hhmmm you sound like another person who would rather 'blame the west' instead of look at your own people and realise that the problem is coming from your own selves. Even non-Muslims are against the exploitation and killing of Iraqi, Afghan and Palestinian civilians- myself included- but you don't see me or other non-Muslims becoming terrorists & suicide bombers because of it, do you?
I believe it is down to brainwashing. The teachings of Islam are being taken and used to justify terrorism. Uneducated people are being taught this twisted version of Islam. What Islam preaches is easily open to interpretation., and like it or not... yes the Quran and the Hadith CAN be used to justify violence and terrorism. Report me if you like, I don't care.
Edit: @asker I didn't say the problem is in the teaching. I said the problem is in the WAY it is being taught. I remember you saying you watched the 'Undercover Mosque' documentary.... well that shows what I mean.... how that verse about being friends with non-Muslims was being twisted by the teacher to say Muslims should not associate with non-Muslims. See what I mean about how it is easily open to interpretation?
Edit: and how is my view 'one-sided'?? I am somebody who is neutral and unbiased in this. If anything YOU are one-sided as you are closing your mind to anything which is anti-Islam. You need to wake up and realise that Islam LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE in the world has it's flaws, and closing your mind to these flaws is not going to get you anywhere.
- 1 decade ago
Here's a video that might help:
The rest of the videos are under: Dr. Zakir Naik -Terrorism and Jihad Part
I haven't watched the whole thing. It has 19 parts.
If I were you I wouldn't misjudge Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussain. In a sense, they both seem like pious men. Don't call me a terrorist. There is a lot of proof that 9/11 was an inside job. When you look at Bush's face right before the plane crashed, you can see that he seemed liked he was anticipating for the attack.
Here's another video about why 9/11 was an inside job:
As for Saddam Hussain, I guess he'll go to Paradise. Didn't he recite the Kalimah and touch the Qu'ran before his death?
U.S. really needs to stop butting in.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
I agree with you that nothing in Islam does honor terrorism. I am non-Muslim but I respect and value the Islam religion.
Unfortunately, as with people from every religion, every ethnicity, every creed -- some people will commit evil acts. A so-called Muslim who kills innocent people is not a real Muslim - as a Muslim is defined as "one who submits to the Creator of mankind, the heavens and the earth." God commands people to be kind and do good deeds, to take care of the poor and less fortunate, and to protect innocent people from harm or injustice. Therefore, if someone kills an innocent person, they are not "submitting to the will of God" and cannot be considered a Muslim.
Basically, Terrorists in my opinion are sick and twisted individuals and every religion has their "black sheeps".
- 1 decade ago
The main reason behind terrorism is hatred and intolerance.
By the way, why do you ask this question on the Ramadan section where most people are muslims here and then you say don't post anything against Islam. Bringing such a topic (terrorism) in an islamic forum automatically relates Islam to terrorism. Isn't that what the non muslims say?
I also think that Sura 9 in the Quran plays a role in spreading hate and intolerance among muslims. No I don't deserve being reported for saying that although you are free to report me. All I mean is sura 9 is often misinterpreted, by muslims themselves. Many muslims take it in a negative way, dont understand it, and hate the non muslims because they think sura 9 tells them to hate.
One more thing, I wish my sisters and brothers in Islam stop throwing the blame in everything on USA, UK, Or Israel. If the muslims really love and really want peace, and really are brothers, then why would any external policies let them hate each other and kill each other as it happens in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, etc.. No external policies should be able to affect Islamic love and brotherhood, unless their Islam is weak..
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Wrong interpretations of Ayahs in the Qur'an is an important factor (and it happens here all the time, so you know all about that). Many ignorant or uneducated Muslims interpret the Ayahs wrong, and then they start spreading it to other people like themselves. Soon, 1000's believe the interpretation, and then it's chaos. They think we're supposed to kill everyone and anyone whose in our way and is not Muslim.
Then there's the evil living inside many people (not only Muslims). The desire to kill people in a way which will make them famous is very tempting to them, which is why they start the stupid massacres.
Another thing could be that fact that there exist numerous families which are 'incomplete'. Meaning that they have lost a member of their family because of the bombings and all. So to avenge their souls they decide to kill more of the opposing side, which in fact kills more innocent people than anything else.
Hope this is what you were looking for =)
Ramadan Kareem.
EDIT: I agree with Mimi loves Haifa.
- majeed3245Lv 71 decade ago
Assalamu Alaikum, My dear sister in Islam,
Christians and Jews are occupying Muslim lands and crush every demand brutally with the latest armaments that US provides their
terminators. Muslims are helpless for last 60 years in Palestinian having nothing to fight with. Same is going on in Iraq. US went to occupy Iraq for oil on baseless accusations of WMD. Muslims can not fight with Americans having no arms like their enemies have. Yes Allah has forbidden suicide if a person kills himself because of tension, sickness or his miserable life. These Mujahiddeen think we will get killed sooner or later fighting against the most power full armies in this world. Then why not we die by using our bodies and kill few of theirs also.
The enemies of Muslims have no solution to suicide bombing. Very few suicide bombers get killed, but they always kill several and some time 30 to 50 of their enemies. They believe dying for the freedom of their future generation is best cause and they will enter in Jannah the minute they will die. So they do it. Allah says I see your intention
before I see what you do. This is the basis of their using suicide bombings.
M<ay Allah guide us on the right path of Islam, and forgive our mistakes.
- porquemoiLv 61 decade ago
Islamic intolerance is the main reason for terrorism in the world. You demonstrate this intolerance by saying you will report anyone who says anything against islam. Report me and prove I am right.
In 8:12 of the koran allah brags about terrorizing people, and tells muslims to chop off "infidels" heads.
America saved Iraq from Saddam and you hate us for it. Why do you wish we had not stopped Saddam from murdering muslims?
- 1 decade ago
Political Rule. That is the main reason for any of this.
Some muslims are being exploited that way.