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Obama tried to delay withdrawal agreement of U.S. troops in Iraq to get the credit for ending the war?

According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July.

So while campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence.

Iraq is doing much better than its friends hoped and its enemies feared. The UN mandate will be extended in December, and we may yet get an agreement on the status of forces before President Bush leaves the White House in January.

"He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington," Zebari said in an interview.

Obama insisted that Congress should be involved in negotiations on the status of US troops - and that it was in the interests of both sides not to have an agreement negotiated by the Bush administration in its "state of weakness and political confusion."

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, he did. He's a disgusting pig and should be tried for this treasonous act against our country! View the youtube video below to hear Zebari. Obama is showing his true colors, finally! Thankfully, the truth is coming out BEFORE election day - I dread the thought of what he'd do if he somehow managed to get elected. I pray that his 'supporters' will open their eyes and educate themselves.

    On Monday, this was reported in the NY Post. I know that all the Obamafreaks are going to say we shouldn't believe it because it's 'only the Post' - but I find it very telling that the NY Post stands behind its story and says that it absolutely will NOT retrack it. And, Obama, knowing the seriousness of the accusations, makes a small statement hoping it will all blow over. If it's not true, Obama should be calling for an investigation and should be out to clear his name. It's interesting that he doesn't want to do that.

    He looks like a traitor. Using the lives of our soldiers, and deceiving our nation (during a time of war) - just to win an election - is disgusting. Under the Logan Act, what he did is a felony! For his sake, I hope it's not true. But, his actions make it appear to be nothing but the truth.

    I guess this shouldn't surprise anyone - Mr. Mohamed Salim Al-Churbaji a/k/a Salim Alchurbaji continues working for the Obama campaign - even after his father, Islamic TERRORIST Mohammed Al-Churbaji a/k/a "Abu Salim" a/k/a "Abu Mohammed Salim" was convicted and ordered deported on August 25, 2008. Obama doesn't even hide his terrorist ties anymore! He goes home laughing each night about how many ignorant people he fooled each day. Every person that is FOR Obama, needs to take their blinders off. They are quite obviously not seeing the whole picture - they are treating him like a god, and are refusing to see any of his faults. It's gotten so bad that they refuse to see the truth when it's staring them point blank in the face!

    On the bright side, the way Obama and his campaign have been acting since the convention has been comical and highly entertaining. He's grasping at straws and it's actually fun to watch and see what insane nonsense will spew out of his mouth next! He knows he's sinking fast, and he's doing anything he can to 'attack' McCain/Palin and draw attention away from himself, but it's backfiring big time. His 'attacks' are laughable, at best. He's dropping fast in the polls. Many of dems are finally seeing him for what he really is, and they realize that he is NOT the answer. Personally, I'm still waiting to hear WHAT he's going to do FOR our country. Instead of pointing fingers, let's hear his stance on something - anything! I know what he thinks is wrong with McCain/Palin, but I don't know how he plans to do a better job.

    I admit that I didn't know much about either candidate. I don't follow politics - I actually find it quite boring. But, election day is approaching fast. In a post-9/11 America, I refuse to vote in a Presidential election without doing research on both candidates. I am pleading with the Obamafreaks - Please, do your own research. Don't base your vote on who Hollywood thinks is 'cool' - Make sure that you actually AGREE with what he stands for (and I'm not talking "change" - which is such a broad word that means nothing without him elaborating more. Anything could be considered "change" and the word "change" doesn't necessarily mean "better"). If, AFTER RESEARCHING, you honestly feel that your values, views, and stances are truly the same as Obama's, then by all means, vote for him. If, AFTER RESEARCHING, you honestly feel that Obama has America's best interests at heart, then vote for him. I started researching, and I will continue to educate myself on BOTH candidates up to election day. Right now, I'm for McCain/Palin. I don't agree with everything they stand for, but I do agree with a lot of it. I do truly feel that they care about what happens to this country. I do feel that they would do anything in their power to make sure that we do not have to live through another 9/11. Obama has not shown me anything that makes me think he even likes America - and that's just not someone that I want in charge of our country. But, please, America - do your own research, educate yourselves! Do NOT go ignorantly into a voting booth on election day!

    God Bless America!!

    Source(s): Logan Act: NY Post: You Tube: Coverage of the trial of Mohammed Al-Churbaji a/k/a "Abu Salim," a/k/a "Abu Mohammed Salim," at Immigration Court: Obama/Biden: McCain/Palin: Register to Vote:
  • canam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Obama is so grandiose. He wants to go down in history as the president who ended the iraq war. His knowledge of the war could be written on a pin head. He is more concerned with his own image than the soliders or the iraqi people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Aside from the fact that Obama committed an act of treason under the Logan Act this was politically motivated. Obama trading American lives for a better chance to get elected.

  • 1 decade ago


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  • 1 decade ago

    End the war?! We're not at war with Iraq, we're at war with terrorism. We're liberating the Iraqi's from the terrorist grip.... Remember? This war isn't over.

  • 1 decade ago

    He has a plan up his sleeve. Sneaky. He could also be in violation of the constitution for doing that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, and his campaign affirmed this.

    I can't wait till this story blows up in his face.

    "Obama camp confirms troop pullout delay plan"

  • 1 decade ago

    sigh can you people read? go back and actually read what was done, instead of listening to oliely and a drug Addict (r)ush, by the by none these guys served in the service yet they are willing to send others to die. also bush

  • 1 decade ago

    Proof that Barack is a back-stabbing blankety blank.


  • Jessie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you are going to post stuff like this you need to say where you read it or where we can read it. Why would we believe it without any corresponding evidence?

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