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A novel idea for a possible solution to the current financial crisis?

Tougher regulation to prevent credit being marketed and sold to those unable to repay, and (globally agreed) restrictions on sharp practice and the bounteous bonus culture of the financial institutions - well, it would be a start.

Now governments plan to borrow unprecedented sums many on the right wing are calling for the monies to be used for tax breaks to "stimulate entrepreneurs and investment". Here's the thing: Why not give tax cuts to the poor instead?

Significant tax breaks for low to middle income families would help households pay off their sub-prime mortgages - making them rather less "sub" prime - while enabling people to cope with the inevitable inflation about to ensue. This way the economy could be rebuilt steadily through increased stability of those at the "foundations" of society - i.e. ordinary working people.

It's a reversal of the old adage that "to make a rich man work harder you pay him more, to make a poor man work harder you pay him less".

Your thoughts, opinions, critiques, etc. would be appreciated.


7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best thing to do right now is nothing. Let this thing fix itself. Let the crooked idiot lenders lose their shirts and let the idiot buyers learn to borrow within their means. Do that and I'm willing to bet it won't happen again.

    How could the poor use tax cuts? They don't pay much into taxes anyway. Would you have them pay zero taxes? Many of them already do. Give tax cuts to people who are rich so they can hire more employees for their companies or just buy more rich-people-stuff which would bring in more revenue from sales taxes. People who have lots of money tend to spend it on two things:

    1. People who work for them to make them more money.

    2. Merchandise that carries sales and luxury taxes.

    EDIT: By the way, I don't see a disaster. I see some sweet real estate deals in the making.

  • Rachel
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I suppose anything is possible but I don't think this a terrorist attack. I think this is all a home grown problem. I like to follow the money on things like this and a lot of that money has ended up in politicians hands. Barny Frank and Obama have received some very nice campaign contributions from Freddy and Fanny. These "Businesses" know who is watching their back. The problem is the liberals belief that everyone is entitled to own a home. The facts don't support that. A person making $1500 a month can not afford a $2000 a month house payment plus insurance, taxes, utilities, a vehicle, phone service, food, and the list goes own. When mortgage companies are encouraged to loan to these people they have to do some creative financing. Interest only loans for the first few years, reverse amitorizarion, or some other creations I may not be aware of. At some point these loans must adjust and that is what is happening. FDR started it, President Johnson gave it some help and the liberals have been screaming about "Affordable Housing " (spell that cheap or free) ever since. No sir, while you could conceivable have a point, I think this is all home grown and we have no one to blame but vote buying Democrats and wimpish Republicans too chicken to take any action to correct it. My suggestion is to vote out all incumbents and to do so on an ongoing basis. Someone once said that 'Politicians and diapers should both be changed frequently and for the very same reason'.

  • 1 decade ago

    the situation came about due to greedy banks flouting all rules and cutting corners and inbuilt regulation just to inflate their profit figures in order to gain more and more bonuses from the 'spectacular' performance..which was really the height of irresponsibility.

    all the mishandling of finances has shown up now finally..

    it has come to the day of reckoning now --

    all these culprits who are the architects of this world financial crisis are getting multi-million dollar handshakes for the mess they have created! These are actually criminals who are getting away from it...

    there is no point in making more regulations because they will, in time, find some other ways to flout it..

    the banking sector should henceforth have strict adherence to regulations and a military style court martial type of checking their own top bankers if they are wantonly disregarding all the safety barriers..

    it is the ordinary man and woman who are suffering more than ever while these criminals are walking away with plenty millions in their pockets.

    the only thing we need is responsible banks and financiers who stick to the rules and not a reckless crowd..

  • 1 decade ago

    Can I just clarify that your novel idea is to offer tax cuts to low-middle income families so that they can more easily afford their mortgage repayments?

