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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

I purged last night. If I tell my counselor than will she tell my parents?

Ive been um purging off and on for 5 years now and I have also been using laxatives. This is embarrassing but um i dont know what to do.


Im 14 and will be 15 in January

Update 2:

I do think im fat. Im like 5'0 and 114 pounds. i want to be 105 I know that this is bad. Im going to get help.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are under the age of 18 then legally, they can tell your parents if they ask. But if you ask them not to tell your parents and they will probably try their best not to because they want to maintain the trust they have with you. But if you do not feel like you can trust your counselor, you do need to tell a close friend or someone else that you can trust that will help you and keep you accountable, I know what you're going through and that it is very hard, but you can get through, And trust me, you are not fat.

  • 1 decade ago

    well I'm 15 years old too and for me this idea of purging is just so weird. i cant believe that you've been doing this since you were nine! God when i was nine i didn't give a **** what i looked like, i didn't care about what i ate and how fat i got. obviously what you need to do is stop purging but i can tell that will be a bit hard for you cos you've been doing it for 5 years. hopefully you yourself want to stop purging as well otherwise why would you be asking for help. all i can say is that just gradually reduce the frequency of your purges so that you get used to purging less and less instead of going off it cold turkey. please listen to me girl, you're still really young, you do not want to ruin your life by having this eating disorder controlling your life. just remember that being skinny is not the most important thing in the world. life is too short to obsess about your weight this much. just enjoy yourself, enjoy life and definitely enjoy the food! go eat a chocolate bar or something... but don't puke it up! you'll feel empowered!

  • 1 decade ago

    Purging is very bad as it decays your teeth in your mouth and the muscles & tissues too. Since you purge it's not only the food that comes back up but the hydrochloric acid as well, that's why there is a burning stinging feeling in your mouth sometimes, that is what hurts your mouth.

    As for using laxatives you don't want to get your body used to using them as then the body won't be able to function normally by doing it itself, the body will think you're going to try laxatives & when it doesn't get them the body will be confused & you may get sick.

    I recommend you stop, & if you can't do it yourself tell your counselor, I'm sure he/she won't tell your parents unless you get out of control & not listen to your counselor's instructions.

  • The counselor's job is to make sure that you are okay in all aspects. So, yes, if you tell her, she'll get you help and make sure your parents know. That's just part of her job, and it needs to be done so that you can get the help you need. Don't let it scare you away from telling her.

    You took an important first step on here. Yeah, it's just Y!A, and it's probably not going to get you very far, but at least you're asking someone for advice. =)

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  • 1 decade ago

    CHICK, I THINK U NEED TO TELL SOMEONE. u need help. i was bulimic for years and years before i got the help i needed. u need to tell your counsellor and ask her to not tell your parents but she might have to because this is a major risk to your health.

    go to the doctor?

    you need some mental health help sweetheart.

    its tough to get through but it is possible. it takes time to recover, but it does eventually happen.

    dont use laxatives its messed me up in the loing run and i wishj id never have taken them now.


    laxatives only lose you water weight, they just make you feel better, but you are not gonna lose weight with them. i have serious complications now bcause i used to use them ,u dont wanna know but itd scare u. stop asap. please.

    the being sick will rot your teeth and mess your stomach oh god its awful. u need to stop darling. i am speaking from experience if only u knew what damage permanantly you are doing to yourself.

    tell your counsellor, you need help to stop, i know how addictive it can be. but it doesnt even help u lose weight, serious!!!

    best wishes and i hope you are ok. u probably have body dysmorphic disorder, where u r not seeing your true self. u r probably not fat in the slightest. gee. i hope ur ok. x

  • 1 decade ago

    That depends. Some councilors will but one thing remains constant: they always tell the truth. SO before you talk to the councilor, ask "How much of what i say is confidential?" usually they will say "well, all of it unless you are committing suicide." but, whatever they say, realize you have the power to say "thank you very much" and simply walk out at any time.

    Good luck, it sounds like your having some hard times.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would speak to your school counselor and have him or her bring your parents in because the counselor can better educate themselves and explain it more simple and have your parents not freak out as much and he or she can help you get into a program to help you

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to talk to your parents about it so that they can get you the help that you need. And your right if you tell your counselor she will tell your parents.

  • 1 decade ago

    I doubt she will tell your parents, tell her not to and im pretty sure that she isn't allowed to without your permission.

    If you're worried about it then tell your counsellor that you wan to discuss something but will only talk about it if he or she promises not to say anything to your parents.

    Good luck and get better soon

  • 1 decade ago

    you NEED to get help, its soo good that you feel you need to tell your counselor. your counselor cant tell. do not worry. i had the same problem 3 years ago. if i didnt tell my counselor, who knows where i would be today. we did tell my parents everntually, but it was for the best. good luck

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