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Why do people ask questions on here and then not vote for a best answer? ?

I have answered several questions here in the last week or so, and I have been chosen best answer by the voters. Are the askers just to lazy to go in and choose a best answer or do they simply forget that they need to do it?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some people just don't care about choosing a best answer.They have their answers and that is all they care about.

    Sometimes people have a few really good answers and they just can't decide so they stick it into vote,and also a lot of people don't want their contacts thinking they are playing favorites..

    I think if someone can go to the trouble of answering then the person could at least choose a best answer too...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there are a few reasons: 1) some people are lazy or don't care, 2) some forget or only come on occasionally so it goes into voting before they come back on again and 3) the person may have a dilemma in choosing between two or more very good answers so they let the voters decide.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not exactly. The askers probably don't know which answer to choose, because there was more than one intelligent answer, that could get a Best answer. So the asker, but the Best Answer(BA) up for grabs, to see who the people think deserve the BA.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when i dont choose a best answer is because it takes me a while to log back on, or sometimes i just forget, and when i do its already up for voting. Im guessing its the same for other people

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  • 1 decade ago

    I asked a few questions and then my "so-called" qualified electricians blew up my wireless router by repeatedly turning on/off the power to my home....

    I was gutted especially as the worst answer won!


  • 1 decade ago

    It is my opinion that is a matter of apathy.

    The askers just don't care. They get what they want and move on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont know how to....

    And no one answers my questions

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