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Why is that the majority of terrorists are muslims ?


I am looking at the problem from a more philosophic view. Mohamed was a great prophet. His teaching may be degenerated into senseless killing is unthinkable in the name of Jihad . In fact a great philosopher, Poet and Yogi of the 20th century has said :

Christ came into the world to purify, not to fulfil. He himself foreknew the failure of his mission and the necessity of his re- turn with the sword of God into a world that had rejected him.

Mahomed's mission was necessary, else we might have ended by thinking, in the exaggeration of our efforts at self-purification, was meant only for the monk and the city created as a vestibule for the desert.

When all is said, Love and Force together can save the world eventually, but not Love only or Force only. Therefore Christ had to look forward to a second advent and Mahomed's religion, where it is not stagnant, looks forward through the Imams to a Mehdi.

Update 2:

Law cannot save the world, therefore Moses' ordinances are dead for humanity and the Shastra of the Brahmin is corrupt and dying. Law released into freedom is the liberator. Not the Pandit, but the Yogin, not monasticism, but the inner renunciation of desire and ignorance and egoism. - Sri Aurobindo .

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think most of the Muslims are orthodox minded..they are more inclined to fundamentalists than any other religions..especially the Indian Muslims..they also are more religious..that's why aftermath of any bomb blast that happens in India,they cry foul of targeting innocent Muslims,where actually they commit the gravest mistake..they should understand that police won't get anything by targeting innocent ones,& that they arrest someone only after they probe & analyze the case..

  • 1 decade ago

    Because by gen population level, muslims are the 2nd populated religion next to christians.. and we are only aware of those who do terrorism and incidently they happen to be muslims..! but actually a very good question.. very strange that u din get loads of answers..! well i'd say, the one who provokes the terrorism in a man has to be considered himself a terroris.. in that case americans are a type of terorists to themselves..! no american likes the other!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because American initially provided training in such activities, hence this. If u go through the materials in that subject, you will understand that whether am I correct or not.

    Source(s): learnt
  • 1 decade ago


    my cause of fear is

    why majority of Muslims are Terrorists ?? or support terror

    I think they should stop HALLAL system to kill animals cruelly. It sows the seeds of inhuman activities since childhood. Which religion teaches to kill animals so cruelly?

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  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with phoenix

  • 1 decade ago

    have u ever ask yourself this question "WHY DO THEY BECOME TERRORISTS"

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