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After Obama is elected how long will it take to establish Utopia in the US?

Is Change fairly instant or does it take time for the magic to set in? Will I be able to stop working live the good life when those evil rich people give me all their money. Can I make a doctors appointment for next January and count on getting free health care? How soon will the government start making my mortgage payments?

How soon before the French start to love us and when will those pesky Russians and Arabs give us free oil. Will the Iranians and N Koreans open their Nukes to inspection immediately after the election or will they wait for the inauguration?

32 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I could NOT say !!

    Does Obama's daughter's PTA have a Utopia ??

    The MAIN, bad idea of Obama, that I believe ALL True Americans should research and READ is .. Obama's Global Poverty Act (S.2433) which will surrender America's sovereignty to the United Nations !!

    I .. HAVE .. and .. WILL .. Vote for the BEST person for the job !!

    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the Best person to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


    Why would WE want ANYONE that does not have ANY mangerial experience to TRY to be THE President of THE United States of America ???

    Can YOU get over the FACT that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama IS going to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations ???

    ALL ... TRUE Americans need to READ the Global Poverty Act (S.2433) !!!


    Governors MANAGE ENTIRE STATES !!!

    JUNIOR U.S. Senators TRY to Legislate !!!

    JUNIOR U. S. Senator Obama did NOT complete his FIRST term in office !!

    ... with just 143 days of ACTUAL experience

    ... HE decided

    ... that he DESERVED to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Unions, and the Democrats are sending messages to big business to downsize in America and send more jobs to foreign countries.

    Brilliant ideas from JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Democrats and the Unions (SARCASM) !!!!


    MOST JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama Supporters do NOT care about his ideals and policies ... they JUST WANT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN as President !!!

    I have NO problem voting for an African American or a woman or any other minorty as long as they are the BEST PERSON for the position !!!

    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the BEST person to be OUR President of THE United States of America !!


    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is ANTI-American.

    WE NEED to start doing the "REPORT ABUSE" Button on the ABUSIVE Obama Supporters for EVERY LITTLE ... POSSIBLE ... Violation, like they do to the rest of the people on here !!!!


  • 1 decade ago

    Whoever told you Obama will establish Utopia was lying to you.

    Of course, anyone with more than one functioning brain cell wouldn't have believed such an obvious absurdity.

    Chainge is NOT fairly instant; magic isn't real. No one thinks everyone can stop working and live the good life; Obama never said that, and whoever keeps telling you these lies is not someone you should believe since everything they say is a lie.

    Abortions are legal in the US. That's because people own their own bodies, we are not the property of the government.

    No one is saying completely free health care. Bush is bailing out the companies responsible for the mortgage crisis (using YOUR money to do so, since he refused to regulate them to prevent the crisis in the first place).

    No who has any brain at all think Obama said he's paying everyone's mortgage.

    IF we elect a decent human being for a change, a lot of people will begin to think maybe we aren't all hate-mongering, brain-dead mass murdering thieves.

    No one thinks people are going to give us free oil.

    Iranian has already allowed inspections of their nukes; those who've seen and who actually know what they're talking about say they are NOT pursuing weapons.

    Get your mommy to explain the concept of knowing what one is talking about; apparently you've never heard of it before.

    I would think that having been ruled by liars for so long, more people would be sick of it; instead what's happened is that many people have forgotten the distinction between lies and truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Never. The national debt has to be dealt with first and foremost so you will have to work more to pay the taxes that will be imposed,you will still have to make your mortgage payments because the government won't have any money,better start saving for your doctors appointment (just don't let Obama find it,the taxes will be massive).

    The arabs will charge more for oil if Obama keeps his promise to drill for oil here,but will not give us free oil.

    N. Korea and Iran will tell him "no" to inspections and the U.N. will send vibrators to the american people with a note telling us to have fun with ourselves.

    Welcome to American Utopia!

    Mommanuk! The democrats bankrupted the U.S. with the war in Vietnam and their "Great American Society"program during the Johnson administration.

  • 5 years ago

    Hopefully never. But every new President is tested - every one of them. Let's hope it isn't to the extent that Bush was tested. Although I would expect it to be handled better by Obama if it does happen. EDIT: What did Biden mean? Exactly what he said. He didn't infer what the specifics were - whether an attack or an international crisis. He just drew from history and made a reasonable conclusion. Like I said, ALL Presidents are tested.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, so you take how many years it has taken to set up Utopia in Iraq and call that X. Then you divide the population of Iraq by the population of the United States, call that Y. Then you multiply X and Y. Divide it by two out of kindness and that is the very soonest you will see the Utopia occur in the United States.

  • 1 decade ago

    I could ask, how long after McCain is elected will it take for us to continue to slide into bankruptcy, the value of the dollar continue to drop into the basement because of our indebtedness, and the death toll in Iraq to reach 5000, but I won't. What I will say is that anyone with a good overview of our current situation knows that neither man will be able to bring Utopia. Things are going to get worse, no matter who is elected because the last few decades have gotten enough force rolling behind our downfall that it is going to be a Herculean task to stop it. I do believe that Obama will come closer to slowing the decline than McCain would.

  • lvgeno
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As long as it took for Hilarious Clinton to install the Clinton Universal Health Care plan. Oh wait .. it took 8 long years to work out the details and now they want at least 4 more to continue working out the details. Americans have such short memories.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OOH you make it sound so good. I don't think it will happen instantly.

    The right wing nut jobs have to be silenced first, and they may not go down without a fight. First we will have to finish off any media outlets who are critical so the message won't be corrupted. Then we will have to establish politically correct laws to punish individuals who are nonbelievers in the CHANGE. Gun control is a must. All weapons must be removed from the populace just in case they get any nasty notions of fighting back.

    There is such a lot to do. Home schooling must be abolished, can't have any independent thinkers out there. All children will be indoctrinated into the Obamanation.

    We will have abortion clinics and mosques on every other corner.

    The Christians will have to go underground to practice their faith, cause we sure don't want to hear from any of them.

    In fact Obama has his work cut out for him, he will have a lot of changing to do before he can lead us into the perfect society. Some of us are pretty ornery and are used to living in a free and responsible country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not All Rich people are evil just profiteering greedy gouging Rich people . You may prefer to see American families struggling to pay high home heating bills etc. You may not care about the working class American Family - You may not care that so many American jobs have been lost -you may not care that the US dollar is not worth the paper it is printed on . But I Do

    Obama and Biden O8> A Team that does care About America

  • 1 decade ago

    Judging by the anger reactions of his followers when someone does put him down well............ or comes up with a better vice president nominee, If they are waiting for that "change" they better very quickly become patient people . Excuse me while I laugh maniacally .

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