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Lv 5
Doc asked in TravelIrelandOther - Ireland · 1 decade ago

Is a united Ireland likely within 25-30 years?

I've seen it suggested that the cultural and social differences between the Republic and the North are too great for reunion to happen. I know there isn't any sense of urgency to end partition, although there are several cross-governmental bodies that are slowly tying the states together.

What are your opinions...will Ireland ever actually reunite? Is it necessary? Is it even desirable? Does the inclusion of the Republic in the EU make reunion more or less likely, or even relevant?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I think Northern Ireland will continue down the road of devolvement, but there will be no united Ireland within that timescale. I think a few more generations need to pass before people will let go of the bitterness and bigotry that keeps nationalist and loyalist extreme groups alive on both sides of the border.

    I am from the Republic and have the whole family legacy of grandparents with old IRA pensions etc, but I have absolutely no desire to see a united Ireland. Things are fine as they are, people aren't killing each other and there is real hope for a lasting peace. I would not want to see that jeopardised for anything.

    The organisations that are working together are for the most part non-political ones (an all-Ireland tourism body, all-Ireland sporting teams etc) and make sense in terms of our shared geographical position. However, those same types of organisations exist between other countries. The Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg countries share certain infrastructure and policy on environment and tourism etc, but there is no move towards creating a Benelux 'superstate'. I don't think increased cooperation in certain areas is a sneaky way of achieving a united Ireland.

    Anyway, like you said, expansion of EU policies makes national boundaries less and less important. EU membership has certainly played a part in eradicating feelings of nationalism in people like myself, and is one of the reasons why I personally am in favour of 'ever closer union'.

    I don't think a united Ireland is inevitable, necessary or even desirable. I definitely don't see it happening in the timeframe you mentioned. There are still a lot of people on the island who will continue to push for a 32-county Ireland, but I hope there are enough of us who would block it if it meant the shedding of one more drop of blood, because without a doubt, if it were to happen that quickly, resistance and conflict would follow.

  • 1 decade ago

    Same here cilia, my family were involved in the struggle for Independence (treated badly by Dev and his FF colleagues hence my hatred of FF) however the republics mindset and my family has changed.

    The idea of united ireland is off the table, also the people in the republic do not want sinn fein to get a majority in the Dail, they would if they had a united Ireland.

    I think in the next ten years you will see political parties from the republic sitting in the norther assemblies, this will not be for the goal of a united ireland as they have stated but to give the people of Northern Ireland another choice other than Sinn fein.

    I have respect for the unionist community in northern ireland and i know you can never force them to drop their traditions but you can build bridges and closer ties that are well meaning and do not have underlying intentions, that's the future for the republic and northern ireland, a closer working relationship for our common interest the greater global issues.

    I believe that the people in the republic are slow to show their nationalism because it has been hijacked by the provos and the sinn fein. We cant celebrate our fight for independence without the adams family(sinn fein) harping on. We feel ashamed because to acknowledge the rising in 1916 and the war of independence because of how the provos used it as a vehicle for their own cause, when the reality is the men of 1916 and 1921 would have shot the provos and the men who signed the proclomation of independence would have been disguisted with how the new ira (post 1922/ 1969) murdered innocent men women and children.

    Thats why I hate the Sinners, for what they have done to denegrate the right of the people in the rebublic to celebrate our heroes, they were men of bravery who steped out of the shadows to fight in the open, not cowards who hid in the shadows with a remote detonator switch.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the schools were integrated (preferably without magic lessons but integration would be a start) i think you would have a sea change in two generations. Many children grow up not even meeting the other tribes and are as such poisoned or at least severely held back intellectually due to their 'proud' sectarian upbringing. when faced with ALL available knowledge you have to believe people will use their own minds to reason and not their forebears.

    As for Europe, Britain is committed anyway and all borders could dissolve further.

    Oh yeah, try telling the north they'll have to pay to go to the doctor too.

    Source(s): half breed myself.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    We in many circumstances in basic terms homicide those that are competing with us whether I doubt different species might get any attention. we've constantly controlled to locate somebody to kill because of the fact of territorial disputes. maximum anthropologists do no longer desire to confess that element of our habit whether it truly is an glaring effect of a speedy start fee. some thing ultimately has to supply. it truly is a stable clarification for our seeming very speedy evolution and in all probability sole possession of the Earth. might nonetheless be some floresiensis or some thing else hiding away someplace.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    As an outspoken mainland Brit I do feel a United Ireland would be more sensible.This does not mean an end to relations with Britain but it would create a new working trading block.London sees NI as an outpost,even now!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it might happen but not soon! i think the republic has enough problems with it's economy right now and i don't think the north are wanting to become united yet!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It won't happen because the Republic could not afford to supplement the Northern Irish budget the same way that Britain do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, i don't think so.things are great the way they are now so why rock the boat unnecessarily.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only when Jesus returns. To much hatred in the leadership, not in the common folk.

  • 1 decade ago

    I cannot say for certain, but I really hope so.

    26 +6 =1

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