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i had a car accident and some one put a civil suit against me how long are statue of limitations?

about 10 years ago I had a car accident and the owner of the car put a civil suit against me in colorado. I wanted to know the statue of limitations?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    10 years? I think you are safe.

  • rue
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    As a retired English criminal expert i grow to be drawn on your question for right here the time decrease for bringing claims for inner maximum harm is 3 years from the date the twist of destiny got here approximately - except the claimant is decrease than a disability (often decrease than the age of majority) while the time is 3 years from the incapacity ceasing (18th birthday). So right here, the action on behalf of the previous woman could be statute barred if filed on 24 December 2003, yet your son might have further a declare up till 2004. in spite of if, i've got appeared on the Florida statute and locate the time decrease is 4 years from the date of the twist of destiny - so provided the twist of destiny occurred after the 24 December 1999, a healthy filed on 24 December 2003 is purely in time. who's the claimant interior the case? The executor(s) of her will? i'm particular the Courts right here does no longer have allowed the case to be issued - or if it grow to be it would desire to correctly have been struck out. If no longer, it may fairly have been over and performed with by skill of now as our Courts impose very strict remaining dates on how a case is controlled and run.

  • 1 decade ago

    If i am reading this correctly at least for Maryland the statute of limitations is 3 years, and im pretty sure that it couldnt be much more than that.

    This site says that the statute of limitations to file a complaint is 2 years in colorado.

    Good luck

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I bumped into a really hot Canadian named Paulette & now she is teaching me Pilates in a very amazing way! Is there a danger when practicing martial arts & Naked Pilates at the same time?

    I am KC & I approve this message

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As long as he keeps renewing it then it will be there forever or until you pay him or inherit something that he can take from you.

    In TX they have to be renewed every 7 years.

    Source(s): Remember OJ's civil suit is still active and it's been 10 yrs.
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