    I am afraid that there is only one possible critique available here... your idea is fundamentally flawed, impractical and implausible. To make a significant difference to households the tax rate would have to cut drastically... thus reducing the money the Government would receive. This has three further consequences:

    1. The Government must borrow even more money (this is what you disagreed with)

    2. Spend less. (Higher crime rates, Poor medical service, No improvements to roads etc)

    3. Tax those who are on a high income even more money. (Not really a novel idea is it)

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  • Just for kicks...

    Let's take that $700,000,000,000 and divide that by 300,000,000 people.

    The net result, would be only $2,333.33 per person.

    Yes, you could eliminate 2/3 of the Americans from the program for one reason or another, but you're still looking at only $7,000 per person.

    Regardless of how you do it, the bail outs are not only going to lead to more National debt, and inflation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why punish the wealthy for being successful? If you work hard and create employment for the low and middle classes shouldn't you be rewarded for that? Why should the poor be rewarded for being poor and the rich punished for being rich? Where is the incentive for entrepreneurs to create industry to grow the economy? Educate the poor so they have the opportunity to work there way out of poverty, That would be my solution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When asking Western school children about the significance of Waterloo, the answer will be something along the lines of ‘the decisive battle between Napoleon and an English lead European coalition’. In fact, the future of the European continent was perceived to depend upon the battle of Waterloo. If Napoleon won, France would have been confirmed as the undisputed master of Europe. If Napoleon was beaten, England would have become the leading power in Europe and greatly expand its sphere of influence.

    What Western school children are not taught - for obvious reasons - is the much bigger story behind the official narrative, the story of one of the biggest frauds in human history. Nathan Rothschild, the head of the English branch of the Rothschild crime family, took advantage of his advance knowledge of the outcome of the battle by tricking the London Stock Exchange into believing that Napoleon had won. The resulting crash of the Exchange enabled Nathan Rothschild’s agents to buy the entire London stock market for a Penny in the Pound and seize control of the Bank of England.

    This shameless fraud was ruthlessly repeated in 1929. The private owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Rothschild subsidiaries J.P. Morgan, City Bank and Chase Manhattan Bank were awash with money earned by financing World War I. Using their market power, Rothschild’s agents first engineered an artificial boom in the stock market, tricking smaller banks and private investors into putting huge amounts of money into the stock market and then deliberately crashed it, enabling the Rothschild agents to buy most of the U.S. stock market. The ripple effect of the New York crash also enabled Rothschild agents in other countries, such as Germany, to buy local corporations at a fraction of their actual value.

    Eighty years later, it looks like our ruling psychopaths are at it again. They are systematically destroying trust in the U.S. dollar, causing holders of large amounts of green bags to sell them. At the same time, the Rothschild’s are preventing the European Central Bank from printing sufficient Euros for U.S. Dollar owners to exchange all of their holdings into Euros. That way Dollar owners are forced to buy gold instead, causing the gold price to explode.

    Simultaneously, the Rothschild’s are using their influence on the media sector to spread rumours of an imminent crash of the U.S. Dollar and international stock markets. As per usual, in the day and age of infowar, those rumours first started in the alternative Internet based media, only to spread into the mainstream business media. Last week’s ‘global stock and credit market warning’ of the Rothschild owned Royal Bank of Scotland means that the next Waterloo must be imminent.

    All it takes is a trigger such as a thwarted Israeli attack on Iran or the blocking of the Persian Gulf for oil transports, followed by a major stock sell-off by Rothschild agents. Once the world’s stock and credit markets have completely crashed, the price of an ounce of gold will be in the thousands, enabling the Rothschild’s and other owners of large gold holdings to buy the market for a fraction of their true value.

    They decide what you read and watch. If you get your information and knowledge from the T.V. and papers then you will be brainwashed. Rupert Murdoch owns 160 newspapers, many tv channels including sky and all news programmes, (they are not called PROGRAMMES for nothing) he also own a Hollywood studio. George Orwell used to work for the BBC, where do you think he got his ideas for 1984? Don't buy newspapers and switch the tv off! Research your own information on the web.

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