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Shaytan is tied up, why we bad then?

Shaytan is tied up , but why we commit more sin than other some muslims eat in the fast, don't sallah, give in too temptation?? If shaytan isn't tempting us , who is??? can it be ourselves, are we our own demons and shaytan???

Another thing ...Jahaanam' s doors are closed, and Jannah's doors are open. So does that mean if a bad person, like a gangster or murderer die, they go to Jannah because Jahaanam's doors are closed??

Just curious.


wow!!!!! hold on!!! im not questioning my perfect religion.

I was just curious.It's just a question.

Gosh, i never new you people are so judgemental...after all it's ramadan.Be nice.

im shocked .

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aslamualaikum there!

    Shaitan is really tied up coz this is the Hadees, so no doubt sbout it. But u see Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that wen someone commits a sin a black dot appears on his heart. If he repents, its cleared but if he doest his whole heart turns black and then no good enters his heart n hes inclined towards bad.

    this is one reason we commit sins even wen shaitan is tied up. secondly someone in joke said that shaitan's children are free.thats true coz jinns can also do shaitan's work n they do it in proxy.

    and offcorse u can question. Islam is the most rational religion. it doesnt lessen ur faith but increases if asked in a true spirit.

    and Allah knows best



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Muslims continue doing bad things because they are use to doing it the rest of year... its like a routine for them so even though Shaytan is locked up his teachings lives on within you... you must want to be a better Muslim in this time in order to do the things that is good. AS for Jannah and Jahaanam... We only go to either after the day of Judgment... im not sure what the place is called in Islam for where our souls go...

  • AH
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The same question was asked here, i've answered it there too...;_ylt=AlJez...

    And the gates of hell are closed and the gates of heaven are open only for those who fast. Also, just as we get 70,000 times more rewards for the good we do during the month of ramadan, we also get this much punishement for our bad actions. (intentions are not punished 70,000 times more until they are actually put into action) So a murderer, for 1 breaks their fast, 2 will be punished so much more than in any other month and 3 is truely deprived of good to do such a thing if he is a believer and fasting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    shaytan has no real power except to whisper in people's head and try to convince them to do bad deeds. all he can do is whisper, make false promises and all that, the real think that gets you to follow evil is you own human nature, which is naturally programmed to be comfort loving and selfish,if it were not then life wouldn't be a test would it. its no wonder that the greater jihad is said to be the battle with your own nature

    and you have had a lifetime shaytan's whispering, you have had a lifetime of him trying to exploit you natural comfort loving and selfish nature, a month without the boss doesn't mean that the entire office stops working

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is said that Satan is locked up during the month of Ramadan. If this is so, then how come we see crimes in this month? To whom should such crimes be attributed?

    Answer In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon his Messenger

    "The statement of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that the Satan is locked up during the month of Ramadan does not mean that he cannot influence people who are not abiding by the laws of Allah.

    The statement only means that as far as the believers who are observing the rules of Allah are concerned, Satan control over them is diminished. This month with all of its many blessings and spiritual incentives put pressure on Satan, and therefore it acts as a kind of a barrier between them and it."

    Allah Almighty knows best.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    First Of All, Shaytan is really closed but what we are comiiting sins are that is our soul....!

    And the second thing is if a bad person is dead or gangster he will surely enter Jahannun (hell) because he has done that thing which Allah hates like murder and etc….

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol.. we cant hold Shaytan responsible for every bad thing we do. This means that we are not good muslims and that our own faith is weak. We need to strengthen our Imaan. It is human nature to do everything that he has been told not to. But it is all about Sabr (Patience). Ramadan is all about fighting against our Nafs (personal desires).

  • 1 decade ago

    because , Shytan have children ,lol

    even he is inside a prison , his children are outside

    Another thing ...Jahaanam' s doors are closed, and Jannah's doors are open. So does that mean if a bad person, like a gangster or murderer die, they go to Jannah because Jahaanam's doors are closed??


    i wish in yawm al-qyama this thing happen to me too ,

    what the hack are you talking about ?

    who told you this fake information?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yea i second farheen

    and AYB to these people anyways, no one here is a scholar, no one should be laughed at for asking a simple question!

  • 1 decade ago

    People are sinners, no matter what. Which is exactly why God sent us Jesus. We need to be saved. Thank you for showing that! Accept Jesus as Your Lord and Savior.

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