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Why do people argue that everyone is bisexual?

A significant proportion of the answers in this section assert that everyone is at least partly bisexual.

I find this hard to believe because I'm not attracted to any men, only to some other women. My best friend is a guy, and I'm not even able to kiss him w/o feeling sick.

So I'm wondering how people can claim that all people are bisexual; they can say, correctly, that many people are bisexual, and that some people are primarily straight and other people are primarily lesbian or gay. But how can they declare that no people are exclusively straight or exclusively lesbian or gay? Or asexual, as the case may be?

What is the evidence? Is this just privileging their theories over other people's experiences?


P.S. for the record, I'm a lesbian.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like to think of sexuality as a spectrum where being completely and exclusaively gay is at one end, and being straight is at the other end, but in between there is a huge assortment of bisexuality. I'd say that about one persect of people are at each end, but 98% of people are bixexual then, and so you can see why people say that everyone is a little bixexual, it's like if you had 100 pennies, but two of them were dull and the rest were shiny, you would say at first glance that they are all shiny:^)

    sorry if this isn't the answer you were looking for:^)

  • 1 decade ago

    I am NOT at all, even a little bit by an stretch of the imagination bisexual. I can't even stomach the thought of kissing a guy - let alone touching him...and yes, I am old and experienced enough to know that I'm not just waiting for the right guy.

    Clearly only some of you are familiar with Kinsey's work. I'm a rare, but not nonexistant, 6. Also, the rarity of 6's will likely decrease as acceptance increases.

    Just read Dougee's post - I concur.

    To some of the other posters - looking at someone and acknowledging that they have physical characteristics that fit into the generally accepted concept of attractiveness does not make you bisexual. Bisexuality is finding both sexes SEXUALLY attractive!

  • 1 decade ago

    People who make this argument are wrong. Everyone is not bisexual, or potentially bisexual, or even capable of finding the same (or opposite) gender sexually desirable. MOST everyone MAY have these tendencies, but the minute you find one person who doesn't, their theory is blown.

    You sound like a "Gold Star Straight" - someone who has never found the same gender sexually desirable in any way. I am a "Gold Star Gay" and have never found the opposite gender sexually desirable in any way.

    Alfred Kinsey's sex research in the 1950's described human sexuality on a scale from one to six. ONE indicated a completely heterosexual person, SIX indicated a completely homosexual person. Kinsey theorized that ones and sixes were rare, and that MOST people had varying degrees of same and opposite gender sexual experiences and feel between two and five.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not everyone certainly or we would have negative population growth obviously

    but far more than the meager percentages that stats would suggest.

    i have the belief that there are two extremes gay and straight and there are plenty more completely straight people than completely gay

    But like any scale, there are more points in between than at the ends, and there is a fairly consistent distribution from one extreme to the other .

    This would mean that there are very likely more bisexual people than there are gay and straight combined. a quick look on craigslist will show you lots of so called straight men looking for other men to cheat with, so the stats are riddled with examples of false data

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well think of all the mental and personality qualities you look for in a woman, plus more, but the only thing is... that brain is inside a man's head. Would you date that man? It's fine if your answer is no but it's definitely something to ponder. I think everyone has a small fraction of a chance of loving the gender they aren't attracted to, but I'm not gonna go around insisting everyone is bisexual.

  • 1 decade ago

    In my experience it seems that heterosexuals and bisexuals are usually the ones that project their sexuality on others. Straight people believing that every one is straight, bisexuals arguing that every one is bisexual to some degree. I have yet to meet a gay/lesbian person who believes that every one is strictly gay/lesbian.

  • 1 decade ago

    My friend and ex-boyfriends keeps on telling me that.He claims that everybody at on time or another has has had an attraction to both sexes and that everyone is 20% bi. being actually bisexual I don't belive that.I belive there are people who are just plain gay or straight but I also believe most people are bi.

    Source(s): Kinsey's study
  • 1 decade ago

    i think maybe people say that because in an ideal world everyone would be able to love anyone.. not necessarily be attracted to them physically, but maybe to their personality and everything... but we don't live in a perfect world and everyone can't love just anyone.. some people can't love women, some cant love men .. hell some cant even love those of other colors let alone other genders.. I think of myself as able to love anyone.. i love women and men and transexuals, all races, all sizes... anyone.. ~GenderFuct~

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think there is any evidence. I think it's their opinions. I think a good percent of the human population gets confused about their sexuality at one time or another in their life. But I don't for second, believe everybody was bi. If everybody was bi, then there would be no such thing as homophobic people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you're missing the point.

    They're saying to do away with labels, and that everyone can potentially be sexually aroused by a member of any sex; making them indeed, bisexual.

    Source(s): Bisexual, Buddhist
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