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dgreer58 asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Why are humans so obsessed with animals? Feed a hungry child instead of animals.?

40 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Concern for the welfare of animals and concern for the welfare of the aged and very young go hand in hand. Did you know the very first child abuse case in the USA was brought to court by the New York City ASPCA? That's society for prevention of cruelty to animals. A 10 yr old girl was being repeatedly beaten severely by her father. The ASPCA's winning argument was that by this point in time it was illegal to beat a horse in the streets. Why shouldn't this girl get at least as much protection from the law as a horse gets?? The jury agreed, and the girl was rescued from her abuser. It doesn't have to be an either or situation. Many of those who donate to animal related causes also do so to food pantries, children's organizations, medical research, etc. God appointed us as stewards of the earth. As such we need to oversee the well being of both humans AND animals, as well as the environment itself that supports us.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would love to help children, unfortunately, I have not yet been able to adopt as adoption is ridiculously expensive. Domestic adoption is a possibility, but, so far mostly special needs that case workers want an 'experienced' parent for.

    Until I can help children, I will help animals. I will even continue to help animals after I am able to work with children. I think teaching children compassion and volunteerism is vital in the early years. Too many people grow up so self-centered that they can't appreciate the acts of kindness people do or do anything for anyone.

    Do you actually help out anywhere or volunteer with anything? I find most of the time the serious mudslingers at animal rescuers often don't help anyone or anything at all. I don't care whether someone volunteers at a library, a museum, a park, a nursing home or an animal rescue or even their children's school. People should not be made to feel guilty for doing something good for the world they live in. The only people who SHOULD feel guilty are those that do nothing but sling mud at those that do help.

    Fact of the matter is, it's EASIER to help animals. I catch strays and help them find homes. Should I ignore the stray because a child is starving in Africa? Will that really do anyone any good? No, the child in Africa will still starve and there's nothing I can really do about it in my current financial situation. I CAN help the stray cat, so I choose to help the stray cat rather then do nothing to benefit the world around me.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a lot harder to feed a hungry child than a hungry animal.

    If you know a homeless animal and can take it in, there is no problem--it's yours. If you know a homeless child and can take it in, and are able to bear the additional legal costs to be allowed to take it in, and then if you don't get hung up on some red tape, maybe you'll be allowed to adopt the child.

    If you give money to care organizations rather than taking a hands-on approach to these problems, most animal care organizations have a lesser share of their income spent on overhead than people care orgainzations. Again, this is probably due in no small part to the red tape and problems with giving aid to people.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Why save the polar bears?"

    "Why do dogs sometimes "adopt" kittens/bunnies?"

    Should humans be so selfish as to believe that they are the only creatures that have problems in this world. If it wasn't for us we wouldn't need to help the animals or feed those hungry children. Humans brought this all misfortune upon themselves.

    "How are the ones who are destroying all the resources that we all need along with other creatures?"

    If we weren't too smart for our own good all children would be able to "gather" there own food like animals as that is what we are. Unfortunately there are those people who have depleted the natural resources that could make this possible and children no longer have to Instinct or are being taught to survive on nature like animals have. It is not the children's fault nor is it the animals fault they have there problems, it is the current tycoons and our ancient ancestors.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Yes. Love and empathy can be found in all forms of life. If you are satisfied with the company of an animal(s) than that is perfectly fine. But naturally you may feel lonely when your pets don't interact with you in the way you need them to. In this case, it might be okay for you to live simply with animals right now, you always have time for a human companion later :] And if anyone tells you things along the lines of "you're weeiiirdd" don't listen to them. They're simply ignorant and know that they couldn't live with merely an animal companion. Hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    I cant believe you would ask this As I always say THE ANIMALS WERE HERE FIRST. Humans basically just came one day and said we are taking away all of your homes and making things for us. Because of humans animals are being hunted into extinction. The question is why do people think we are SO much better then the animals???

  • 1 decade ago


    I think most people are doing a pretty good job at doing both.


    I know people obsessed with both feeding animals AND feeding children around the world.

    It's like an oxymoron.

    There is no connection to the part "instead".

    While I agree that all children should have enough to eat, shelter etc. I also think our animals should have enough to eat, shelter etc.

    "Feed all hungry children & animals."

  • Halo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because it's NOT my responsibility to feed someones kid. If a person has a child and can not feed it, that's not MY problem. That is complete ignorance on the part of the parent. Animals don't know there is birth control.

  • You have a good point although not all humans are like this. Some actually care about both, like me. But see I know this sounds like an excuse, but hear me out. As others agree it is much harder to feed hungry children and many are actually hungry because their dictators are controlling them so it is virtually impossible for a "regular" person to feed these without connections-

    So we adopt and feed animals because we are inhabiting their planet too, they were here first..but inside we do care and most of us even have kids of their own,

    Before I sign out- just for the record they are not obsessed just becaus e they are vegetarian or care,own or adopted a animal, they are just caring about something else smaller than them like children(I am not saying children are animals just the opposite)or animals-just depends..

    :) Have a great day :)

    Source(s): A good, wise friend
  • 6 years ago

    Because animals matter just as much as humans. Humans are no better than animals. Animals are defenseless creatures against humans for the most part. We destroy their environments, abuse them, separate them from their families. Humans can be disgusting creatures towards them. My question is why don't you care as much about animals? Animals starve too. Animals get their homes destroyed and become "homeless" in a sense too. Just because they can't speak or don't look like us doesn't mean they don't feel pain,physically and mentally. Animal lives matter just as much as human beings. Animals can't just fly in a plane somewhere else when their ecosystem is destroyed. They can't ask for donations when their food supply is low or gone. They are more defenseless than humans

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