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Lv 6
Toots asked in Business & FinancePersonal Finance · 1 decade ago

Have you gotten THIS desperate yet?

Today, my husband is selling our wedding bands..we need the money. We have sold, cut-back, and done without..and nothing seems to get us, not ahead, but just on an even-keel. With gas and food prices, etc..even though we's not enough. Have any of you had to go this far? My heart is kind-of hurting today knowing my beautiful wedding band will be gone. Am I the only one?


To answer a few questions and to clarify: we lost our home to foreclosure this year and declared bankrupcy (Chp.13, the kind you pay back) due to my husband's foot being crushed on the job- he's been on Worker's Comp since 4/07. He cannot get another job until his surgeries (4 to-date, one more to go) are over, or we will loose the small weekly check we get from W.Comp. -we are a long way from settling w/the Ins. Co. / My husband pays child support-we have had it reduced, but it is still tough/ we have NO credit cards/ we save spare change, have sold tools, etc, we use one car to save on expenses, I make too much to qualify for any kind of govmt assistance. My job is 35 miles away, but is the best paying in our area (trust me) for my skills. We live in a coastal area, and rent is expensive (this is where we're from-our parents are here, his daughter, etc); we have borrowed from family, cannot get a loan, NEVER eat out, go to movies (or even rent them), and I clip coupons.

Update 2:

I know my marriage is more than the ring- it's just that we married later in life (childhood sweethearts) after his divorce and I was widowed (both of us single for about 2 years before we started dating). I have a good marriage, and I'm thankful.

He just called and got less than we thought for the rings, then he stopped to get gas, and the key broke off in the ignition.

What next?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bless your heart, we're struggling too. Don't worry, when you get back on your feet (and you will) - you can get new wedding bands. I know that it won't be the same, but sometimes we have to do what we have to do to survive. Keep your chin up sweetheart, at least you have a husband who loves you & wants to take care of you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope we have not.

    I am sorry that you have come to this. We have been desperate before - years ago - and had to sell other things, but never our wedding rings. Probably partly because our wedding bands weren't worth all that much anyway.

    But there was a time when I had three small children and I was trying to feed our family on $75 per month (only 15 years ago). It was hard.

    If you are low income, you might apply for nutrition assistance (food stamps) and medical. If you have two children, and are paying for daycare, I would analyze whether one of your jobs is really paying you, or if you are paying for it. Particularly if one of you earns less than $30 K per year.

    You might consider down-sizing your home.

    Cut up your credit cards.

    My husband and I have started taking a class at our church called Financial Peace University. We just had the first class Sunday night. They had a lot of interesting tips, like setting a goal of saving $1000 in the next month (not possible for some) as an emergency fund. Then once you reach that goal, setting a further goal of saving 3 - 6 months expenses as an emergency fund.

    The other part of the class - along with tons of other great information about finances in general, is getting rid of debt. Apparently there is some way to do it that works pretty well (obviously it starts with not incurring more). But I havent gotten there yet so I don't know what it is.

    Anyhow, the seminar is a video seminar by Dave Ramsey, who was a millionaire, and lost it all when he was young. Though that doesn't sound like very good qualifications to teach other people how to keep their own money, he actually did set out to find out about what money really is and how it works, and has worked his way back from that pit.

    I am so sorry about your beautiful wedding band. Be glad you have a beautiful marriage. Remember - the wedding isn't in the band, and neither is the marriage. Best wishes to you both.

  • JennyH
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I haven't had to go that far yet.....but, we had to borrow money from my Aunt, We went through a program with our mortgage where the months we were behind, they just put them to the back, and we have a month to catch up. We have a huge "piggy bank" that we would save our extra change in....we had to use all of that for diapers and groceries...we are still behind...and I feel like we will never be caught up. We tried state assistance, where are one and two year olds are concerned and my husband makes too much. I want more hours at my job, but it's too expensive for day care, and I am lucky the 12-15hours I work a week, I have my mom watch them. It sucks! You are not the only one going through this, trust me the ring issue has been brought up. My husband, works kinda far and we spend $280 a month in just gas alone...that's my car payment! Which we are behind in too. Some how, some way hopefully your family, my family...and anybody else out there gets some sort of break...I don't know how long I can go on like this!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, my husband and I have been this desperate before. We've been married for just over 6 years and I probably haven't had wedding rings for the last 3. We're saving up once again to buy a new set. I'm sorry things are so tough, but they'll get better. It will just take some time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know your situation on a personal level, however look into some ways to create income. Do you have a hobby or talent, even if you don't a part time job helps to bridge the gap. It depends on your situation. I once took a paper route job for a summer to pay down some of the bills and now we're back on track.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so sorry for your situation... We are trying to keep our heads above the water but haven't had to go that route. All of the above answers are great ones, I just wanted to add that when you finally get on your feet again and are able to get new rings, make it a symbolic ceremony. A renewing of the vows. Something to make it memorable and make the rings more special for all the things you went through to finally get them.

    I wish you all the luck... God Bless your Family!

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't feel hurt, he is just doing his best as a husband to try and support you. Thats what a marriage is about, it has nothing to do with the rings on your fingers.

    I understand that the rings are a symbol of your love but surely "for richer, for poorer" plays a part too?

    Good luck with your financial situation, we all know what its like.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know what it feelsl like to be desperate but all you have to do is have faith, take it easy, things will get better in due time. Good luck and god bless

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry I'm unable to answer but I wish you both good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    life has its ups and downs ayee.. we all get 'desperate' in some point in our lives..

    things though//.. are getting way too expensive :(

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