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What's going on with the clutch on my car?

I have a 1996 Honda Accord 5-speed. In the last few days I notice that the clutch is acting strange. When I start the car in the morning and step on the clutch, I don't get any resistance until my foot reaches the last few inches of pedal movement.

Once I have driven five or six miles, the clutch tightens up again and feels like it normally does. What's going on and should I take it in for service?


4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check your clutch fluid reservoir, it is next to your brake fluid reservoir.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need a new clutch cyl. Replace it before you have an accident.

    Eventually, your car will start to move even while the clutch is depressed to the floor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    while it could have air in the cyclinder (you have a hydraulic clutch) it could also be fluid leaking around the piston, you need to get this fixed as it will get worse. You will notice without driving it, you can pump it up . get it fixed before something happens and you crash into someome

  • 1 decade ago


    sounds like it might have some air in the line You might need to get it looked at.

    good luck


    Source(s): 40+ years experience
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